mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2024-09-22 21:57:43 +00:00
2022-02-24 12:36:05 -06:00

274 lines
9.0 KiB

import { WasmFs } from "@wasmer/wasmfs";
import { CpuState, EmuState } from "./baseplatform";
import { CPU, SampledAudioSink, ProbeAll, NullProbe } from "./devices";
import { EmuHalt } from "./emu";
// WASM Support
// TODO: detangle from c64
export abstract class BaseWASMMachine {
prefix : string;
instance : WebAssembly.Instance;
exports : any;
sys : number;
pixel_dest : Uint32Array;
pixel_src : Uint32Array;
stateptr : number;
statearr : Uint8Array;
cpustateptr : number;
cpustatearr : Uint8Array;
ctrlstateptr : number;
ctrlstatearr : Uint8Array;
cpu : CPU;
romptr : number;
romlen : number;
romarr : Uint8Array;
biosptr : number;
biosarr : Uint8Array;
audio : SampledAudioSink;
audioarr : Float32Array;
probe : ProbeAll;
maxROMSize : number = 0x40000;
abstract getCPUState() : CpuState;
abstract saveState() : EmuState;
abstract loadState(state: EmuState);
constructor(prefix: string) {
this.prefix = prefix;
var self = this;
this.cpu = {
getPC: self.getPC.bind(self),
getSP: self.getSP.bind(self),
isStable: self.isStable.bind(self),
reset: self.reset.bind(self),
saveState: () => {
return self.getCPUState();
loadState: () => {
console.log("loadState not implemented")
connectMemoryBus() {
console.log("connectMemoryBus not implemented")
getImports(wmod: WebAssembly.Module) {
return {};
async fetchWASM() {
var wasmResponse = await fetch('res/'+this.prefix+'.wasm');
if (wasmResponse.status == 200 || (wasmResponse as any as Blob).size) {
var wasmBinary = await wasmResponse.arrayBuffer();
var wasmCompiled = await WebAssembly.compile(wasmBinary);
var wasmResult = await WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmCompiled, this.getImports(wasmCompiled));
this.instance = wasmResult;
this.exports = wasmResult.exports;
} else throw new Error('could not load WASM file');
async fetchBIOS() {
var biosResponse = await fetch('res/'+this.prefix+'.bios');
if (biosResponse.status == 200 || (biosResponse as any as Blob).size) {
var biosBinary = await biosResponse.arrayBuffer();
this.biosptr = this.exports.malloc(biosBinary.byteLength);
this.biosarr = new Uint8Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, this.biosptr, biosBinary.byteLength);
this.loadBIOS(new Uint8Array(biosBinary));
} else throw new Error('could not load BIOS file');
async initWASM() {
// init machine instance
this.sys = this.exports.machine_init(this.biosptr);
let statesize = this.exports.machine_get_state_size();
this.stateptr = this.exports.malloc(statesize);
let ctrlstatesize = this.exports.machine_get_controls_state_size();
this.ctrlstateptr = this.exports.malloc(ctrlstatesize);
let cpustatesize = this.exports.machine_get_cpu_state_size();
this.cpustateptr = this.exports.malloc(cpustatesize);
this.romptr = this.exports.malloc(this.maxROMSize);
// create state buffers
// must do this after allocating memory (and everytime we grow memory?)
this.statearr = new Uint8Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, this.stateptr, statesize);
this.ctrlstatearr = new Uint8Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, this.ctrlstateptr, ctrlstatesize);
this.cpustatearr = new Uint8Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, this.cpustateptr, cpustatesize);
// create audio buffer
let sampbufsize = 4096*4;
this.audioarr = new Float32Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, this.exports.machine_get_sample_buffer(), sampbufsize);
// create ROM buffer
this.romarr = new Uint8Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, this.romptr, this.maxROMSize);
// enable c64 joystick map to arrow keys (TODO)
//this.exports.c64_set_joystick_type(this.sys, 1);
console.log('machine_init', this.sys, statesize, ctrlstatesize, cpustatesize, sampbufsize);
async loadWASM() {
await this.fetchWASM();
this.exports.memory.grow(96); // TODO: need more when probing?
await this.fetchBIOS();
await this.initWASM();
getPC() : number {
return this.exports.machine_cpu_get_pc(this.sys);
getSP() : number {
return this.exports.machine_cpu_get_sp(this.sys);
isStable() : boolean {
return this.exports.machine_cpu_is_stable(this.sys);
loadROM(rom: Uint8Array) {
if (rom.length > this.maxROMSize) throw new EmuHalt(`Rom size too big: ${rom.length} bytes`);
this.romlen = rom.length;
console.log('load rom', rom.length, 'bytes');
this.reset(); // TODO?
