mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-10-01 04:56:14 +00:00
2021-08-02 08:32:46 -05:00

1234 lines
45 KiB

import * as binaryen from 'binaryen';
//import binaryen = require("binaryen");
import { hasDataType, HDLBinop, HDLBlock, HDLConstant, HDLDataType, HDLDataTypeObject, HDLExpr, HDLExtendop, HDLFuncCall, HDLModuleDef, HDLModuleRunner, HDLSourceLocation, HDLSourceObject, HDLTriop, HDLUnop, HDLValue, HDLVariableDef, HDLVarRef, HDLWhileOp, isArrayItem, isArrayType, isBigConstExpr, isBinop, isBlock, isConstExpr, isFuncCall, isLogicType, isTriop, isUnop, isVarDecl, isVarRef, isWhileop } from "./hdltypes";
import { HDLError } from "./hdlruntime";
interface Options {
store?: boolean;
funcblock?: HDLBlock;
funcarg?: boolean;
resulttype?: number;
const GLOBALOFS = 0;
const MEMORY = "$$MEM";
const GLOBAL = "$$GLOBAL";
const TRACERECLEN = "$$treclen";
const TRACEOFS = "$$tofs";
const TRACEEND = "$$tend";
const TRACEBUF = "$$tbuf";
function getDataTypeSize(dt: HDLDataType) : number {
if (isLogicType(dt)) {
if (dt.left <= 7)
return 1;
else if (dt.left <= 15)
return 2;
else if (dt.left <= 31)
return 4;
else if (dt.left <= 63)
return 8;
return (dt.left >> 6) * 8 + 8; // 64-bit words
} else if (isArrayType(dt)) {
// TODO: additional padding for array?
return (Math.abs(dt.high.cvalue - dt.low.cvalue) + 1) * getDataTypeSize(dt.subtype);
} else {
throw new HDLError(dt, `don't know data type`);
function isReferenceType(dt: HDLDataType) : boolean {
return getDataTypeSize(dt) > 8;
function getArrayElementSizeFromType(dtype: HDLDataType) : number {
if (isArrayType(dtype)) {
return getArrayElementSizeFromType(dtype.subtype);
} else {
return getDataTypeSize(dtype);
function getArrayElementSizeFromExpr(e: HDLExpr) : number {
if (hasDataType(e) && isArrayType(e.dtype)) {
return getDataTypeSize(e.dtype.subtype);
} else if (hasDataType(e) && isLogicType(e.dtype) && e.dtype.left > 63) {
throw new HDLError(e, `elements > 64 bits not supported`);
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot figure out array element size`);
function getArrayValueSize(e: HDLExpr) : number {
return getDataTypeSize(getArrayValueType(e));
function getArrayValueType(e: HDLExpr) : HDLDataType {
if (isVarRef(e)) {
var dt = e.dtype;
while (isArrayType(dt))
dt = dt.subtype;
return dt;
} else if (isBinop(e) && e.op == 'arraysel') {
return getArrayValueType(e.left);
} else if (isBinop(e) && e.op == 'wordsel') {
return getArrayValueType(e.left);
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot figure out array value type`);
function getAlignmentForSize(size) {
if (size <= 1) return 1;
else if (size <= 2) return 2;
else if (size <= 4) return 4;
else return 8;
function getBinaryenType(size: number) {
if (size <= 4) return binaryen.i32;
else if (size <= 8) return binaryen.i64;
else return binaryen.none;
interface StructRec {
name: string;
type: HDLDataType;
offset: number;
size: number;
itype: number;
index: number;
init: HDLBlock;
constval: HDLConstant;
reset: boolean;
class Struct {
parent : Struct;
len : number = 0;
vars : {[name: string] : StructRec} = {};
locals : StructRec[] = [];
params : StructRec[] = [];
addVar(vardef: HDLVariableDef) {
var size = getDataTypeSize(vardef.dtype);
var rec = this.addEntry(vardef.name, size, getBinaryenType(size), vardef.dtype, false);
rec.init = vardef.initValue;
rec.constval = vardef.constValue;
return rec;
alignTo(align: number) : void {
while (this.len % align) this.len++;
addEntry(name: string, size: number, itype?: number, hdltype?: HDLDataType, isParam?: boolean) : StructRec {
// pointers are 32 bits, so if size > 8 it's a pointer
var rec : StructRec = {
name: name,
type: hdltype,
size: size,
itype: itype,
index: this.params.length + this.locals.length,
offset: this.len,
init: null,
constval: null,
reset: false,
this.len += size;
if (rec.name != null) this.vars[rec.name] = rec;
if (isParam) this.params.push(rec);
else this.locals.push(rec);
return rec;
getLocals() {
var vars = [];
for (const rec of this.locals) {
return vars;
lookup(name: string) : StructRec {
return this.vars[name];
export class HDLModuleWASM implements HDLModuleRunner {
bmod: binaryen.Module;
instance: WebAssembly.Instance;
hdlmod: HDLModuleDef;
constpool: HDLModuleDef;
globals: Struct;
locals: Struct;
databuf: Buffer;
data8: Uint8Array;
data16: Uint16Array;
