mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-25 15:29:34 +00:00
2022-01-31 21:50:45 -06:00

937 lines
34 KiB

entity scopes contain entities, and are nested
also contain segments (code, bss, rodata)
components and systems are global
component fields are stored in arrays, range of entities, can be bit-packed
some values can be constant, are stored in rodata (or loaded immediate)
optional components? on or off
union components? either X or Y or Z...
systems receive and send events, execute code on entities
systems are generated on a per-scope basis
system queries can only contain entities from self and parent scopes
starting from the 'init' event walk the event tree
include systems that have at least 1 entity in scope (except init?)
when entering scope, entities are initialized (zero or init w/ data)
to change scope, fire event w/ scope name
- how to handle bank-switching?
helps with:
- rapid prototyping w/ reasonable defaults
- deconstructing objects into arrays
- packing/unpacking bitfields
- initializing objects
- building lookup tables
- selecting and iterating objects
- managing events
- managing memory and scope
- converting assets to native formats?
- removing unused data
it's more convenient to have loops be zero-indexed
for page cross, temp storage, etc
should references be zero-indexed to a field, or global?
should we limit # of entities passed to systems? min-max
join thru a reference? load both x and y
import { SourceLocated, SourceLocation } from "../workertypes";
export class ECSError extends Error {
$loc: SourceLocation;
constructor(msg: string, obj?: SourceLocation | SourceLocated) {
Object.setPrototypeOf(this, ECSError.prototype);
if (obj) this.$loc = (obj as SourceLocated).$loc || (obj as SourceLocation);
function mksymbol(c: ComponentType, fieldName: string) {
return c.name + '_' + fieldName;
function mkscopesymbol(s: EntityScope, c: ComponentType, fieldName: string) {
return s.name + '_' + c.name + '_' + fieldName;
export interface Entity extends SourceLocated {
id: number;
name?: string;
etype: EntityArchetype;
consts: { [component_field: string]: DataValue };
inits: { [scope_component_field: string]: DataValue };
export interface EntityConst {
component: ComponentType;
name: string;
value: DataValue;
export interface EntityArchetype {
components: ComponentType[];
export interface ComponentType extends SourceLocated {
name: string;
fields: DataField[];
optional?: boolean;
export interface Query extends SourceLocated {
include: string[]; // TODO: make ComponentType
listen?: string[];
exclude?: string[];
updates?: string[];
export interface System extends SourceLocated {
name: string;
actions: Action[];
tempbytes?: number;
export interface Action extends SourceLocated {
text: string;
event: string;
select: SelectType
query: Query;
join?: Query;
limit?: number;
emits?: string[];
export type SelectType = 'once' | 'foreach' | 'source' | 'join';
export type DataValue = number | boolean | Uint8Array | Uint16Array;
export type DataField = { name: string } & DataType;
export type DataType = IntType | ArrayType | RefType;
export interface IntType {
dtype: 'int'
lo: number
hi: number
export interface ArrayType {
dtype: 'array'
elem: DataType
index?: DataType
export interface RefType {
dtype: 'ref'
query: Query
interface FieldArray {
component: ComponentType;
field: DataField;
elo: number;
ehi: number;
access?: FieldAccess[];
interface FieldAccess {
symbol: string;
bit: number;
width: number;
interface ConstByte {
symbol: string;
bitofs: number;
interface ArchetypeMatch {
etype: EntityArchetype;
cmatch: ComponentType[];
interface ComponentFieldPair {
c: ComponentType;
f: DataField;
export class Dialect_CA65 {
readonly ASM_ITERATE_EACH = `
ldx #0
cpx #{{%ecount}}
bne @__each
readonly ASM_ITERATE_JOIN = `
ldy #0
ldx {{%joinfield}},y
cpy #{{%ecount}}
bne @__each
readonly INIT_FROM_ARRAY = `
ldy #{{%nbytes}}
: lda {{%src}}-1,y
sta {{%dest}}-1,y
bne :-
readonly HEADER = `
.include "vcs-ca65.h"
readonly FOOTER = `
.segment "VECTORS"
VecNMI: .word Start
VecReset: .word Start
VecBRK: .word Start
readonly TEMPLATE_INIT = `
comment(s: string) {
return `\n;;; ${s}\n`;
absolute(ident: string) {
return ident;
indexed_x(ident: string) {
return ident + ',x';
fieldsymbol(component: ComponentType, field: DataField, bitofs: number) {
return `${component.name}_${field.name}_b${bitofs}`;
datasymbol(component: ComponentType, field: DataField, eid: number) {
return `${component.name}_${field.name}_e${eid}`;
code() {
return `.code\n`;
bss() {
return `.bss\n`;
// TODO: merge with Dialect?
