mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-06-26 21:29:33 +00:00
2022-02-19 14:44:20 -06:00

240 lines
8.4 KiB

var debug = false;
export interface BoxConstraints {
left?: number;
top?: number;
width: number;
height: number;
box?: PlacedBox;
label?: string;
enum BoxPlacement {
TopLeft=0, TopRight=1, BottomLeft=2, BottomRight=3
export interface Box {
left: number;
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
export interface PlacedBox extends Box {
bin: Bin;
parents: Box[];
place: BoxPlacement;
function boxesIntersect(a: Box, b: Box) : boolean {
return !(b.left >= a.right || b.right <= a.left || b.top >= a.bottom || b.bottom <= a.top);
function boxesContain(a: Box, b: Box) : boolean {
return b.left >= a.left && b.top >= a.top && b.right <= a.right && b.bottom <= a.bottom;
export class Bin {
boxes: Box[] = [];
free: Box[] = [];
extents: Box = {left:0,top:0,right:0,bottom:0};
constructor(public readonly binbounds: Box) {
getBoxes(bounds: Box, limit: number, boxes?: Box[]) : Box[] {
let result = [];
if (!boxes) boxes = this.boxes;
for (let box of boxes) {
//console.log(bounds, box, boxesIntersect(bounds, box))
if (boxesIntersect(bounds, box)) {
if (result.length >= limit) break;
return result;
fits(b: Box) {
if (!boxesContain(this.binbounds, b)) {
if (debug) console.log('out of bounds!', b.left,b.top,b.right,b.bottom);
return false;
if (this.getBoxes(b, 1).length > 0) {
if (debug) console.log('intersect!', b.left,b.top,b.right,b.bottom);
return false;
return true;
bestFit(b: BoxConstraints) : Box | null {
let bestscore = 0;
let best = null;
for (let f of this.free) {
if (b.left != null && b.left < f.left) continue;
if (b.left != null && b.left + b.width > f.right) continue;
if (b.top != null && b.top < f.top) continue;
if (b.top != null && b.top + b.height > f.bottom) continue;
let dx = (f.right - f.left) - b.width;
let dy = (f.bottom - f.top) - b.height;
if (dx >= 0 && dy >= 0) {
let score = 1 / (1 + dx + dy + f.left * 0.001);
if (score > bestscore) {
best = f;
bestscore = score;
if (score == 1) break;
return best;
anyFit(b: BoxConstraints) : Box | null {
let bestscore = 0;
let best = null;
for (let f of this.free) {
let box : Box = {
left: b.left != null ? b.left : f.left,
right: f.left + b.width,
top: b.top != null ? b.top : f.top,
bottom: f.top + b.height };
if (this.fits(box)) {
let score = 1 / (1 + box.left + box.top);
if (score > bestscore) {
best = f;
if (score == 1) break;
return best;
add(b: PlacedBox) {
if (debug) console.log('add', b.left,b.top,b.right,b.bottom);
if (!this.fits(b)) {
//console.log('collided with', this.getBoxes(b, 1));
throw new Error(`bad fit ${b.left} ${b.top} ${b.right} ${b.bottom}`)
// add box to list
this.extents.right = Math.max(this.extents.right, b.right);
this.extents.bottom = Math.max(this.extents.bottom, b.bottom);
// delete bin
for (let p of b.parents) {
let i = this.free.indexOf(p);
if (i < 0) throw new Error('cannot find parent');
if (debug) console.log('removed',p.left,p.top,p.right,p.bottom);
this.free.splice(i, 1);
// split into new bins
// make long columns
this.addFree(p.left, p.top, b.left, p.bottom);
this.addFree(b.right, p.top, p.right, p.bottom);
// make top caps
this.addFree(b.left, p.top, b.right, b.top);
this.addFree(b.left, b.bottom, b.right, p.bottom);
addFree(left: number, top: number, right: number, bottom: number) {
if (bottom > top && right > left) {
let b = { left, top, right, bottom };
if (debug) console.log('free',b.left,b.top,b.right,b.bottom);
// TODO: merge free boxes?
export class Packer {
bins : Bin[] = [];
boxes : BoxConstraints[] = [];
defaultPlacement : BoxPlacement = BoxPlacement.TopLeft; //TODO
pack() : boolean {
for (let bc of this.boxes) {
let box = this.bestPlacement(bc);
if (!box) return false;
bc.box = box;
return true;
bestPlacement(b: BoxConstraints) : PlacedBox | null {
for (let bin of this.bins) {
let parent = bin.bestFit(b);
let approx = false;
if (!parent) {
parent = bin.anyFit(b);
approx = true;
if (debug) console.log('anyfit',parent?.left,parent?.top);
if (parent) {
let place = this.defaultPlacement;
let box = {
left: parent.left,
top: parent.top,
right: parent.left + b.width,
bottom: parent.top + b.height
if (b.left != null) {
box.left = b.left;
box.right = b.left + b.width;
if (b.top != null) {
box.top = b.top;
box.bottom = b.top + b.height;
if (place == BoxPlacement.BottomLeft || place == BoxPlacement.BottomRight) {
let h = box.bottom - box.top;
box.top = parent.bottom - h;
box.bottom = parent.bottom;
if (place == BoxPlacement.TopRight || place == BoxPlacement.BottomRight) {
let w = box.right - box.left;
box.left = parent.right - w;
box.right = parent.right;
if (debug) console.log('place',b.label,box.left,box.top,box.right,box.bottom,parent?.left,parent?.top);
let parents = [parent];
// if approx match, might overlap multiple free boxes
if (approx) parents = bin.getBoxes(box, 100, bin.free);
return { parents, place, bin, ...box };
if (debug) console.log('cannot place!', b.left,b.top,b.width,b.height);
return null;
toSVG() {
let s = '';
let r = {width:100,height:70}
for (let bin of this.bins) {
r.width = Math.max(r.width, bin.binbounds.right);
r.height = Math.max(r.height, bin.binbounds.bottom);
s += `<svg viewBox="0 0 ${r.width} ${r.height}" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><style><![CDATA[text {font: 1px sans-serif;}]]></style>`;
for (let bin of this.bins) {
let be = bin.extents;
s += '<g>'
s += `<rect width="${be.right-be.left}" height="${be.bottom-be.top}" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.5" fill="none"/>`;
let textx = be.right+1;
let texty = 0;
for (let box of this.boxes) {
let b = box.box;
if (b) {
if (b.bin == bin) s += `<rect width="${b.right-b.left}" height="${b.bottom-b.top}" x="${b.left}" y="${b.top}" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.25" fill="#ccc"/>`;
if (b.top == texty) textx += 10; else textx = be.right+1;
texty = b.top;
if (box.label) s += `<text x="${textx}" y="${texty}" height="1">${box.label}</text>`;
for (let b of bin.free) {
s += `<rect width="${b.right-b.left}" height="${b.bottom-b.top}" x="${b.left}" y="${b.top}" stroke="red" stroke-width="0.1" fill="none"/>`;
s += '</g>'
s += `</svg>`;
return s;
toSVGUrl() {
return `data:image/svg+xml;base64,${btoa(this.toSVG())}`;