/* Demonstrates the 64x48 multicolor mode. This mode is a little tricky to implement, but each pixel can have its own color with no clashing effects. */ #include #include #include #include "common.h" void multicolor_fullscreen_image_table(word ofs) { byte x,y; for (y=0; y<48; y++) { for (x=0; x<32; x++) { cvu_voutb(x + (y>>2)*32, ofs++); } } } void setup_multicolor() { cvu_vmemset(0, 0, 0x4000); cv_set_image_table(IMAGE); cv_set_character_pattern_t(PATTERN); cv_set_screen_mode(CV_SCREENMODE_MULTICOLOR); // mode 3 multicolor_fullscreen_image_table(IMAGE); } typedef void SetPixelFunc(byte x, byte y, byte color); void set_pixel(byte x, byte y, byte color) { word pg = (x>>1)*8 + (y & 7) + (y & ~7)*32 + PATTERN; byte b = cvu_vinb(pg); if (x&1) b = color | (b & 0xf0); else b = (color<<4) | (b & 0xf); cvu_voutb(b, pg); } void set_two_pixels(byte x, byte y, byte leftcolor, byte rightcolor) { word pg = (x>>1)*8 + (y & 7) + (y & ~7)*32 + PATTERN; byte b = rightcolor | (leftcolor << 4); cvu_voutb(b, pg); } void draw_line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, byte color) { int dx = abs(x1-x0); int sx = x0dy ? dx : -dy)>>1; int e2; for(;;) { set_pixel(x0, y0, color); if (x0==x1 && y0==y1) break; e2 = err; if (e2 > -dx) { err -= dy; x0 += sx; } if (e2 < dy) { err += dx; y0 += sy; } } } #ifdef __MAIN__ void main() { setup_multicolor(); cv_set_screen_active(true); while(1) { draw_line(rand()%64, rand()%48, rand()%64, rand()%48, rand()&15); } while (1); } #endif