export class SourceFileExport {
lines: string[] = [];
comment(text: string) {
this.lines.push(';' + text);
segment(seg: string, segtype: 'rodata' | 'bss') {
if (segtype == 'bss') {
this.lines.push(`.zeropage`); // TODO
} else {
this.lines.push(`.code`); // TODO
label(sym: string) {
byte(b: number | ConstByte | undefined) {
if (b === undefined) {
this.lines.push(` .res 1`);
} else if (typeof b === 'number') {
if (b < 0 || b > 255) throw new ECSError(`out of range byte ${b}`);
this.lines.push(` .byte ${b}`)
} else {
if (b.bitofs == 0) this.lines.push(` .byte <${b.symbol}`)
else if (b.bitofs == 8) this.lines.push(` .byte >${b.symbol}`)
else this.lines.push(` .byte (${b.symbol} >> ${b.bitofs})`) // TODO?
text(s: string) {
for (let l of s.split('\n'))
debug_file(path: string) {
this.lines.push(` .dbg file, "${path}", 0, 0`);
debug_line(path: string, line: number) {
this.lines.push(` .dbg line, "${path}", ${line}`);
toString() {
return this.lines.join('\n');
class Segment {
symbols: { [sym: string]: number } = {};
ofs2sym = new Map<number, string[]>();
fieldranges: { [cfname: string]: FieldArray } = {};
size: number = 0;
initdata: (number | ConstByte | undefined)[] = [];
codefrags: string[] = [];
addCodeFragment(code: string) {
allocateBytes(name: string, bytes: number) {
let ofs = this.symbols[name];
if (ofs == null) {
ofs = this.size;
this.symbols[name] = ofs;
if (!this.ofs2sym.has(ofs))
this.ofs2sym.set(ofs, []);
this.size += bytes;
return ofs;
// TODO: optimize shared data
allocateInitData(name: string, bytes: Uint8Array) {
let ofs = this.allocateBytes(name, bytes.length);
for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) {
this.initdata[ofs + i] = bytes[i];
dump(file: SourceFileExport) {
for (let code of this.codefrags) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
let syms = this.ofs2sym.get(i);
if (syms) {
for (let sym of syms) file.label(sym);
// TODO: move cfname functions in here too
getFieldRange(component: ComponentType, fieldName: string) {
return this.fieldranges[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
getByteOffset(range: FieldArray, access: FieldAccess, entityID: number) {
let ofs = this.symbols[access.symbol];
if (ofs !== undefined) {
return ofs + entityID - range.elo;
// TODO: show entity name?
throw new ECSError(`cannot find field access for ${access.symbol}`);
getSegmentByteOffset(component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, entityID: number, bitofs: number, width: number) {
let range = this.getFieldRange(component, fieldName);
if (range && range.access) {
for (let a of range.access) {
if (a.bit == bitofs && a.width == width) {
let ofs = this.symbols[a.symbol];
if (ofs !== undefined) {
return ofs + entityID - range.elo;
// TODO: show entity name?
throw new ECSError(`cannot find field offset for ${component.name}:${fieldName} entity #${entityID} bits ${bitofs} ${width}`)
getOriginSymbol() {
let a = this.ofs2sym.get(0);
if (!a) throw new ECSError('getOriginSymbol(): no symbol at offset 0'); // TODO
return a[0];
function getFieldBits(f: IntType) {
let n = f.hi - f.lo + 1;
return Math.ceil(Math.log2(n));
function getFieldLength(f: DataType) {
if (f.dtype == 'int') {
return f.hi - f.lo + 1;
} else {
return 1; //TODO?
function getPackedFieldSize(f: DataType, constValue?: DataValue): number {
if (f.dtype == 'int') {
return getFieldBits(f);
} if (f.dtype == 'array' && f.index) {
return 0; // TODO? getFieldLength(f.index) * getPackedFieldSize(f.elem);
} if (f.dtype == 'array' && constValue != null && Array.isArray(constValue)) {
return constValue.length * getPackedFieldSize(f.elem);
} if (f.dtype == 'ref') {
return 8; // TODO: > 256 entities?
return 0;
export class EntityScope implements SourceLocated {
$loc: SourceLocation;
childScopes: EntityScope[] = [];
entities: Entity[] = [];
bss = new Segment();
rodata = new Segment();
code = new Segment();
componentsInScope = new Set();
tempOffset = 0;
tempSize = 0;
maxTempBytes = 0;
resources = new Set<string>();
public readonly em: EntityManager,
public readonly dialect: Dialect_CA65,
public readonly name: string,
public readonly parent: EntityScope | undefined
) {
newEntity(etype: EntityArchetype): Entity {
// TODO: add parent ID? lock parent scope?
