mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2025-03-03 10:30:17 +00:00

373 lines
13 KiB

var assert = require('assert');
var fs = require('fs');
var wtu = require('./workertestutils.js');
var fastpng = require('fast-png');
const dom = createTestDOM();
Javatari.AUTO_START = false;
//global.Log = require('tss/js/Log.js').Log;
global.jsnes = require("jsnes/dist/jsnes.min.js");
//var devices = require('gen/common/devices.js');
var emu = require('gen/common/emu.js');
var Keys = emu.Keys;
var audio = require('gen/common/audio.js');
var recorder = require('gen/common/recorder.js');
//var _6502 = require('gen/common/cpu/MOS6502.js');
var _apple2 = require('gen/platform/apple2.js');
//var m_apple2 = require('gen/machine/apple2.js');
var _vcs = require('gen/platform/vcs.js');
var _nes = require('gen/platform/nes.js');
var _vicdual = require('gen/platform/vicdual.js');
var _mw8080bw = require('gen/platform/mw8080bw.js');
var _galaxian = require('gen/platform/galaxian.js');
var _vector = require('gen/platform/vector.js');
var _williams = require('gen/platform/williams.js');
var _sound_williams = require('gen/platform/sound_williams.js');
var _astrocade = require('gen/platform/astrocade.js');
var _atari8 = require('gen/platform/atari8.js');
var _atari7800 = require('gen/platform/atari7800.js');
var _coleco = require('gen/platform/coleco.js');
var _sms = require('gen/platform/sms.js');
var _c64 = require('gen/platform/c64.js');
var _vectrex = require('gen/platform/vectrex.js');
var _zx = require('gen/platform/zx.js');
var _atari8 = require('gen/platform/atari8.js');
var util = require('gen/common/util.js');
util.loadScript = function(s) { console.log('tried to load',s); } // for vcs
dom.window.HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext = function() {
return {
getImageData: function(x,y,w,h) { return {data: new Uint32Array(w*h) }; },
fillRect: function(x,y,w,h) { },
drawImage: function(img,x,y,w,h) { },
putImageData: function(data,w,h) { },
global.navigator = {};
var keycallback;
var lastrastervideo;
emu.RasterVideo = function(mainElement, width, height, options) {
var buffer;
var datau8;
var datau32;
this.create = function() {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
buffer = new ArrayBuffer(width*height*4);
datau8 = new Uint8Array(buffer);
datau32 = new Uint32Array(buffer);
lastrastervideo = this;
this.setKeyboardEvents = function(callback) {
keycallback = callback;
this.getFrameData = function() { return datau32; }
this.getImageData = function() { return {data:datau8, width:width, height:height}; }
this.updateFrame = function() {}
this.clearRect = function() {}
this.setupMouseEvents = function() { }
this.canvas = this;
this.getContext = function() { return this; }
this.fillRect = function() { }
this.fillStyle = '';
this.putImageData = function() { }
emu.VectorVideo = function(mainElement, width, height, options) {
this.create = function() {
this.drawops = 0;
this.setKeyboardEvents = function(callback) {
keycallback = callback;
this.clear = function() { }
this.drawLine = function() { this.drawops++; }
global.Worker = function() {
this.msgcount = 0;
this.postMessage = function() { this.msgcount++; }
global.Mousetrap = function() {
this.bind = function() { }
function checkForBigNonTypedArrays(obj, path='') {
if (typeof obj != 'object' || obj == null) return;
Object.entries(obj).forEach((entry) => {
if (entry[1] instanceof Array && entry[1].length > 200) {
if (typeof entry[1][0] == 'number' && entry[1].buffer == null)
throw new Error("array in save state not typed: " + path + '/' + entry[0]);
checkForBigNonTypedArrays(entry[1], path + '/' + entry[0]);
async function testPlatform(platid, romname, maxframes, callback) {
var platform = new emu.PLATFORMS[platid](emudiv);
await platform.start();
var emudiv = document.getElementById('emulator');
var rec = new recorder.StateRecorderImpl(platform);
assert.ok(platform.saveState()); // can save before ROM load?