data32: Uint32Array;
getFileData = null;
maxMemoryMB: number;
optimize: boolean = false;
maxEvalIterations: number = 8;
state: any;
statebytes: number;
outputbytes: number;
traceBufferSize: number = 0xff000;
traceRecordSize: number;
traceReadOffset: number;
traceStartOffset: number;
traceEndOffset: number;
trace: any;
randomizeOnReset: boolean = false;
finished: boolean;
stopped: boolean;
resetStartTimeMsec : number;
constructor(moddef: HDLModuleDef, constpool: HDLModuleDef, maxMemoryMB?: number) {
this.hdlmod = moddef;
this.constpool = constpool;
this.maxMemoryMB = maxMemoryMB || 16;
async init() {
await this.genModule();
initSync() {
powercycle() {
// TODO: merge w/ JS runtime
this.resetStartTimeMsec = new Date().getTime() - 1;
this.finished = false;
this.stopped = false;
(this.instance.exports as any)._ctor_var_reset(GLOBALOFS);
(this.instance.exports as any)._eval_initial(GLOBALOFS);
for (var i=0; i<100; i++) {
(this.instance.exports as any)._eval_settle(GLOBALOFS);
(this.instance.exports as any)._eval(GLOBALOFS);
var Vchange = (this.instance.exports as any)._change_request(GLOBALOFS);
if (!Vchange) {
throw new HDLError(null, `model did not converge on reset()`)
eval() {
(this.instance.exports as any).eval(GLOBALOFS);
tick() {
this.state.clk ^= 1;
tick2(iters: number) {
(this.instance.exports as any).tick2(GLOBALOFS, iters);
isFinished() { return this.finished; }
isStopped() { return this.stopped; }
saveState() {
return { o: this.data8.slice(0, this.statebytes) };
loadState(state) {
this.data8.set(state.o as Uint8Array);
// get tree of global variables for debugging
getGlobals() {
var g = {};
for (const [varname, vardef] of Object.entries(this.hdlmod.vardefs)) {
var o = g;
var toks = varname.split('$');
for (var tok of toks.slice(0, -1)) {
o[tok] = o[tok] || {};
o = o[tok];
o[toks[toks.length-1]] = this.state[varname];
return g;
enableTracing() {
if (this.outputbytes == 0) throw new Error(`outputbytes == 0`);
if (this.outputbytes % 8) throw new Error(`outputbytes must be 8-byte aligned`);
if (this.traceBufferSize % 8) throw new Error(`trace buffer size must be 8-byte aligned`);
this.traceStartOffset = this.globals.lookup(TRACEBUF).offset;
this.traceEndOffset = this.traceStartOffset + this.traceBufferSize - this.outputbytes;
this.state[TRACEEND] = this.traceEndOffset;
this.state[TRACERECLEN] = this.outputbytes;
//console.log(this.state[TRACEOFS], this.state[TRACERECLEN], this.state[TRACEEND]);
this.trace = this.makeScopeProxy(() => { return this.traceReadOffset });
resetTrace() {
this.traceReadOffset = this.traceStartOffset;
this.state[TRACEOFS] = this.traceStartOffset;
nextTrace() {
this.traceReadOffset += this.outputbytes;
if (this.traceReadOffset >= this.traceEndOffset)
this.traceReadOffset = this.traceStartOffset;
getTraceRecordSize() {
return this.traceRecordSize;
dispose() {
if (this.bmod) {
this.bmod = null;
this.instance = null;
this.databuf = null;
this.data8 = null;
this.data16 = null;
this.data32 = null;
private genMemory() {
this.bmod = new binaryen.Module();
var membytes = this.globals.len;
if (membytes > this.maxMemoryMB*1024*1024)
throw new HDLError(null, `cannot allocate ${membytes} bytes, limit is ${this.maxMemoryMB} MB`);
var memblks = Math.ceil(membytes / 65536);
this.bmod.setMemory(memblks, memblks, MEMORY); // memory is in 64k chunks
private genTypes() {
// generate global variables
var state = new Struct();
this.globals = state;
// separate vars and constants
var vardefs = Object.values(this.hdlmod.vardefs).filter(vd => vd.constValue == null);
var constdefs = Object.values(this.hdlmod.vardefs).filter(vd => vd.constValue != null);
// sort globals by output flag and size
function getVarDefSortKey(vdef: HDLVariableDef) {
var val = getDataTypeSize(vdef.dtype); // sort by size
if (!vdef.isOutput) val += 1000000; // outputs are first in list
return val;
vardefs.sort((a,b) => {
return getVarDefSortKey(a) - getVarDefSortKey(b);
// outputs are contiguous so we can copy them to the trace buffer
// so we put them all first in the struct order
for (var vardef of vardefs) {
if (vardef.isOutput) state.addVar(vardef);
if (state.len == 0) state.addEntry("___", 1); // ensure as least 8 output bytes for trace buffer
this.outputbytes = state.len;
// followed by inputs and internal vars (arrays after logical types)
