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! The Inform Designer's Manual (16May97) includes various references to a
! sample game called "Ruins", which unfortunately is not supplied with the
! compiler. This file attempts to knit together several of the fragments from
! the DM into a small but complete game, intended primarily as an example for
! novices of a typical way to use Inform features, and as a starting point
! for experimentation.
! In order to keep the game manageably small, the following references from
! the DM have been omitted:
! parrot, low mist, chasm, pumice-stone ball, glyphs, dictionary,
! food rations, sodium lamp, cage.
! Other items have been changed as necessary for simplicity and consistency.
! Object definitions explicitly state the name of their parent object (if
! appropriate), rather than using the "->" construct.
! Once you've played the game and (hopefully) understood how it works, you
! are strongly encouraged to try modifying or extending it. For instance:
! - add the low mist in the Forest and Square_Chamber. In the DM it smells of
! broth, so perhaps you should provide a source for the smell (or just
! change the description)?
! - implement the parrot, perhaps having it fly into the Forest once the plane
! has departed?
! - extend the number of rooms. There's a suggestion that you could Down from
! the Shrine, or perhaps you could add a dark passage leading West from the
! Corridor?
! - if the passage is dark, perhaps a lamp would be useful?
! - if you've got a lamp, the maze in the Web becomes much less daunting
! (and the descriptions will need beefing up too). So perhaps it's the lamp
! rather than the bangle which you find on your exit from the darkened Web?
! - the DM is a bit unclear about the role(!) of the pumice-stone ball, but
! it seems to need pushing into the chasm. Maybe it blocks the gap and
! allows you to cross to the other side (in order to reach the bangle)?
! - there are a couple of daemons in the example, but no timer. How about
! extending the Honeycomb so that if dropped it prints a warning and starts
! a timer causing itself to melt unless picked up again within two turns?
! Of course, it isn't worth spending too long on Ruins, since it's only a
! somewhat dull and well-visited example. As soon as you start to feel
! comfortable with the way that an Inform game is constructed...
! ...have a go at writing one of your own. Good luck!
! Every game needs a Story and Headline, and must include Parser and VerbLib.
! As DM <20><>7 except: Release, Serial and MAX_SCORE defined.
Constant Story "RUINS";
Constant Headline
"^An Interactive Worked Example^
Copyright (c) 1995 by Graham Nelson.^
Revisited 1998 by Roger Firth.^";
Release 2;
Serial "981117";
Constant MAX_SCORE 100;
Include "Parser";
Include "VerbLib";
! Every game needs an Initialise routine, whose primary role is to set the
! player's location (i.e. you) at the start of the game.
! As DM <20><>7 and 19 except: StartDaemon() call added, no TitlePage().
[ Initialise;
location = Forest;
thedark.description =
"The darkness of ages presses in on you, and you feel claustrophobic.";
"^^^^^Days of searching, days of thirsty hacking through the briars of
the forest, but at last your patience was rewarded. A discovery!^";
! As DM <20><>20. PrintRank, if defined, is called when printing the score.
[ PrintRank;
print ", earning you the rank of ";
switch (score) {
0 to 9: "humble rainforest Tourist.";
10 to 39: "Investigator.";
40 to 69: "Acquisitor.";
70 to 99: "Archaeologist.";
100: "Master Archaeologist.";
! As DM <20><>11 except: daemon added, to bring the immovable crate at the start,
! and take it (and you) away at the end.
Object Packing_Case "packing case"
with name 'packing' 'case' 'crate' 'box' 'strongbox',
"Your packing case rests here, ready for you to hold any important
cultural finds you might make, for shipping back to civilisation.",
"A stout wooden crate, only slightly battered by its fall through
the branches.",
before [;
PushDir, Remove, Take:
"The case is too heavy to bother moving, as long as your
expedition is still incomplete.
It'll probably have to be taken out by helicopter.";
number 0, ! <-- used by the daemon
daemon [;
switch (++self.number) {
!-- Start of game
1: "^You hear the distant drone of an aeroplane.";
2: "^The plane is much louder, and seems to be flying very
low. Terrified birds rise in screeching flocks.";
3: move self to Forest;
if (location == Forest)
"^You involuntarily crouch as the plane flies directly
overhead, seemingly only inches above the treetops.
With a loud thump, something drops heavily to the
"^Even underground, the engine roar is deafening.