// TODO: can't load after machine_init
loadBIOS(srcArray: Uint8Array) {
reset() {
/* TODO: we don't need this because c64_exec does this?
pollControls() {
read(address: number) : number {
return this.exports.machine_mem_read(this.sys, address & 0xffff);
readConst(address: number) : number {
return this.exports.machine_mem_read(this.sys, address & 0xffff);
write(address: number, value: number) : void {
this.exports.machine_mem_write(this.sys, address & 0xffff, value & 0xff);
getAudioParams() {
return {sampleRate:44100, stereo:false};
videoOffsetBytes = 0;
connectVideo(pixels:Uint32Array) : void {
this.pixel_dest = pixels;
var pixbuf = this.exports.machine_get_pixel_buffer(this.sys); // save video pointer
console.log('connectVideo', pixbuf, pixels.length);
this.pixel_src = new Uint32Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, pixbuf+this.videoOffsetBytes, pixels.length);
syncVideo() {
if (this.exports.machine_update_video) {
if (this.pixel_dest != null) {
// assume controls buffer is smaller than cpu buffer
saveControlsState() : any {
//console.log(1, this.romptr, this.romlen, this.ctrlstateptr, this.romarr.slice(0,4), this.ctrlstatearr.slice(0,4));
this.exports.machine_save_controls_state(this.sys, this.ctrlstateptr);
//console.log(2, this.romptr, this.romlen, this.ctrlstateptr, this.romarr.slice(0,4), this.ctrlstatearr.slice(0,4));
return { controls:this.ctrlstatearr.slice(0) }
loadControlsState(state) : void {
this.exports.machine_load_controls_state(this.sys, this.ctrlstateptr);
connectAudio(audio : SampledAudioSink) : void {
this.audio = audio;
syncAudio() {
if (this.audio != null) {
var n = this.exports.machine_get_sample_count();
for (var i=0; i<n; i++) {
this.audio.feedSample(this.audioarr[i], 1);
// TODO: tick might advance 1 instruction
advanceFrameClock(trap, cpf:number) : number {
var i : number;
if (trap) {
for (i=0; i<cpf; i++) {
if (trap()) {
} else {
this.exports.machine_exec(this.sys, cpf);
i = cpf;
return i;
copyProbeData() {
if (this.probe && !(this.probe instanceof NullProbe)) {
var datalen = this.exports.machine_get_probe_buffer_size();
var dataaddr = this.exports.machine_get_probe_buffer_address();
// TODO: more efficient way to put into probe
var databuf = new Uint32Array(this.exports.memory.buffer, dataaddr, datalen);
this.probe.logNewFrame(); // TODO: machine should do this
connectProbe(probe: ProbeAll): void {
this.probe = probe;
getDebugTree() {
return this.saveState();
let stub = function() { console.log(arguments); return 0 }
export abstract class BaseWASIMachine extends BaseWASMMachine {
wasmFs : WasmFs;
constructor(prefix: string) {
getImports(wmod: WebAssembly.Module) {
var imports = this.wasiInstance.getImports(wmod);
// TODO: eliminate these imports
imports.env = {
system: stub,
__sys_mkdir: stub,
__sys_chmod: stub,
__sys_stat64: stub,
__sys_unlink: stub,
__sys_rename: stub,
__sys_getdents64: stub,
__sys_getcwd: stub,
__sys_rmdir: stub,
emscripten_thread_sleep: stub,
return imports;
stdoutWrite(buffer) {
console.log('>>>', buffer.toString());
return buffer.length;
async loadWASM() {
let WASI = await import('@wasmer/wasi');
let WasmFs = await import('@wasmer/wasmfs');
this.wasmFs = new WasmFs.WasmFs();
let bindings = WASI.WASI.defaultBindings;
bindings.fs = this.wasmFs.fs;
bindings.path = bindings.path.default;
this.wasiInstance = new WASI.WASI({
preopenDirectories: {'/tmp':'/tmp'},
env: {},
args: [],
bindings: bindings
this.wasmFs.volume.fds[1].write = this.stdoutWrite.bind(this);
this.wasmFs.volume.fds[2].write = this.stdoutWrite.bind(this);
await this.fetchWASM();
await this.initWASM();