for (var vardef of vardefs) {
if (!vardef.isOutput) state.addVar(vardef);
this.statebytes = state.len;
// followed by constants and constant pool
if (this.constpool) {
for (const vardef of Object.values(constdefs)) {
for (const vardef of Object.values(this.constpool.vardefs)) {
// and now the trace buffer
state.addEntry(TRACERECLEN, 4, binaryen.i32);
state.addEntry(TRACEOFS, 4, binaryen.i32);
state.addEntry(TRACEEND, 4, binaryen.i32);
state.addEntry(TRACEBUF, this.traceBufferSize);
this.traceRecordSize = this.outputbytes;
private genFuncs() {
// function type (dsegptr)
for (var block of this.hdlmod.blocks) {
// export functions
for (var fname of VERILATOR_UNIT_FUNCTIONS) {
this.bmod.addFunctionExport(fname, fname);
// create helper functions
// link imported functions
private validate() {
// optimize wasm module (default passes crash binaryen.js)
if (this.optimize) {
var size = this.bmod.emitBinary().length;
// TODO: more passes?
// https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen/blob/369b8bdd3d9d49e4d9e0edf62e14881c14d9e352/src/passes/pass.cpp#L396
var optsize = this.bmod.emitBinary().length;
console.log('optimize', size, '->', optsize)
// validate wasm module
if (!this.bmod.validate()) {
throw new HDLError(null, `could not validate wasm module`);
private genFunction(block) {
// TODO: cfuncs only
var fnname = block.name;
// find locals of function
var fscope = new Struct();
fscope.addEntry(GLOBAL, 4, binaryen.i32, null, true); // 1st param to function
// add __req local if change_request function
if (this.funcResult(block.name) == binaryen.i32) {
fscope.addEntry(CHANGEDET, 1, binaryen.i32, null, false);
block.exprs.forEach((e) => {
if (e && isVarDecl(e)) {
// TODO: make local reference types, instead of promoting local arrays to global
if (isReferenceType(e.dtype)) {
} else {
// create function body
var fbody = this.block2wasm(block, {funcblock:block});
//var fbody = this.bmod.return(this.bmod.i32.const(0));
var fret = this.funcResult(block.name);
var fsig = binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32]); // pass dataptr()
var fref = this.bmod.addFunction(fnname, fsig, fret, fscope.getLocals(), fbody);
private async genModule() {
var wasmData = this.bmod.emitBinary();
var compiled = await WebAssembly.compile(wasmData);
this.instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(compiled, this.getImportObject());
private genModuleSync() {
var wasmData = this.bmod.emitBinary();
var compiled = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmData);
this.instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(compiled, this.getImportObject());
private genStateInterface() {
this.databuf = (this.instance.exports[MEMORY] as any).buffer;
this.data8 = new Uint8Array(this.databuf);
this.data16 = new Uint16Array(this.databuf);
this.data32 = new Uint32Array(this.databuf);
// proxy object to access globals (starting from 0)
this.state = this.makeScopeProxy(() => { return 0 });
private defineProperty(proxy, basefn: () => number, vref: StructRec) {
var _this = this;
// precompute some things
var elsize = vref.type && getArrayElementSizeFromType(vref.type);
var eltype = vref.type;
while (eltype && isArrayType(eltype)) {
eltype = eltype.subtype;
var mask = -1; // set all bits
if (eltype && isLogicType(eltype) && eltype.left < 31) {
mask = (1 << (eltype.left+1)) - 1; // set partial bits
// define get/set on proxy object
Object.defineProperty(proxy, vref.name, {
get() {
let base = basefn();
if (vref.type && isArrayType(vref.type)) {
// TODO: can't mask unused bits in array
if (elsize == 1) {
return new Uint8Array(_this.databuf, base + vref.offset, vref.size);
} else if (elsize == 2) {
return new Uint16Array(_this.databuf, (base>>1) + vref.offset, vref.size >> 1);
} else if (elsize == 4) {
return new Uint32Array(_this.databuf, (base>>2) + vref.offset, vref.size >> 2);
} else {
if (vref.size == 1) {
return _this.data8[base + vref.offset];
} else if (vref.size == 2) {
return _this.data16[(base + vref.offset) >> 1];
} else if (vref.size == 4) {
return _this.data32[(base + vref.offset) >> 2];
return new Uint32Array(_this.databuf, (base>>2) + vref.offset, vref.size >> 2);
set(value) {
var base = basefn();
if (vref.size == 1) {
_this.data8[(base + vref.offset)] = value & mask;
return true;
} else if (vref.size == 2) {