Then there's a dull thump overhead and a little dust
falls from the ceiling.";
4: StopDaemon(self);
"^The roar dies away; calm returns to the forest.";
!-- End of game
5: "^A deep throbbing noise can be heard.";
6: "^A helicopter appears, hovering overhead.";
7: StopDaemon(self);
remove self;
deadflag = 2; ! <-- You win!
"^The helicopter lowers a rope; you tie it around the
packing case, which is hauled up into the air,
then a rope ladder comes dangling down.
With one last look around the clearing, you climb the
ladder into the waiting craft.
Back to civilisation, and a decent pint of Brakspear's!";
has container open openable static;
! As DM <20><>8 except: started endgame processing when all treasure has been
! found. Added Bangle and Ruby treasures. "Undiscovered" is useful when
! ensuring that treasures can't be found twice.
Class Treasure
with cultural_value 10,
before [;
Remove, Take:
if (self in Packing_Case)
"Unpacking such a priceless artifact had best wait
until the Metropolitan Museum can do it.";
after [;
if (second == Packing_Case) {
score = score + self.cultural_value;
print "Safely packed away.^";
if (score == MAX_SCORE) {
"^The case is full, and you're feeling really homesick.
Now, how to get out of here?";
rtrue; ! <-- print nothing further
Object Undiscovered "hidden treasure room"
with description "How the heck did you get here!?.";
Treasure Statuette "pygmy statuette" Undiscovered
with name 'pygmy' 'statuette' 'statue' 'mayan' 'snake' 'spirit',
"A menacing, almost cartoon-like statuette of a pygmy spirit
with an enormous snake around its neck.";
Treasure Bangle "silver bangle" Undiscovered
with name 'silver' 'bangle' 'bracelet' 'ring',
cultural_value 20,
description "An intricately chased piece of jewellery.";
Treasure Ruby "blood-red ruby" Undiscovered
with name 'blood' 'red' 'blood-red' 'ruby' 'stone' 'jewel',
cultural_value 30,
description "A vivid red jewel, as large as a hen's egg.";
Treasure Honeycomb "lump of wax" Undiscovered
with name 'ancient' 'honeycomb' 'old' 'honey' 'comb' 'wax' 'lump',
cultural_value 40,
"On closer examination, the lump appears to be an old honeycomb.",
after [;
"Perhaps the most expensive meal of your life.
The honey tastes odd, perhaps because it was used to store the
entrails of the king buried here, but still like honey.";
has edible;
! Not in the DM as such, but useful (a) to distinguish room definitions from
! those of ordinary objects in the file, and (b) to provide light everywhere
! (unless overruled). See DM <20><>3.8.
Class Room
has light;
! As DM <20><>7 and 10.
Room Forest "Dark Forest"
with name 'forest' 'jungle' 'clearing' 'olive' 'tree' 'trees' 'midges',
"In this tiny clearing, the pine-needle carpet is broken by
stone-cut steps leading down into the darkness.
Dark olive trees crowd in on all sides, the air steams with
warm recent rain, midges hang in the air.",
d_to Stone_Steps,
"The trees are spiny and you'd cut your hands to ribbons
trying to climb them.",
"The rainforest-jungle is dense, and you haven't hacked through it
for days to abandon your discovery now.
Really, you need a good few artifacts to take back to civilisation
before you can justify giving up the expedition.";
! As DM <20><>7 and 8 except: added discovery of Statuette on picking the
! mushroom.
Object Mushroom "speckled mushroom" Forest
with name 'speckled' 'mushroom' 'fungus' 'toadstool',
"A speckled mushroom grows out of the sodden earth,
on a long stalk.",
"The mushroom is capped with blotches,
and you aren't at all sure it's not a toadstool.",
before [;
if (random(100) > 30)
"You nibble at one corner,
but the curious taste repels you.";
deadflag = 1; ! <-- You die!
"The tiniest nibble is enough.
It was a toadstool, and a poisoned one at that!";
after [;
"The mushroom drops to the ground, battered slightly.";
if (self has general)
"You pick up the slowly-disintegrating mushroom.";
give self general;
move Statuette to location;
"You stoop to pick the mushroom, neatly cleaving its thin stalk.
As you straighten up, you notice what looks like a
snake in the grass.";
has edible;
! As DM <20><>7 and 8 except: replaced "first feet" by cobwebs.