// TODO: name identical check?
let id = this.entities.length;
etype = this.em.addArchetype(etype);
let entity: Entity = { id, etype, consts: {}, inits: {} };
for (let c of etype.components) {
return entity;
*iterateEntityFields(entities: Entity[]) {
for (let i = 0; i < entities.length; i++) {
let e = entities[i];
for (let c of e.etype.components) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
yield { i, e, c, f, v: e.consts[mksymbol(c, f.name)] };
*iterateArchetypeFields(arch: ArchetypeMatch[], filter?: (c:ComponentType,f:DataField) => boolean) {
for (let i = 0; i < arch.length; i++) {
let a = arch[i];
for (let c of a.etype.components) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
if (!filter || filter(c,f))
yield { i, c, f };
entitiesMatching(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[]) {
let result : Entity[] = [];
for (let e of this.entities) {
for (let a of atypes) {
// TODO: what about subclasses?
// TODO: very scary identity ocmpare
if (e.etype === a.etype) {
return result;
hasComponent(ctype: ComponentType) {
return this.componentsInScope.has(ctype.name);
getJoinField(action: Action, atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], jtypes: ArchetypeMatch[]) : ComponentFieldPair {
let refs = Array.from(this.iterateArchetypeFields(atypes, (c,f) => f.dtype == 'ref'));
// TODO: better error message
if (refs.length == 0) throw new ECSError(`cannot find join fields`, action.query);
if (refs.length > 1) throw new ECSError(`cannot join multiple fields`, action.query);
// TODO: check to make sure join works
return refs[0]; // TODO
let match = refs.map(ref => this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query));
for (let ref of refs) {
let m = this.em.archetypesMatching((ref.f as RefType).query);
for (let a of m) {
if (jtypes.includes(a.etype)) {
buildSegments() {
// build FieldArray for each component/field pair
// they will be different for bss/rodata segments
let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities);
for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) {
let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value;
// constants and array pointers go into rodata
let segment = v === undefined && f.dtype != 'array' ? this.bss : this.rodata;
let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name);
// determine range of indices for entities
let array = segment.fieldranges[cfname];
if (!array) {
array = segment.fieldranges[cfname] = { component: c, field: f, elo: i, ehi: i };
} else {
array.ehi = i;
allocateSegment(segment: Segment, readonly: boolean) {
let fields : FieldArray[] = Object.values(segment.fieldranges);
// TODO: fields.sort((a, b) => (a.ehi - a.elo + 1) * getPackedFieldSize(a.field));
let f : FieldArray | undefined;
while (f = fields.pop()) {
let rangelen = (f.ehi - f.elo + 1);
let alloc = !readonly;
// TODO: doesn't work for packed arrays too well
let bits = getPackedFieldSize(f.field);
// variable size? make it a pointer
if (bits == 0) bits = 16; // TODO?
let bytesperelem = Math.ceil(bits / 8);
// TODO: packing bits
// TODO: split arrays
let access = [];
for (let i = 0; i < bits; i += 8) {
let symbol = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(f.component, f.field, i);
access.push({ symbol, bit: i, width: 8 }); // TODO
if (alloc) {
segment.allocateBytes(symbol, rangelen); // TODO
f.access = access;
allocateROData(segment: Segment) {
let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities);
for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) {
let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value;
let cfname = mksymbol(c, f.name);
let range = segment.fieldranges[cfname];
let entcount = range ? range.ehi - range.elo + 1 : 0;
// is this a constant value?
if (v === undefined) {
// this is not a constant
// is it a bounded array? (TODO)
if (f.dtype == 'array' && f.index) {
let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id);
let offset = this.bss.allocateBytes(datasym, getFieldLength(f.index));
let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0);
let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8);
let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount);
let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount);
segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 };
segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 };
} else {
// this is a constant
// is it a byte array?
if (v instanceof Uint8Array) {
let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id);
segment.allocateInitData(datasym, v);
let ptrlosym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 0);
let ptrhisym = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(c, f, 8);
let loofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrlosym, entcount);
let hiofs = segment.allocateBytes(ptrhisym, entcount);
segment.initdata[loofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 0 };
segment.initdata[hiofs + e.id - range.elo] = { symbol: datasym, bitofs: 8 };
// TODO: } else if (v instanceof Uint16Array) {
} else if (typeof v === 'number') {
// more than 1 entity, add an array
if (range.ehi > range.elo) {
if (!range.access) throw new ECSError(`no access for field ${cfname}`)
let base = segment.allocateBytes(range.access[0].symbol, range.ehi-range.elo+1);
for (let a of range.access) {
let ofs = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id);
segment.initdata[ofs] = v;
// TODO: what if mix of var, const, and init values?