_this.data16[(base + vref.offset) >> 1] = value & mask;
return true;
} else if (vref.size == 4) {
_this.data32[(base + vref.offset) >> 2] = value & mask;
return true;
} else {
throw new HDLError(vref, `can't set property ${vref.name}`);
enumerable: true,
configurable: false
private makeScopeProxy(basefn: () => number) : {} {
var proxy = Object.create(null); // no inherited properties
for (var vref of Object.values(this.globals.vars)) {
if (vref != null) this.defineProperty(proxy, basefn, vref);
return proxy;
setInitialValues() {
for (var rec of this.globals.locals) {
private setInitialValue(rec: StructRec) {
var arr = this.state[rec.name];
if (rec.init) {
if (!arr) throw new HDLError(rec, `no array to init`);
for (let i=0; i<rec.init.exprs.length; i++) {
let e = rec.init.exprs[i];
if (isArrayItem(e) && isConstExpr(e.expr)) {
arr[e.index] = e.expr.cvalue;
} else {
throw new HDLError(e, `non-const expr in initarray (multidimensional arrays not supported)`);
//console.log(rec.name, rec.type, arr);
} else if (rec.constval) {
this.state[rec.name] = rec.constval.cvalue || rec.constval.bigvalue;
} else if (rec.type && rec.reset && this.randomizeOnReset) {
if (isLogicType(rec.type) && typeof arr === 'number') {
this.state[rec.name] = Math.random() * 4294967296; // don't need to mask
} else if (isArrayType(rec.type) && isLogicType(rec.type.subtype)) {
// array types are't mask-protected yet
var mask = (1 << (rec.type.subtype.left + 1)) - 1;
for (var i=0; i<arr.length; i++) {
arr[i] = (Math.random() * 4294967296) & mask;
} else {
console.log(`could not reset ${rec.name}`)
clearMutableState() {
this.data32.fill(0, 0, this.statebytes >> 2);
private addHelperFunctions() {
private addImportedFunctions() {
this.bmod.addFunctionImport("$finish_0", "builtins", "$finish", binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32]), binaryen.none);
this.bmod.addFunctionImport("$stop_0", "builtins", "$stop", binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32]), binaryen.none);
this.bmod.addFunctionImport("$time_0", "builtins", "$time", binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32]), binaryen.i64);
this.bmod.addFunctionImport("$rand_0", "builtins", "$rand", binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32]), binaryen.i32);
this.bmod.addFunctionImport("$readmem_2", "builtins", "$readmem", binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32, binaryen.i32, binaryen.i32]), binaryen.none);
private getImportObject() : {} {
var n = 0;
return {
// TODO: merge w/ JS runtime
builtins: {
$finish: (o) => { if (!this.finished) console.log('... Finished @', o); this.finished = true; },
$stop: (o) => { if (!this.stopped) console.log('... Stopped @', o); this.stopped = true; },
$time: (o) => BigInt(new Date().getTime() - this.resetStartTimeMsec), // TODO: timescale
$rand: (o) => (Math.random() * (65536 * 65536)) | 0,
$readmem: (o,a,b) => this.$readmem(a, b)
private $readmem(p_filename, p_rom) {
var fn = '';
for (var i=0; i<255; i++) {
var charCode = this.data8[p_filename + i];
if (charCode == 0) break;
fn = String.fromCharCode(charCode) + fn;
var filedata = this.getFileData && this.getFileData(fn);
if (filedata == null) throw new HDLError(fn, `no file "${fn}" for $readmem`);
if (typeof filedata !== 'string') throw new HDLError(fn, `file "${fn}" must be lines of hex or binary values`);
var ishex = !fn.endsWith('.binary'); // TODO: hex should be attribute in xml
var data = filedata.split('\n').filter(s => s !== '').map(s => parseInt(s, ishex ? 16 : 2));
for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
this.data8[p_rom + i] = data[i];
return 0;
// create a new unique label
labelseq = 0;
private label(s?: string) : string {
return `@${s||"label"}_${++this.labelseq}`;
private addCopyTraceRecFunction() {
const m = this.bmod;
const o_TRACERECLEN = this.globals.lookup(TRACERECLEN).offset;
const o_TRACEOFS = this.globals.lookup(TRACEOFS).offset;
const o_TRACEEND = this.globals.lookup(TRACEEND).offset;
const o_TRACEBUF = this.globals.lookup(TRACEBUF).offset;
var i32 = binaryen.i32;
var none = binaryen.none;
var l_block = this.label("@block");
var l_loop = this.label("@loop");
[i32, i32, i32], // src, len, dest
m.block(l_block, [
// $0 = 0 (start of globals)
m.local.set(0, m.i32.const(GLOBALOFS)),
// don't use $0 as data seg offset, assume trace buffer offsets start @ 0
