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<h1>Write 8-bit code in your browser.</h1>
Ever wanted to be an old-school game programmer?<br>
Learn how classic game hardware worked.</br>
Write code and see it run instantly.
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<h2><a href="redir.html?platform=vcs">Atari 2600</a></h2>
Learn how to program the
<a href="redir.html?platform=vcs">Atari 2600</a>
with dozens of fully commented examples.
Our 6502 assembler runs as you type and flags any errors.
We've got debugging tools too; single step through your code and use our CPU Cycle Analyzer to
develop that perfect Stella kernel.
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<h2>Arcade Games</h2>
You can develop your own games on classic arcade game hardware, using our in-browser C compiler.
Platforms include
<a href="redir.html?platform=vicdual">VIC Dual</a>,
<a href="redir.html?platform=mw8080bw">Midway 8080</a>,
<a href="redir.html?platform=galaxian-scramble">Galaxian/Scramble</a>,
<a href="redir.html?platform=vector-z80color">Atari Vector</a>,
<a href="redir.html?platform=williams-z80">Williams</a>.
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<h2>Hardware Design</h2>
Software not enough for you?
Use our
<a href="redir.html?platform=verilog">Verilog</a>
compiler to design a 8-bit game platform from scratch.
We'll run your design in real time in the browser, showing the output on a simulated CRT.
Plenty of examples are available to teach logic programming.
<h1 class="text-center">Learn More With a Book!</h1>
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<h3>Making Games For The Atari 2600</h3>
<p>The Atari 2600 was released in 1977, and now there's finally a book about how to write games for it! You'll learn about the 6502 CPU, NTSC frames, scanlines, cycle counting, players, missiles, collisions, procedural generation, pseudo-3D, and more. While using the manual, take advantage of our Web-based IDE to write 6502 assembly code, and see your code run instantly in the browser. We'll cover the same programming tricks that master programmers used to make classic games. Create your own graphics and sound, and share your games with friends!</p>
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<h3>Making 8-Bit Arcade Games in C</h3>
<p>With this book, you'll learn all about the hardware of Golden Age 8-bit arcade games produced in the late 1970s to early 1980s. We'll learn how to use the C programming language to write code for the Z80 CPU. The following arcade platforms are covered: * Midway 8080 (Space Invaders) * VIC Dual (Carnival) * Galaxian/Scramble (Namco) * Atari Color Vector * Williams (Defender, Robotron) We'll describe how to create video and sound for each platform. Use the online 8bitworkshop IDE to compile your C programs and play them right in the browser!</p>
<p>© 2018 Puzzling Plans LLC.</p>
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