} else {
throw new ECSError(`unhandled constant ${e.id}:${cfname}`);
allocateInitData(segment: Segment) {
if (segment.size == 0) return ''; // TODO: warning for no init data?
let initbytes = new Uint8Array(segment.size);
let iter = this.iterateEntityFields(this.entities);
for (var o = iter.next(); o.value; o = iter.next()) {
let { i, e, c, f, v } = o.value;
let scfname = mkscopesymbol(this, c, f.name);
let initvalue = e.inits[scfname];
if (initvalue !== undefined) {
let range = segment.getFieldRange(c, f.name);
if (!range) throw new ECSError(`no range`, e);
if (!range.access) throw new ECSError(`no range access`, e);
if (typeof initvalue === 'number') {
for (let a of range.access) {
let offset = segment.getByteOffset(range, a, e.id);
initbytes[offset] = (initvalue >> a.bit) & ((1 << a.width)-1);
} else if (initvalue instanceof Uint8Array) {
// TODO???
let datasym = this.dialect.datasymbol(c, f, e.id);
let ofs = this.bss.symbols[datasym];
initbytes.set(initvalue, ofs);
} else {
// TODO: init arrays?
throw new ECSError(`cannot initialize ${scfname} = ${initvalue}`); // TODO??
// build the final init buffer
// TODO: compress 0s?
let bufsym = this.name + '__INITDATA';
let bufofs = this.rodata.allocateInitData(bufsym, initbytes);
let code = this.dialect.INIT_FROM_ARRAY;
//TODO: function to repalce from dict?
code = code.replace('{{%nbytes}}', initbytes.length.toString())
code = code.replace('{{%src}}', bufsym);
code = code.replace('{{%dest}}', segment.getOriginSymbol());
return code;
setConstValue(e: Entity, component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, value: DataValue) {
let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{etype: e.etype, cmatch:[component]}], fieldName, "setConstValue");
e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = value;
if (this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] == 'init')
throw new ECSError(`Can't mix const and init values for a component field`, e);
this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = 'const';
setInitValue(e: Entity, component: ComponentType, fieldName: string, value: DataValue) {
let c = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName([{etype: e.etype, cmatch:[component]}], fieldName, "setInitValue");
e.inits[mkscopesymbol(this, component, fieldName)] = value;
if (this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] == 'const')
throw new ECSError(`Can't mix const and init values for a component field`, e);
this.em.symbols[mksymbol(component, fieldName)] = 'init';
generateCodeForEvent(event: string): string {
// find systems that respond to event
// and have entities in this scope
let systems = this.em.event2systems[event];
if (!systems || systems.length == 0) {
// TODO: error or warning?
console.log(`warning: no system responds to "${event}"`); return '';
//throw new ECSError(`warning: no system responds to "${event}"`);
let s = this.dialect.code();
//s += `\n; event ${event}\n`;
let emitcode: { [event: string]: string } = {};
for (let sys of systems) {
// TODO: does this work if multiple actions?
// TODO: should 'emits' be on action?
if (sys.tempbytes) this.allocateTempBytes(sys.tempbytes);
for (let action of sys.actions) {
if (action.event == event) {
if (action.emits) {
for (let emit of action.emits) {
if (emitcode[emit]) {
console.log(`already emitted for ${sys.name}:${event}`);
//console.log('>', emit);
// TODO: cycles
emitcode[emit] = this.generateCodeForEvent(emit);
//console.log('<', emit, emitcode[emit].length);
// TODO: use Tokenizer so error msgs are better
let code = this.replaceCode(action.text, sys, action);
s += this.dialect.comment(`<action ${sys.name}:${event}>`);
s += code;
s += this.dialect.comment(`</action ${sys.name}:${event}>`);
// TODO: check that this happens once?
if (sys.tempbytes) this.allocateTempBytes(-sys.tempbytes);
return s;
allocateTempBytes(n: number) {
if (n > 0) this.tempOffset = this.tempSize;
this.tempSize += n;
this.maxTempBytes = Math.max(this.tempSize, this.maxTempBytes);
if (n < 0) this.tempOffset = this.tempSize;
replaceCode(code: string, sys: System, action: Action): string {
const tag_re = /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g;
const label_re = /@(\w+)\b/g;
let label = `${sys.name}__${action.event}`; // TODO: better label that won't conflict (seq?)
let atypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.query);
let entities = this.entitiesMatching(atypes);
// TODO: detect cycles
// TODO: "source"?