m.local.set(1, m.i32.load(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACERECLEN))),
// $2 = TRACEOFS
m.local.set(2, m.i32.load(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACEOFS))),
// while ($1--) [$0]++ = [$2]++
m.loop(l_loop, m.block(null, [
m.i64.store(0, 8, m.local.get(2, i32), m.i64.load(0, 8, m.local.get(0, i32))),
m.local.set(0, m.i32.add(m.local.get(0, i32), m.i32.const(8))),
m.local.set(2, m.i32.add(m.local.get(2, i32), m.i32.const(8))),
m.local.set(1, m.i32.sub(m.local.get(1, i32), m.i32.const(8))),
this.bmod.br_if(l_loop, m.local.get(1, i32))
m.i32.store(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACEOFS),
m.i32.load(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACEOFS)),
m.i32.load(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACERECLEN))
m.br_if(l_block, m.i32.lt_u(
m.i32.load(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACEOFS)),
m.i32.load(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACEEND))
m.i32.store(0, 4, m.i32.const(o_TRACEOFS), m.i32.const(o_TRACEBUF))
private addTick2Function() {
const m = this.bmod;
var l_loop = this.label("@loop");
if (this.globals.lookup('clk')) {
var v_dseg = m.local.get(0, binaryen.i32);
//var v_count = m.local.get(1, binaryen.i32);
binaryen.createType([binaryen.i32, binaryen.i32]),
m.loop(l_loop, m.block(null, [
this.makeSetVariableFunction("clk", 0),
m.drop(m.call("eval", [v_dseg], binaryen.i32)),
this.makeSetVariableFunction("clk", 1),
m.drop(m.call("eval", [v_dseg], binaryen.i32)),
// call copyTraceRec
m.call("copyTraceRec", [], binaryen.none),
// goto @loop if ($1 = $1 - 1)
m.local.get(1, binaryen.i32),
), binaryen.i32))
m.addFunctionExport("tick2", "tick2");
} else {
m.addFunctionExport("eval", "tick2");
private addEvalFunction() {
this.bmod.addFunctionExport("eval", "eval");
private makeGetVariableFunction(name: string, value: number) {
var dtype = this.globals.lookup(name).type;
var src : HDLVarRef = {refname:name, dtype:dtype};
return this.e2w(src);
private makeSetVariableFunction(name: string, value: number) {
var dtype = this.globals.lookup(name).type;
var dest : HDLVarRef = {refname:name, dtype:dtype};
var src : HDLConstant = {cvalue:value, bigvalue:null, dtype:dtype};
return this.assign2wasm(dest, src);
private makeTickFuncBody(count: number) {
var dseg = this.bmod.local.get(0, binaryen.i32);
if (count > this.maxEvalIterations)
return this.bmod.i32.const(count);
return this.bmod.block(null, [
this.bmod.call("_eval", [dseg], binaryen.none),
this.bmod.call("_change_request", [dseg], binaryen.i32),
this.bmod.return(this.bmod.local.get(0, binaryen.i32))
], binaryen.i32)
private funcResult(funcname: string) {
// only _change functions return a result
if (funcname.startsWith("_change_request")) return binaryen.i32;
else if (funcname == '$time') return binaryen.i64;
else if (funcname == '$rand') return binaryen.i32;
else return binaryen.none;
private pushScope(scope: Struct) {
scope.parent = this.locals;
this.locals = scope;
private popScope() {
this.locals = this.locals.parent;
private i3264(dt: HDLDataType) {
var size = getDataTypeSize(dt);
var type = getBinaryenType(size);
if (type == binaryen.i32) return this.bmod.i32;
else if (type == binaryen.i64) return this.bmod.i64;
else throw new HDLError(dt, `data types > 64 bits not supported`);
private i3264rel(e: HDLBinop) {
if (hasDataType(e.left) && hasDataType(e.right)) {
var lsize = getDataTypeSize(e.left.dtype);
var rsize = getDataTypeSize(e.right.dtype);
if (lsize > rsize) return this.i3264(e.left.dtype);
else return this.i3264(e.right.dtype);
throw new HDLError(e, `can't ${e.op} arguments`);
private dataptr() : number {
return this.bmod.local.get(0, binaryen.i32); // 1st param of function == data ptr
private e2w(e: HDLExpr, opts?:Options) : number {
if (e == null) {
return this.bmod.nop();
} else if (isBlock(e)) {
return this.block2wasm(e, opts);
} else if (isVarDecl(e)) {
return this.local2wasm(e, opts);
} else if (isVarRef(e)) {
return this.varref2wasm(e, opts);
} else if (isConstExpr(e) || isBigConstExpr(e)) {
return this.const2wasm(e, opts);
} else if (isFuncCall(e)) {
return this.funccall2wasm(e, opts);
} else if (isUnop(e) || isBinop(e) || isTriop(e) || isWhileop(e)) {
var n = `_${e.op}2wasm`;
var fn = this[n];
if (fn == null) { throw new HDLError(e, `no such method ${n}`) }
