mirror of https://github.com/sehugg/8bitworkshop.git synced 2025-02-16 17:30:27 +00:00
2018-09-26 22:17:27 -04:00

144 lines
3.6 KiB

- NaN in cycle count for macros
- debugging of scan line overflow
- confuse code/data in listing
- show memory locations hovering over lines
- don't check against ROM signatures
- support 6502 test cases
- DASM: macro forward refs
- asm: support macro expansion
- support narrow screens
- case sensisitvity looking for mismatch variables
- remove pulldown when no preset?
- can't step after reset (or when funky frame; TIA frame is out of sync)
- break on BRK/illegal opcode?
- multiple breakpoints, expression breakpoints
- better disasm/listing selection
- watchpoints
- breakpoints
- debug inspector
- MAME single step (?)
- step over
- slowdown beam for all platforms?
- more kbd shortcuts
- PC x86 support
- show errors in list (maybe window list?)
- can't see 1st line in editor sometimes (when scrolling cursor past bottom of screen)
- online help
- show self-modifying code insns left of editor
- facade/kbd shortcuts for emulators, focus
- update Javatari version? (and others?)
- unify versioning
- disassembler for uploaded ROMs
- verilog debugging/reloading makes it slow
- remove FPS and play controls when Verilog scope paused
- compile stuck when errors unchanged
- sound mute?
- $error updates source editor
- go to error in include files
- BOM in upload/download?
- online tools for music etc
- text log debugging script
- NES crt should mark raster pos when debugging
- intro/help text for each platform (+ memory map)
- vscode/atom extension?
- navigator.getGamepads
- VCS library
- better VCS single stepping, maybe also listings
- New File (include file)
- VCS skips step on lsr/lsr after run to line
- bring back the profiler!
- links to external tools in ide
- error msg when #link doesn't work
- figure out folders for projects for real
- why loadState() on verilog kill perf?
- click to break on raster position
- restructure src/ folders
- spinner disappears sometimes (and compiles even when not spinning...) (undo?)
- quantify verilog "graph iterations"
- debug bankswitching for funky formats
- spaces in filename don't parse code listing (DASM, maybe more)
- zmac: item_lookup needs better hash function
- 'undefined' for bitmap replacer
- astrocade: run to cursor in hello world messes up emulation
- requestInterrupt needs to be disabled after breakpoint?
- verilog: when paused scope doesn't work
- resize memory dump window
- C/asm formatter
- fix WebAudio (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18066474)
- Safari: verilog scope doesn't work
implicit rules
- push/shift build steps
- preprocessor, compile, assemble, link
- access to intermediate files
only build files that have changed
build options
build all files in project
send update for dependencies at startup (single file version)
should be able to change file w/o reloading (Not platform tho)
pulldown selects file in project, or goes back to parent
gotta preserve editor windows for each one - window list
make source/disasm window visible when debugging
gutter info/errors in all files
disasm view
separate into files
window methods:
- set
- mode
- get
- changes
- cursorActivity (inspect)
- gutters (setCompileOutput)
- current line / gutter marker (setCurrentLine / clearCurrentLine)
- source map
- global symbols
- pixel editor / find comment (openBitmapEditorAtCursor)
- update debug window (200 ms)
- inspect variable
file store mirrors that on worker
worker result:
<path>:{lines, asmlines, listing}
add file to errors