var rom = fs.readFileSync('./test/roms/' + platid + '/' + romname);
rom = new Uint8Array(rom);
platform.loadROM("ROM", rom);
var state0a = platform.saveState();
platform.reset(); // reset again
var state0b = platform.saveState();
//TODO: vcs fails assert.deepEqual(state0a, state0b);
platform.resume(); // so that recorder works
for (var i=0; i<maxframes; i++) {
if (callback) callback(platform, i);
if (i==10) {
for (var j=0; j<0x10000; j++)
platform.readAddress(j); // make sure readAddress() doesn't leave side effects
// test replay feature
maxframes = Math.min(maxframes, rec.maxCheckpoints * rec.checkpointInterval);
assert.equal(maxframes, rec.numFrames());
var state1 = platform.saveState();
assert.deepEqual(state1, platform.saveState());
assert.equal(0, rec.loadFrame(0));
assert.equal(1, rec.loadFrame(1));
assert.equal(maxframes, rec.loadFrame(maxframes));
var state2 = platform.saveState();
assert.deepEqual(state1, state2);
// test memory reads not clearing stuff
for (var i=0; i<=0xffff; i++)
if (platform.readAddress) platform.readAddress(i);
var state3 = platform.saveState();
assert.deepEqual(state2, state3);
// test debug info
var debugs = platform.getDebugCategories();
for (var dcat of debugs) {
var dinfo = platform.getDebugInfo(dcat, state2);
console.log(dcat, dinfo);
assert.ok(dinfo && dinfo.length > 0, dcat + " empty");
assert.ok(dinfo.length < 80*24, dcat + " too long");
assert.ok(dinfo.indexOf('undefined') < 0, dcat + " undefined");
assert.ok(dinfo.indexOf('Display On: false') < 0, dcat + " display off");
// record video to file
if (lastrastervideo) {
var pngbuffer = fastpng.encode(lastrastervideo.getImageData())
assert(pngbuffer.length > 500); // make sure PNG is big enough
try { fs.mkdirSync("./test"); } catch(e) { }
try { fs.mkdirSync("./test/output"); } catch(e) { }
try {
fs.writeFileSync("./test/output/"+platid+"-"+romname+".png", pngbuffer);
} catch (e) { console.log(e) }
// probe
var proberec = platform.startProbing && platform.startProbing();
if (proberec) {
proberec.singleFrame = false;
var lastclk = 0;
for (var i=0; i<5; i++) {
var clks = proberec.countClocks();
console.log(proberec.idx, clks - lastclk, proberec.sl);
lastclk = clks;
assert.equal(clks, proberec.countClocks());
// debug tree
if (platform.getDebugTree) {
var dbgtree = platform.getDebugTree();
// misc
if (platform.getROMExtension) assert.ok(platform.getROMExtension().startsWith("."));
// load state again
return platform;
describe('Platform Replay', () => {
it('Should run apple2', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('apple2', 'cosmic.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(32, 32, 128); // space bar
assert.equal(platform.saveState().kbdlatch, 0x20); // strobe cleared
it('Should run > 120 secs', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('apple2', 'mandel.c.rom', 122*60, (platform, frameno) => {
it('Should run vcs', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('vcs', 'brickgame.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
var cstate = platform.saveControlsState();
cstate.pia.SA = 0xff ^ 0x40; // stick left
assert.equal(platform.saveState().p.SA, 0xff ^ 0x40);
assert.equal(60, platform.readAddress(0x80)); // player x pos
it('Should run nes', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('nes', 'shoot2.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_LEFT.c, Keys.VK_LEFT.c, 1);
assert.equal(120-10, platform.readAddress(0x41d)); // player x pos
it('Should run vicdual', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('vicdual', 'snake1.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_DOWN.c, Keys.VK_DOWN.c, 1);
it('Should run mw8080bw', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('mw8080bw', 'game2.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_LEFT.c, Keys.VK_LEFT.c, 1);
assert.equal(96-9*2, platform.readAddress(0x2006)); // player x pos
it('Should run galaxian', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('galaxian-scramble', 'shoot2.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_LEFT.c, Keys.VK_LEFT.c, 1);
assert.equal(112-10, platform.readAddress(0x4074)); // player x pos
it('Should run vector', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('vector-z80color', 'game.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_UP.c, Keys.VK_UP.c, 1);
it('Should run williams 6809', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('williams', 'vidfill.asm.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_LEFT.c, Keys.VK_LEFT.c, 1);
it('Should run williams-z80', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('williams-z80', 'game1.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_LEFT.c, Keys.VK_LEFT.c, 1);
it('Should run sound_williams', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('sound_williams-z80', 'swave.c.rom', 72, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 60) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_2.c, Keys.VK_2.c, 1);
it('Should run astrocade', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('astrocade', 'cosmic.c.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_SPACE.c, Keys.VK_SPACE.c, 1);
it('Should run coleco', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('coleco', 'shoot.c.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_SPACE.c, Keys.VK_SPACE.c, 1);
it('Should run sms-sg1000-libcv', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('sms-sg1000-libcv', 'shoot.c.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_SPACE.c, Keys.VK_SPACE.c, 1);
it('Should run sms-sms-libcv', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('sms-sms-libcv', 'climber.c-sms-sms-libcv.rom', 200, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 122) {
keycallback(Keys.RIGHT.c, Keys.VK_RIGHT.c, 1);
it('Should run atari7800', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('atari7800', 'sprites.dasm.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_DOWN.c, Keys.VK_DOWN.c, 1);
assert.equal(0x1800, platform.saveState().maria.dll);
assert.equal(39, platform.readAddress(0x81)); // player y pos
it('Should run vectrex', async () => {
var platform = await testPlatform('vectrex', 'joystick.c.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_DOWN.c, Keys.VK_DOWN.c, 1);
it('Should run c64', async () => {
await testPlatform('c64', 'climber.c.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_DOWN.c, Keys.VK_DOWN.c, 1);
it('Should run zx spectrum', async () => {
await testPlatform('zx', 'cosmic.c.rom', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_LEFT.c, Keys.VK_LEFT.c, 1);
it('Should run atari 800xl', async () => {
await testPlatform('atari8-800xl', 'siegegame.bin', 92, (platform, frameno) => {
if (frameno == 62) {
keycallback(Keys.VK_DOWN.c, Keys.VK_DOWN.c, 1);