return this[n](e, opts);
} else {
throw new HDLError(e, `could not translate expr`)
block2wasm(e: HDLBlock, opts?:Options) : number {
var stmts = e.exprs.map((stmt) => this.e2w(stmt));
var ret = opts && opts.funcblock ? this.funcResult(opts.funcblock.name) : binaryen.none;
// must have return value for change_request function
if (ret == binaryen.i32) {
stmts.push(this.bmod.return(this.bmod.local.get(this.locals.lookup(CHANGEDET).index, ret)));
// return block value for loop condition
if (opts && opts.resulttype) {
ret = binaryen.i32;
return this.bmod.block(e.name, stmts, ret);
funccall2wasm(e: HDLFuncCall, opts?:Options) : number {
var args = [this.dataptr()];
for (var arg of e.args) {
args.push(this.e2w(arg, {funcarg:true}));
var internal = e.funcname;
if (e.funcname.startsWith('$')) {
if ((e.funcname == '$stop' || e.funcname == '$finish') && e.$loc) {
args = [this.bmod.i32.const(e.$loc.line)]; // line # of source code
internal += '_' + (args.length - 1);
var ret = this.funcResult(e.funcname);
return this.bmod.call(internal, args, ret);
const2wasm(e: HDLConstant, opts: Options) : number {
var size = getDataTypeSize(e.dtype);
if (isLogicType(e.dtype)) {
if (e.bigvalue != null) {
let low = e.bigvalue & BigInt(0xffffffff);
let high = (e.bigvalue >> BigInt(32)) & BigInt(0xffffffff);
return this.i3264(e.dtype).const(Number(low), Number(high));
} else if (size <= 4)
return this.bmod.i32.const(e.cvalue|0);
else if (size <= 8)
return this.bmod.i64.const(e.cvalue|0, 0);
throw new HDLError(e, `constants > 64 bits not supported`)
} else {
throw new HDLError(e, `non-logic constants not supported`)
varref2wasm(e: HDLVarRef, opts: Options) : number {
if (opts && opts.store) throw Error(`cannot store here`);
var local = this.locals && this.locals.lookup(e.refname);
var global = this.globals.lookup(e.refname);
if (local != null) {
return this.bmod.local.get(local.index, local.itype);
} else if (global != null) {
if (global.size > 8 && opts && opts.funcarg)
return this.address2wasm(e); // TODO: only applies to wordsel
return this.loadmem(e, this.dataptr(), global.offset, global.size);
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot lookup variable ${e.refname}`)
local2wasm(e: HDLVariableDef, opts:Options) : number {
var local = this.locals.lookup(e.name);
//if (local == null) throw Error(`no local for ${e.name}`)
return this.bmod.nop(); // TODO
assign2wasm(dest: HDLExpr, src: HDLExpr) : number {
var value = this.e2w(src);
if (isVarRef(dest)) {
var local = this.locals && this.locals.lookup(dest.refname);
var global = this.globals.lookup(dest.refname);
if (local != null) {
return this.bmod.local.set(local.index, value);
} else if (global != null) {
return this.storemem(dest, this.dataptr(), global.offset, global.size, value);
} else if (isBinop(dest)) {
var addr = this.address2wasm(dest);
var elsize = dest.op == 'wordsel' ? getDataTypeSize(dest.dtype) : getArrayElementSizeFromExpr(dest.left);
return this.storemem(dest, addr, 0, elsize, value);
throw new HDLError(dest, `cannot complete assignment`);
loadmem(e: HDLSourceObject, ptr, offset:number, size:number) : number {
if (size == 1) {
return this.bmod.i32.load8_u(offset, 1, ptr);
} else if (size == 2) {
return this.bmod.i32.load16_u(offset, 2, ptr);
} else if (size == 4) {
return this.bmod.i32.load(offset, 4, ptr);
} else if (size == 8) {
return this.bmod.i64.load(offset, 8, ptr);
} else {
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot load ${size} bytes (> 64 bits not supported)`)
storemem(e: HDLSourceObject, ptr, offset:number, size:number, value) : number {
if (size == 1) {
return this.bmod.i32.store8(offset, 1, ptr, value);
} else if (size == 2) {
return this.bmod.i32.store16(offset, 2, ptr, value);
} else if (size == 4) {
return this.bmod.i32.store(offset, 4, ptr, value);
} else if (size == 8) {
return this.bmod.i64.store(offset, 8, ptr, value);
} else {
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot store ${size} bytes (> 64 bits not supported)`)
address2wasm(e: HDLExpr) : number {
if (isBinop(e) && (e.op == 'arraysel' || e.op == 'wordsel')) {
var elsize = e.op == 'wordsel' ? getDataTypeSize(e.dtype) : getArrayElementSizeFromExpr(e.left);
var array = this.address2wasm(e.left);
var index = this.e2w(e.right);
return this.bmod.i32.add(
