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! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Constant Story "Alone on The Ice";
Constant Headline
"^Inform for New Writers^
~Alone on The Ice~ - a sample game/tutorial
by Ethan Dicks - Last Compiled: 23-Feb-1998^";
Release 1;
Serial "980223";
! The game is meant to be experimented with, so we always define:
Constant DEBUG;
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Put your "replaces" here to re-write parts of the Inform libraries
Include "Parser";
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Out on the open ice, every object that might be dropped out there needs to
! have a property to store its "coordinate". Forgetting this could cause
! serious bugs.
Property ICELOC 0; ! coordinate of Object in ice field.
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Include "VerbLib";
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
! It all starts here --+
! |
! v
[ Initialise;
location = HUT1;
thedark.description = "There is nothing here but whiteness. If you move
from this spot, you are likely to be hopelessly lost";
"You awake from a dreamless sleep to silence. You look around the room
for Tom, your campmate; he isn't here. Of all the places to go for a
walk by yourself, the middle of the Antarctic plateau isn't one of them.
Despite your training to stay put and wait for him to come back, you
decide to go after him. It's just the two of you here, and no planes
due for weeks.";
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
! Things - the elements of our interactive world
! --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Object HUT1 "A small scientific observation hut"
with description "This cramped insulated box has been your home for
several months now. There is little in here but
some equipment for monitoring the weather and two
n_to DOOR1,
has light;
Object -> DOOR1 "freezer door" ! An ordinary two-sided door (as implemented
! in the Inform Designer's Manual, chpt. 12).
with description "There is a door in the wall of the hut, nearly as wide
as the wall. It is large, white and heavy. It does
not appear to have a doornob, as such, but more of a
plunger like you'd find on the inside of a meat locker.",
name "white" "freezer" "door",
when_closed [; rfalse; ],
when_open "The door has been carelessly left open and the cold,
antarctic wind is blowing into the hut, unabated.",
door_to [; if (location==CAMP14) return HUT1; return CAMP14; ],
door_dir [; if (location==CAMP14) return n_to; return s_to; ],
found_in HUT1 CAMP14,
has static door openable;
Object -> NOTE "goodbye note"
with initial "There is a piece of paper taped to the door here.",
inven "A note from your campmate.",
name "note" "paper" "piece",
before [; Examine: "The paper appears torn hastily from a notebook, the
writing nearly illegible. It reads:^^Went to get
some smokes. Be back soon.^^^^ --Tom";
has ~static; ! make sure it's portable
Object -> BOOK "survival guide"
with name "book" "survival" "guide",
initial "A survival guide lies discarded in the corner.",
before [; Examine: "It's a standard issue guide to survival in Antarctica.
You got it on your first day here. On the back cover
is a list of important safety tips:
^ Black flags mark hazards - do not approach.
^ Orange flags mean safe travel.
^ Stick to the flagged routes.
^ Travel in pairs (I guess Tom forgot that one).
^ In a white-out, sit down and wait it out.^";
has ~static; ! make sure it's portable
Object CAMP14 "Weather Observation Post 14"
with description "Behind the sign that reads, ~The United States Welcomes
you to Observation Post 14,~ lies your camp: an orange
eight-foot by eight-foot box that you call home. There
is a line of orange trail-marker flags heading off in
the distance to the north. The rest is whiteness",
s_to DOOR1,
! Drop the player at the starting poing
PlayerTo(ICE,1); ! Put the player in the "ice room" Object
IGOTO(52); ! Set the starting location (middle of the south edge)
rtrue; ! Tell the parser that it worked.
has light;
Object CAMP9 "Weather Observation Post 9"
with description "This is another field camp, the sign here tells you,
~The United States Welcomes you to Observation Post 9~.