Object Stone_Steps "stone-cut steps" Forest
with name 'stone' 'stone-cut' 'steps' 'stairs' 'cobwebs',
description [;
print "The cracked and worn steps descend into a dim chamber. ";
if (Square_Chamber has visited)
"The filmy cobwebs which once spanned the entrance
now hang in tatters.";
"Cobwebs form a flimsy barrier,
unlikely to impede your descent.";
door_to Square_Chamber, door_dir d_to,
has door open scenery;
! As DM <20><>10 except: added examination of floor, word on east lintel,
! insect trails when mushroom bursts.
Room Square_Chamber "Square Chamber"
with name 'square' 'chamber' 'sand' 'dust' 'lintel' 'lintels' 'lintelled'
'east' 'south' 'doorways' 'doors' 'steps',
"A sunken, gloomy stone chamber, ten yards across,
whose floor is covered with fine sandy dust.
A shaft of sunlight cuts in from the steps above,
giving the chamber a diffuse light, but in the shadows low
lintelled doorways to east and south
lead into the deeper darkness of the Temple.",
before [;
if (noun == mushroom)
<<Insert Mushroom Sunlight>>;
if (noun == d_obj) {
if (Trails in location)
<<Examine Trails>>;
"Only your own footprints disturb the dust.";
Go: if (noun == e_obj) {
print "As you move into the eastern shadows, you seem to
glimpse the word SENE scratched on the lintel,
but before you can stop to inspect it more closely,
you find yourself in...^";
rfalse; ! <-- continue with the regular action
if ((noun == Mushroom) && (second == Sunlight)) {
remove Mushroom;
move Trails to location;
"You drop the mushroom on the floor, in the glare of the
shaft of sunlight.
It bubbles obscenely, distends and then bursts into a
hundred tiny insects which run for the darkness in every
direction, leaving strange trails in the sandy floor.
No trace of fungus remain.";
u_to Forest,
e_to Inner_Web,
s_to Corridor;
! As DM <20><>10.
Object Sunlight "shaft of sunlight" Square_Chamber
with name 'shaft' 'of' 'sunlight' 'sun' 'light' 'beam' 'sunbeam' 'ray'
'rays' 'sun^s',
"The shaft of sunlight glimmers motes of dust in the air,
making it seem almost solid.",
before [;
Examine, Search:
"It's only an insubstantial shaft of sunlight.";
has scenery;
! Not in the DM as such, but useful because employed twice. It seemed easier
! to have two sets of carvings rather just one plus a lot of if... tests.
! See DM <20><>3.8.
Class Carved
with name 'carved' 'inscription' 'inscriptions' 'carving' 'carvings'
'group' 'of',
initial "Carved inscriptions crowd the walls and ceiling.",
has container open pluralname static;
! As DM <20><>10 except: changed to include insect trails suggesting a carving,
! and pressable carving which reveals cavity.
Carved Carvings "carved inscriptions" Square_Chamber
with description [;
print "The carvings cut deep into the rocks from which the
chamber is built, forming swirling sinuous patterns.";
if (cavity in self)
print " In the middle of one wall, a small cavity can be seen.";
before [;
"Pressing the carved rock walls at random is unlikely
to be revealing.";
"The carvings are warm and smooth to the touch.";
Carved Other_Carvings "carved inscriptions"
with description
"You stare at a group of carvings in the middle of one wall,
uncannily resembling the insects' trail left in the sand,
and feel your hand reaching out in that direction.",
before [;
remove Other_Carvings;
move Carvings to location;
move Cavity to Carvings;
"The carvings slide inwards, revealing a small cavity.";
"The carvings seems to shift slightly under your hand.
Perhaps with a little more pressure...?";
Object Cavity "cavity among the carvings"
with name 'cavity' 'hole' 'deep' 'gloomy',
"The cavity, a few inches across, is deep and gloomy.",
has container open static;
Object Trails "trails in the sand"
with name 'trail' 'trails' 'sand' 'sandy' 'pattern' 'insect' 'insects',
initial "Strange trails swirl on the sandy floor.",
description [;
if (self has general) {
remove Carvings;
move Other_Carvings to location;
give self ~general;
"The insect trails seem to resemble one particular group of
carvings on the wall.";
has general pluralname static;
! A Web room is implied at DM <20><>10, but not defined. Here, it's implemented
! as a simple dark maze of two rooms, once of which is home to the
! scuttling claws described in Example 37. The Bangle is here.