this.bmod.i32.mul(this.bmod.i32.const(elsize), index)
} else if (isVarRef(e)) {
var local = this.locals && this.locals.lookup(e.refname);
var global = this.globals.lookup(e.refname);
if (local != null) {
throw new HDLError(e, `can't get array local address yet`);
} else if (global != null) {
return this.bmod.i32.const(global.offset);
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot get address`);
// TODO: array bounds
_arraysel2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) : number {
var addr = this.address2wasm(e);
var elsize = getArrayValueSize(e);
var ret = this.loadmem(e, addr, 0, elsize);
// cast to destination type, if it differs than fetch type
if (elsize != getDataTypeSize(e.dtype)) {
ret = this.castexpr(ret, getArrayValueType(e), e.dtype);
return ret;
_wordsel2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) : number {
return this._arraysel2wasm(e, opts);
_assign2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) {
return this.assign2wasm(e.right, e.left);
_assignpre2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) {
return this._assign2wasm(e, opts);
_assigndly2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) {
return this._assign2wasm(e, opts);
_assignpost2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) {
return this._assign2wasm(e, opts);
_contassign2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) {
return this._assign2wasm(e, opts);
_if2wasm(e: HDLTriop, opts:Options) {
return this.bmod.if(this.e2w(e.cond), this.e2w(e.left), this.e2w(e.right));
_cond2wasm(e: HDLTriop, opts:Options) {
return this.bmod.select(this.e2w(e.cond), this.e2w(e.left), this.e2w(e.right));
_condbound2wasm(e: HDLTriop, opts:Options) {
return this.bmod.select(this.e2w(e.cond), this.e2w(e.left), this.e2w(e.right));
_while2wasm(e: HDLWhileOp, opts:Options) {
var l_block = this.label("@block");
var l_loop = this.label("@loop");
var block = [];
if (e.precond) {
if (e.loopcond) {
// TODO: detect constant while loop condition
this.e2w(e.loopcond, {resulttype:binaryen.i32}),
this.bmod.br(l_block) // exit loop
if (e.body) {
if (e.inc) {
return this.bmod.loop(l_loop, this.bmod.block(l_block, block, binaryen.none));
_ccast2wasm(e: HDLUnop, opts:Options) {
if (hasDataType(e.left)) {
return this.castexpr(this.e2w(e.left), e.left.dtype, e.dtype);
} else
throw new HDLError(e.left, `no data type for ccast`);
castexpr(val: number, tsrc: HDLDataType, tdst: HDLDataType) : number {
if (isLogicType(tsrc) && isLogicType(tdst) && tsrc.right == 0 && tdst.right == 0) {
if (tsrc.left == tdst.left) {
return val;
} else if (tsrc.left > 63 || tdst.left > 63) {
throw new HDLError(tdst, `values > 64 bits not supported`);
} else if (tsrc.left <= 31 && tdst.left <= 31 && !tsrc.signed && !tdst.signed) {
return val;
} else if (tsrc.left > 31 && tdst.left > 31 && !tsrc.signed && !tdst.signed) {
return val;
} else if (tsrc.left == 7 && tdst.left == 31 && tsrc.signed && tdst.signed) {
return this.bmod.i32.extend8_s(val);
} else if (tsrc.left == 15 && tdst.left == 31 && tsrc.signed && tdst.signed) {
return this.bmod.i32.extend16_s(val);
} else if (tsrc.left <= 31 && tdst.left > 31) { // 32 -> 64
if (tsrc.signed)
return this.bmod.i64.extend_s(val);
return this.bmod.i64.extend_u(val);
} else if (tsrc.left > 31 && tdst.left <= 31) { // 64 -> 32
return this.bmod.i32.wrap(val);
} else if (tsrc.left < 31 && tdst.left == 31 && tsrc.signed) { // sign extend via shift (silice case)
let inst = this.i3264(tdst);
var shift = inst.const(31 - tsrc.left, 0);
return inst.shr_s(inst.shl(val, shift), shift);
throw new HDLError([tsrc, tdst], `cannot cast ${tsrc.left}/${tsrc.signed} to ${tdst.left}/${tdst.signed}`);
throw new HDLError([tsrc, tdst], `cannot cast`);
_creset2wasm(e: HDLUnop, opts:Options) {
if (isVarRef(e.left)) {
var glob = this.globals.lookup(e.left.refname);
// TODO: must be better way to tell non-randomize values
// set clk and reset to known values so values are reset properly
glob.reset = glob.name != 'clk' && glob.name != 'reset' && !glob.name.startsWith("__V");
// we reset values in powercycle()
return this.bmod.nop();
_creturn2wasm(e: HDLUnop, opts:Options) {
return this.bmod.return(this.e2w(e.left, opts));
_not2wasm(e: HDLUnop, opts:Options) {
var inst = this.i3264(e.dtype);
return inst.xor(inst.const(-1, -1), this.e2w(e.left, opts));
_negate2wasm(e: HDLUnop, opts:Options) {