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
let props : {[name: string] : string} = {};
if (action.select == 'foreach') {
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities);
if (action.select == 'join' && action.join) {
let jtypes = this.em.archetypesMatching(action.join);
let jentities = this.entitiesMatching(jtypes);
if (jentities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`join query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.join); // TODO
let joinfield = this.getJoinField(action, atypes, jtypes);
// TODO: what if only 1 item?
// TODO: should be able to access fields via Y reg
code = this.wrapCodeInLoop(code, action, entities, joinfield);
atypes = jtypes;
entities = jentities;
props['%joinfield'] = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(joinfield.c, joinfield.f, 0);
props['%efullcount'] = entities.length.toString();
if (action.limit) {
entities = entities.slice(0, action.limit);
if (entities.length == 0)
throw new ECSError(`query for ${label} doesn't match any entities`, action.query); // TODO
// define properties
props['%elo'] = entities[0].id.toString();
props['%ehi'] = entities[entities.length - 1].id.toString();
props['%ecount'] = entities.length.toString();
// replace @labels
code = code.replace(label_re, (s: string, a: string) => `${label}__${a}`);
// replace {{...}} tags
code = code.replace(tag_re, (entire, group: string) => {
let cmd = group.charAt(0);
let rest = group.substring(1);
switch (cmd) {
case '!': // emit event
return this.generateCodeForEvent(rest);
case '.': // auto label
case '@': // auto label
return `${label}_${rest}`;
case '$': // temp byte (TODO: check to make sure not overflowing)
let tempinc = parseInt(rest);
if (isNaN(tempinc)) throw new ECSError(`bad temporary offset`, action);
if (!sys.tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system has no locals`, action);
if (tempinc < 0 || tempinc >= sys.tempbytes) throw new ECSError(`this system only has ${sys.tempbytes} locals`, action);
return `TEMP+${this.tempOffset}+${tempinc}`;
case '=':
// TODO?
case '<': // low byte
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 0);
case '>': // high byte
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 8);
case '(': // higher byte (TODO)
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 16);
case ')': // higher byte (TODO)
return this.generateCodeForField(sys, action, atypes, entities, rest, 24);
case '^': // resource reference
return this.includeResource(rest);
let value = props[group];
if (value) return value;
else throw new ECSError(`unrecognized command {{${group}}} in ${entire}`);
return code;
includeResource(symbol: string): string {
return symbol;
wrapCodeInLoop(code: string, action: Action, ents: Entity[], joinfield?: ComponentFieldPair): string {
// TODO: check ents
// TODO: check segment bounds
// TODO: what if 0 or 1 entitites?
let s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_EACH;
if (joinfield) s = this.dialect.ASM_ITERATE_JOIN;
s = s.replace('{{%code}}', code);
return s;
generateCodeForField(sys: System, action: Action,
atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], entities: Entity[],
fieldName: string, bitofs: number): string {
var component : ComponentType;
var qualified = false;
// is qualified field?
if (fieldName.indexOf(':') > 0) {
let [cname,fname] = fieldName.split(':');
component = this.em.getComponentByName(cname);
fieldName = fname;
qualified = true;
if (component == null) throw new ECSError(`no component named "${cname}"`)
} else {
component = this.em.singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName, `${sys.name}:${action.event}`);
// find archetypes
let field = component.fields.find(f => f.name == fieldName);
if (field == null) throw new ECSError(`no field named "${fieldName}" in component`)
// see if all entities have the same constant value
let constValues = new Set<DataValue>();
for (let e of entities) {
let constVal = e.consts[mksymbol(component, fieldName)];
constValues.add(constVal); // constVal === undefined is allowed
// is it a constant?
if (constValues.size == 1) {
let value = constValues.values().next().value as DataValue;
// TODO: what about symbols?
// TODO: use dialect
if (typeof value === 'number') {
return `#${(value >> bitofs) & 0xff}`;
// TODO: offset > 0?