Class Maze
class Room,
with name 'dark' 'darkness' 'web',
description "Without a light, you'll never see anything here!",
"Blundering around in the dark, it's impossible to tell
which direction is which.",
has ~light;
Maze Inner_Web "Web of Darkness"
with se_to Outer_Web,
ne_to Inner_Web,
n_to Inner_Web, s_to Inner_Web, e_to Inner_Web, w_to Inner_Web,
nw_to Inner_Web, sw_to Inner_Web,
u_to Inner_Web, d_to Inner_Web;
Maze Outer_Web "Web of Darkness"
with se_to Outer_Web,
ne_to Square_Chamber,
n_to Inner_Web, s_to Inner_Web, e_to Inner_Web, w_to Inner_Web,
nw_to Inner_Web, sw_to Inner_Web,
u_to Inner_Web, d_to Inner_Web,
before [;
Go: if ((noun == ne_obj) && (Bangle in Undiscovered)) {
move Bangle to player;
print "Sensing a slight draught you move in that direction,
stumbling over something lying on the ground in the dark.
Almost inadvertently you grab it before gratefully
emerging into the gloomy chamber.^";
rfalse; ! <-- continue with the regular action
! As DM Ex.37 except: daemon runs only in the Inner_Web room.
Object Tiny_Claws "sound of tiny claws" thedark
with name 'tiny' 'claws' 'sound' 'of' 'scuttling' 'scuttle' 'things'
'creatures' 'insects' 'monsters',
article "the",
initial "Somewhere, tiny claws are scuttling.",
description "Without a light, you'll never see anything here!",
before [;
Attack: "They easily avoid your flailing about in the dark.";
Listen: "How intelligent they sound, for mere insects.";
Smell: "You can smell only your own fear.";
Taste, Touch:
"You wouldn't want to. Really.";
"The creatures evade you, chittering.";
number 0, ! <-- used by the daemon
each_turn [; StartDaemon(self); ],
daemon [;
if (real_location ~= Inner_Web) { ! location just has "thedark"
self.number = 0;
rtrue; ! <-- ?
switch(++self.number) {
1: "^The scuttling draws a little nearer,
and your breathing grows load and hoarse.";
2: "^The perspiration of terror runs off your brow.
The creatures are almost here!";
3: "^You feel a tickling at your extremities and kick outward,
shaking something chitinous off.
Their sound alone is a menacing rasp.";
4: deadflag = 1; ! <-- You die!
"^Suddenly there is a tiny pain, of a hypodermic-sharp
fang at your calf.
Almost at once your limbs go into spasm, your shoulders
and knee-joints lock, your tongue swells...";
! As DM <20><>12 except: added the moss concealing the Ruby.
Room Corridor "Stooped Corridor"
with name 'low' 'stooped' 'corridor',
"A low, square-cut corridor, running north to south,
stooping over you.
Patches of moss emit a faint green fluorescent glow,
just enough that you can see your surroundings.",
n_to Square_Chamber,
s_to Stone_Door,
has ;
Object Moss "mossy patches" Corridor
with name 'moss' 'mossy' 'patches' 'green' 'fluorescent' 'glow' 'clumps',
description [;
if (Ruby in Undiscovered)
"The moss grows in rough clumps, surprisingly thick in places.
Is that a hint of red hidden among all the greenery?";
"The moss, now somewhat raggy, grows in rough clumps.";
before [;
if (Ruby in Undiscovered) {
move Ruby to location;
"Something rolls from the moss onto the ground.";
has pluralname scenery;
! As DM <20><>12. The key isn't actually defined in the DM.
Object Stone_Door "stone door"
with name 'stone' 'door' 'big' 'massive' 'yellow',
description "It's just a big stone door.",
when_closed "The passage is barred by a massive door of yellow stone.",
when_open "The massive yellow stone door is open.",
[; if (location == Corridor) return Shrine; return Corridor; ],
[; if (location == Corridor) return s_to; return n_to; ],
with_key Stone_Key,
found_in Corridor Shrine,
has door lockable locked openable static;
Object Stone_Key "huge iron key" Cavity
with name 'huge' 'iron' 'key',
description "It must be a pretty big door to need a key like this.";
! A Shrine room is implied at DM <20><>10, but not defined.