var inst = this.i3264(e.dtype);
return inst.sub(inst.const(0,0), this.e2w(e.left, opts));
_changedet2wasm(e: HDLBinop, opts:Options) {
var req = this.locals.lookup(CHANGEDET);
if (!req) throw new HDLError(e, `no changedet local`);
var left = this.e2w(e.left);
var right = this.e2w(e.right);
let datainst = this.i3264(hasDataType(e.left) && e.left.dtype);
return this.bmod.block(null, [
// if (left != right) req = 1;
datainst.ne(left, right),
this.bmod.local.set(req.index, this.bmod.i32.const(1)),
// ${this.expr2js(e.right)} = ${this.expr2js(e.left)}`
this.assign2wasm(e.right, e.left)
_extend2wasm(e: HDLExtendop, opts:Options) {
var value = this.e2w(e.left);
if (e.widthminv == 32 && e.width == 64) {
return this.bmod.i64.extend_u(value);
throw new HDLError(e, `cannot extend`);
_extends2wasm(e: HDLExtendop, opts:Options) {
var value = this.e2w(e.left);
var inst = this.i3264(e.dtype);
if (this.bmod.getFeatures() & binaryen.Features.SignExt) {
if (e.widthminv == 8) {
return inst.extend8_s(value);
} else if (e.widthminv == 16) {
return inst.extend16_s(value);
} else if (e.widthminv == 32 && e.width == 64) {
return this.bmod.i64.extend32_s(value);
// TODO: this might not work? (t_math_signed2.v)
var shift = inst.const(e.width - e.widthminv, 0);
return inst.shr_s(inst.shl(value, shift), shift);
// TODO: i32/i64
_redxor2wasm(e: HDLUnop) {
if (hasDataType(e.left)) {
var left = this.e2w(e.left);
var inst = this.i3264(e.left.dtype);
var rtn = inst.and(
inst.const(1, 0),
inst.popcnt(left)); // (num_set_bits & 1)
return this.castexpr(rtn, e.left.dtype, e.dtype);
} else
throw new HDLError(e, '');
binop(e: HDLBinop, f_op: (a:number, b:number) => number) {
var left = this.e2w(e.left);
var right = this.e2w(e.right);
var upcast = null;
// if one argument is 64 bit and one is 32 bit, upcast the latter to 64 bits
if (hasDataType(e.left) && hasDataType(e.right)) {
var lsize = getDataTypeSize(e.left.dtype);
var rsize = getDataTypeSize(e.right.dtype);
var ltype = getBinaryenType(lsize);
var rtype = getBinaryenType(rsize);
if (ltype != rtype && rsize > lsize) {
left = this.castexpr(left, e.left.dtype, e.right.dtype);
upcast = e.right.dtype;
} else if (ltype != rtype && lsize > rsize) {
right = this.castexpr(right, e.right.dtype, e.left.dtype);
upcast = e.left.dtype;
} else if (ltype != rtype)
throw new HDLError(e, `wrong argument sizes ${lsize} and ${rsize}`);
var rtn = f_op(left, right);
// if we upcasted, and result is 32 bit, downcast to 32 bits
if (upcast) {
rtn = this.castexpr(rtn, upcast, e.dtype);
return rtn;
_or2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).or);
_and2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).and);
_xor2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).xor);
_shiftl2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).shl);
_shiftr2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).shr_u);
_shiftrs2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).shr_s);
_add2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).add);
_sub2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).sub);
_mul2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).mul);
_muls2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).mul); // TODO: signed?
_moddiv2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).rem_u);
_div2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).div_u);
_moddivs2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).rem_s);
_divs2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.binop(e, this.i3264rel(e).div_s);
relop(e: HDLBinop, f_op : (a:number,b:number)=>number) {
return f_op(this.e2w(e.left), this.e2w(e.right));
_eq2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).eq);
_neq2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).ne);
_lt2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).lt_u);
_gt2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).gt_u);
_lte2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).le_u);
_gte2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).ge_u);
_gts2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).gt_s);
_lts2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).lt_s);
_gtes2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).ge_s);
_ltes2wasm(e: HDLBinop) {
return this.relop(e, this.i3264rel(e).le_s);