The flagged route goes south from here.",
n_to DOOR2,
! Drop the player at the starting poing
PlayerTo(ICE,1); ! Put the player in the "ice room" Object
IGOTO(12); ! Set the starting location (middle of the north edge)
rtrue; ! Tell the parser that it worked.
has light;
Object HUT2 "A small scientific observation hut"
with description "This looks like a duplicate of your own observation hut,
down to the scuff marks on the floor.",
s_to ICE2,
n_to DOOR2,
has light;
Object -> DOOR2 "freezer door" ! An ordinary two-sided door (as implemented
! in the Inform Designer's Manual, chpt. 12).
with description "There is a familiar looking door in the wall of the hut,
with a familiar looking opening plunger.",
name "white" "freezer" "door",
when_closed [; rfalse; ],
when_open "The door has been carelessly left open and the cold,
antarctic wind is blowing into the hut, unabated.",
door_to [; if (location==CAMP9) return HUT2; return CAMP9; ],
door_dir [; if (location==CAMP9) return n_to; return s_to; ],
found_in HUT2 CAMP9,
has static door openable;
Object -> TOM "your campmate, Tom"
with name "Tom",
description "Tom, the only other person for a hundred miles, is here,
smoking the foulest smelling cigarettes you have ever
smelled - Penguin Slims",
has proper animate;
! In order to create the illusion of an enormous expanse of rooms without
! having to create one object per location, we simulate a large area with
! two real rooms and an array. One room (ICE) contains the Player object
! at all times. The other (ICE2), is a temporary holding area for the
! objects that are located in various places throughout the virtual space.
! We use the "ICELOC" property to remember where in the greater area an
! object was the last time the Player saw it.
Object ICE "Out on the open ice"
with name "ICE",
[; IWHERE(); ],
[; Go:
! Check to see if we are at an exit space, otherwise, just move
! around the virtual area.
return IEXIT();
! Since we don't move from object to object, all roads lead back here. The
! only way out is through specially marked spaces.
n_to ICE, s_to ICE, e_to ICE, w_to ICE,
ne_to ICE, nw_to ICE, se_to ICE, u_to ICE, sw_to ICE,
d_to ICE,
has light static container;
! We need a place to stash things that get left out on the ice
Object ICE2 "Ice Box" with name "ICE2", description "Ice Box", has light;
! ----------------------------------------
! Let's leave a trail for Player to follow
Class Flag
with description "trail flag",
name "marker" "flag" "bamboo" "pole",
"There is ", (a) self, " trail-marker flag here, fluttering
at the end of a bamboo pole";
[; Take: print "You pull the flag from the snow"; ],
has ~static; ! Let's let the player pick up and move the flags around.
! Now, create several instances of the flags and stick them in the holding room
Class Orange_Flag class Flag with name "orange", article "an";
Class Black_Flag class Flag with name "black", article "a";
Orange_Flag O1 "orange flag" ICE2 with plural "orange flags", ICELOC 12;
Orange_Flag O2 "orange flag" ICE2 with plural "orange flags", ICELOC 20;
Orange_Flag O3 "orange flag" ICE2 with plural "orange flags", ICELOC 28;
Orange_Flag O4 "orange flag" ICE2 with plural "orange flags", ICELOC 36;
Orange_Flag O5 "orange flag" ICE2 with plural "orange flags", ICELOC 44;
Orange_Flag O6 "orange flag" ICE2 with plural "orange flags", ICELOC 52;
Black_Flag BL1 "black flag" ICE2 with plural "black flags", ICELOC 53;
Black_Flag BL2 "black flag" ICE2 with plural "black flags", ICELOC 45;
Black_Flag BL3 "black flag" ICE2 with plural "black flags", ICELOC 37;
Black_Flag BL4 "black flag" ICE2 with plural "black flags", ICELOC 29;
! ----------------------------------------
Global IPLAYER=52; ! Current location of Player on the ice
! Virtual room array
! This array is a grid representation of the ice field. Different numbers
! represent the kind of terrain found in a particular "location". To make
! life easier for the programmer, positive numbers are inaccessible, zero
! is flat and level, and negative numbers are used for features such as exits
! and moveable ice blocks (not implemented in this tutorial).
! It's best to list this out in table form:
! 1 is impassable barrier (crevasse)
! -1 is movable block of ice (Not Implemented Yet)
! -2 is the passage to the north exit
! -3 is the passage to the south exit
Array IVEC --> 0 1 1 1 (-2) 1 1 1 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 (-3) 1 1 1;
! Note the north-south crevasse to the east of the expected path of the Player.
! ----------------------------------------
! Walking around on the ice field
! NB: n_obj is 7. The array has dummy entries to match the array element
! number with the direction object number. The elements/directions
! follow the order N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW. If this changes, this
! array and it's supporting code must be redesigned. This may not
! be the best way to do this, but it does work.