Room Shrine "Lofty Shrine"
with name 'lofty' 'shrine' 'haze' 'hazy' 'craggy' 'walls' 'quartz',
"For an underground chamber, the Shrine is remarkably high,
though its upper half is hazy and difficult to see clearly.
The craggy walls are polished natural rock, in which tiny
flecks of quartz catch the light of the flickering candle.",
n_to Stone_Door;
! As DM <20><>14 except: added processing of objects placed on the altar.
Object Stone_Table "slab altar" Shrine
with name 'stone' 'table' 'slab' 'altar' 'great',
initial "A great stone slab of a table dominates the Shrine.",
"It's big enough to lie on, though in the circumstances
that might prove to be a A Really Bad Idea.",
after [;
deadflag = 1; ! <-- You die!
"With astonishing speed, the horror-struck priest plucks
a bronze dagger from his tattered robe, and stabs you
in your sacrilegious heart.";
remove noun;
switch (noun) {
move Honeycomb to player;
"His eyes dimly agleam with gratitude, the priest takes
the key and conceals it among his rags.
Then, lifting the candle, he carefully detaches a large
lump of the mottled wax, and gives it to you.";
move Honeycomb to player;
"~For returning the key, that is yours to keep.~";
print "The priest takes ", (the) noun, " and conceals it
among his rags.^";
rtrue; ! <-- print nothing further
has enterable supporter static;
! Not in the DM as such, but added to provide light, and as a source for
! the Honeycomb.
Object Candle "flickering candle" Stone_Table
with name 'flickering' 'candle' 'flame',
"A flickering candle at one end of the slab casts
grotesque shadows on the walls.",
"The candle is little more than a crudely moulded lump of wax.
Its texture is vaguely crystalline, with small fragments
embedded within.",
has static;
! As DM <20><>16 except: the priest deal in objects, not the dictionary.
Object Priest "mummified priest" Shrine
with name 'mummified' 'priest' 'old' 'ancient' 'dessicated',
"Behind the slab, a mummified priest stands waiting,
barely alive at best, impossibly venerable.",
"He is dessicated and hangs together only by will-power.
Though his first language is presumably local Mayan, you have
the curious instinct that he will understand your speech.",
life [;
switch (noun) {
'hello', 'hi', 'bye', 'goodbye', 'good-bye', 'cheerio',
'thanks', 'thank', 'thankyou', 'you', 'cheers', 'ta':
"Silently, carefully, the priest nods his head.";
"The priest coughs, and almost falls apart.";
switch (second) {
'king', 'tomb', 'shrine', 'temple', 'altar', 'slab':
"~The King (life! propserity! happiness!) is buried
deep under this Shrine, where you will never go.~";
'silver', 'bangle', 'bracelet', 'ring',
'blood', 'red', 'blood-red', 'ruby', 'stone', 'jewel',
'pygmy', 'statuette', 'statue', 'mayan', 'snake', 'spirit':
"~That is one of my people's sacred relics.~";
'ancient', 'honeycomb', 'old', 'honey', 'comb', 'wax',
"~That is the most sacred of all my people's relics.~";
'huge', 'iron', 'key':
if (parent(Stone_Key) == nothing)
"~Now my people will be able to visit the Shrine.~";
"~That has been lost for generations.
My gratitude to anyone who returns it will be
"~You must find your own answer.~";
Attack, Kiss:
remove self;
"The priest desiccates away into dust until nothing remains,
not a breeze or a bone.";
Give, Show:
switch (noun) {
Bangle, Ruby, Statuette:
"~I would be grateful if you placed that before me.~";
"~For returning the key, that is yours to keep.~";
"~I would be profoundly grateful if you placed that
before me.~";
"The priest is indifferent to earthly things.";
"The priest has no interest in your sordid life.";
move noun to location;
<<Attack self>>;
orders [;
Go: "~I must not leave the Shrine.~";
switch (noun) {
'hello', 'hi', 'bye', 'goodbye', 'good-bye', 'cheerio',
'thanks', 'thank', 'thankyou', 'you', 'cheers', 'ta':
"Silently, carefully, the priest nods his head.";
"~You speak in riddles~";
"~It is not your orders that I serve.~";
has animate;
! Every game needs to include the Grammar.
Include "Grammar";
! Added to enable you to "pick" the mushroom (as well as the usual "take",
! "get", "pick up", etc). See DM <20><>26.
Extend "pick" * edible -> Take;