// TODO: don't mix const and init data
let range = this.bss.getFieldRange(component, fieldName) || this.rodata.getFieldRange(component, fieldName);
if (!range) throw new ECSError(`couldn't find field for ${component.name}:${fieldName}, maybe no entities?`); // TODO
let eidofs = range.elo - entities[0].id;
// TODO: dialect
let ident = this.dialect.fieldsymbol(component, field, bitofs);
if (qualified) {
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else if (action.select == 'once') {
if (entities.length != 1)
throw new ECSError(`can't choose multiple entities for ${fieldName} with select=once`);
return this.dialect.absolute(ident);
} else {
// TODO: right direction?
if (eidofs > 0) {
ident += '+' + eidofs;
} else if (eidofs < 0) {
ident += '' + eidofs;
return this.dialect.indexed_x(ident);
analyzeEntities() {
this.allocateSegment(this.bss, false);
this.allocateSegment(this.rodata, true);
generateCode() {
this.tempOffset = this.maxTempBytes = 0;
let initcode = this.allocateInitData(this.bss);
let start = this.generateCodeForEvent('start');
for (let sub of Array.from(this.resources.values())) {
let code = this.generateCodeForEvent(sub);
dump(file: SourceFileExport) {
file.text(this.dialect.HEADER); // TODO
file.segment(`${this.name}_DATA`, 'bss');
if (this.maxTempBytes) this.bss.allocateBytes('TEMP', this.maxTempBytes);
file.segment(`${this.name}_CODE`, 'rodata');
file.text(this.dialect.FOOTER); // TODO
export class EntityManager {
archetypes: { [key: string]: EntityArchetype } = {};
components: { [name: string]: ComponentType } = {};
systems: { [name: string]: System } = {};
scopes: { [name: string]: EntityScope } = {};
symbols: { [name: string] : 'init' | 'const' } = {};
event2systems: { [name: string]: System[] } = {};
name2cfpairs: { [name: string]: ComponentFieldPair[]} = {};
constructor(public readonly dialect: Dialect_CA65) {
newScope(name: string, parent?: EntityScope) {
let scope = new EntityScope(this, this.dialect, name, parent);
if (this.scopes[name]) throw new ECSError(`scope ${name} already defined`);
this.scopes[name] = scope;
return scope;
defineComponent(ctype: ComponentType) {
if (this.components[ctype.name]) throw new ECSError(`component ${ctype.name} already defined`);
for (let field of ctype.fields) {
let list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name];
if (!list) list = this.name2cfpairs[field.name] = [];
list.push({c: ctype, f: field});
return this.components[ctype.name] = ctype;
defineSystem(system: System) {
if (this.systems[system.name]) throw new ECSError(`system ${system.name} already defined`);
for (let a of system.actions) {
let event = a.event;
let list = this.event2systems[event];
if (list == null) list = this.event2systems[event] = [];
if (!list.includes(system)) list.push(system);
return this.systems[system.name] = system;
addArchetype(atype: EntityArchetype) : EntityArchetype {
let key = atype.components.map(c => c.name).join(',');
if (this.archetypes[key])
return this.archetypes[key];
return this.archetypes[key] = atype;
componentsMatching(q: Query, etype: EntityArchetype) {
let list = [];
for (let c of etype.components) {
let cname = c.name;
if (q.exclude?.includes(cname)) {
return [];
// TODO: 0 includes == all entities?
if (q.include.length == 0 || q.include.includes(cname)) {
return list.length == q.include.length ? list : [];
archetypesMatching(q: Query) {
let result: ArchetypeMatch[] = [];
for (let etype of Object.values(this.archetypes)) {
let cmatch = this.componentsMatching(q, etype);
if (cmatch.length > 0) {
result.push({ etype, cmatch });
return result;
componentsWithFieldName(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], fieldName: string) {
// TODO???
let comps = new Set<ComponentType>();
for (let at of atypes) {
for (let c of at.cmatch) {
for (let f of c.fields) {
if (f.name == fieldName)
return Array.from(comps);
getComponentByName(name: string): ComponentType {
return this.components[name];
singleComponentWithFieldName(atypes: ArchetypeMatch[], fieldName: string, where: string) {
let components = this.componentsWithFieldName(atypes, fieldName);
// TODO: use name2cfpairs?
if (components.length == 0) {
throw new ECSError(`cannot find component with field "${fieldName}" in ${where}`);
if (components.length > 1) {
throw new ECSError(`ambiguous field name "${fieldName}" in ${where}`);
return components[0];
toJSON() {
return JSON.stringify({
components: this.components,
systems: this.systems