! These numbers are based on an 8x8 grid. A grid of a different size would
! generate different numbers (i.e., a 4x4 grid would see -4 for -8, -3 for
! -7, -5 for -9, etc.)
Array IEXITS --> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (-8) 8 1 (-1) (-7) (-9) 9 7;
! IEXIT - let the player exit the ice field
! Check to see if the player is in the right place and moving in the right
! direction (up).
if (IPLAYER==12 or 52) {
! Is there a way up here? (N.B.: for this example, there always is).
if ((IVEC-->(IPLAYER + IEXITS-->noun)) == -2) {
print "You scramble up the trail and onto the plateau.^";
give ICE ~visited;
else if ((IVEC-->(IPLAYER + IEXITS-->noun)) == -3) {
print "You scramble up the trail and back to camp.^";
give ICE ~visited;
if (noun==u_obj) {
print "There is nothing but flat, featureless ice here. Nothing to
return 3;
! Don't let them go down, ever.
if (noun==d_obj) {
print "That's not a good idea.";
return 3;
! If the intended space is empty, let the player move there
if (IVEC-->(IPLAYER + IEXITS-->noun)==0) {
return IGOTO(IPLAYER + IEXITS-->noun);
! There must be a barrier. Stop them from moving.
print "In the nick of time, you step back from the edge of a yawning
return 3;
! "Move" to new ice room
[ IGOTO FX x y;
! Forget we were ever here. This keeps the descriptions fresh.
give ICE ~visited;
! Move stuff out of the old location into the storage space
x = child(ICE);
while (x) {
if ( (x hasnt concealed) && (x ~= Player) ) {
x.ICELOC=IPLAYER; ! Remember where it came from
move x to ICE2; ! Stash it
x = y;
! "move" player to the new location
! Pull stuff from the storage space to the new location, if it belongs here
x = child(ICE2);
while (x) {
! see if this Object belongs in our new location
if (x.ICELOC == IPLAYER) {
x.ICELOC=0; ! Forget where it used to be
move x to ICE; ! Put it back in here
x = y;
give ICE ~visited;
return 3;
! ----------------------------------------
! Describe location out on the open ice.
[ IWHERE N W S E num_crevasse crevasse_dir;
N = IVEC-->(IPLAYER - 8);
S = IVEC-->(IPLAYER + 8);
E = IVEC-->(IPLAYER + 1);
W = IVEC-->(IPLAYER - 1);
! print "This is Ice Room #", IPLAYER, ".^";
! See if Player is somewhere safe or not
print "You are on the flagged route. ";
print "You are out on the open ice, a dangerous thing. ";
! Count the crevasses and remember which direction they are in
if (N == 1) { num_crevasse++; crevasse_dir = crevasse_dir + 1; }
if (S == 1) { num_crevasse++; crevasse_dir = crevasse_dir + 2; }
if (E == 1) { num_crevasse++; crevasse_dir = crevasse_dir + 4; }
if (W == 1) { num_crevasse++; crevasse_dir = crevasse_dir + 8; }
! If there are any crevasses, warn Player
if (num_crevasse) {
print "There ";
if (num_crevasse == 1) ! How many?
print "is a crevasse to the ";
print "are crevasses to the ";
if (N == 1) {
print "north";
if (num_crevasse == 1)
print " and ";
else if (num_crevasse > 1)
print ", ";
if (S == 1) {
print "south";
if (num_crevasse == 1)
print " and ";
else if (num_crevasse > 1)
print ", ";
if (E == 1) {
print "east";
if (num_crevasse == 1)
print " and ";
else if (num_crevasse > 1)
print ", ";
if (W == 1)
print "west";
print ".";
print "^";
! Let's thrown in a colorful phrase, just for fun...
if (IPLAYER==36)
print "(If Nowhere has a Middle, this is it.)^";
! Describe the exits, if present
if (N==-2)
print "There is a plateau to the north here. There appears to be a way to
scramble up to it that avoids the crevasse.";
if (S==-3)
print "You can see your camp up and to the south.^";
! Check to see if Player is on the route
! To-do: Check for an undisturbed flag along the route
[ ON_FLAGGED_ROUTE location;
if (location == 12 or 20 or 28 or 36 or 44 or 52)
! Define verbs here...
Include "Grammar";