David Banks 43df61cd06 Single-stepping functionality complete
Change-Id: Ic21b05ae8ecb828d32e55fe36be501800cfb3407
2015-06-07 11:19:33 +01:00

316 lines
10 KiB

-- JTAG "Flash" programmer for AVR Core(cp2 Clock Domain)
-- Version 0.5
-- Modified 20.06.2006
-- Designed by Ruslan Lepetenok
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use WORK.JTAGPack.all;
use WORK.AVRuCPackage.all;
entity OCDProgcp2 is port(
-- AVR Control
ireset : in std_logic;
cp2 : in std_logic;
-- From/To TCK clock domain("Flash" programmer)
FlEEPrgAdr : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
FlPrgRdData : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
EEPrgRdData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
FlEEPrgWrData : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
ChipEraseStart : in std_logic;
ChipEraseDone : out std_logic;
ProgEnable : in std_logic;
FlWrMStart : in std_logic; -- Multiple
FlWrSStart : in std_logic; -- Single
FlRdMStart : in std_logic; -- Multiple
FlRdSStart : in std_logic; -- Single
EEWrStart : in std_logic;
EERdStart : in std_logic;
TAPCtrlTLR : in std_logic; -- TAP Controller is in the Test-Logic/Reset state
-- From the core
PC : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- To the PM("Flash")
pm_adr : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
pm_h_we : out std_logic;
pm_l_we : out std_logic;
pm_dout : in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
pm_din : out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
-- To the "EEPROM"
EEPrgSel : out std_logic;
EEAdr : out std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
EEWrData : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
EERdData : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
EEWr : out std_logic
end OCDProgcp2;
architecture RTL of OCDProgcp2 is
-- **********************************************************************************
-- *************************** Programmer part *********************************************
-- **********************************************************************************
-- Edge detectors
signal TAPCtrlTLRDel : std_logic; -- TAP Run-Test/Idle
-- Chip Erase Start edge detector
signal ChipEraseStartDel : std_logic;
-- Flash Write Start(using Virtual Flash Page Load Register) edge detector
signal FlWrMStartDel : std_logic;
-- Flash Write Start(using Load Data Low(2d)/Load Data High(2e)) edge detector
signal FlWrSStartDel : std_logic;
-- Flash Read Start(using Virtual Flash Page Read Register) edge detector
signal FlRdMStartDel : std_logic;
-- Flash Read Start(using Load Data Low and High Byte(3d)) edge detector
signal FlRdSStartDel : std_logic;
-- "Flash" programmer state machines
signal FlWrCnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ; -- Write
signal FlRdCnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ; -- Read (Low andHigh bytes)
signal FlRd_St : std_logic; -- "Flash" read(Latch data)
-- "Flash" address and data registers
signal FlashPrgAdrRg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Address(Write/Read)
signal FlashPrgDataRg : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); -- Data(for Write)
-- Output copies
signal pm_h_we_Int : std_logic;
signal pm_l_we_Int : std_logic;
-- Chip erase
signal ChipErase_St : std_logic;
-- "EEPROM" support
-- Edge detectors
signal EEWrStartDel : std_logic;
signal EERdStartDel : std_logic;
-- EEPROM address and data registers
signal EEPrgAdrRg : std_logic_vector(EEAdr'range); -- Address(Write/Read)
signal EEPrgDataRg : std_logic_vector(EEWrData'range); -- Data(for Write)
signal EEWr_Int : std_logic;
-- EEPROM programmer state machines
signal EEWrCnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ; -- Write
signal EERdCnt : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ; -- Read
signal EERd_St : std_logic;
-- ***************************** Programmer part ********************************
if(cp2='1' and cp2'event) then -- Clock cp2(Rising edge)
-- Edge detectors
FlWrMStartDel <= FlWrMStart;
FlWrSStartDel <= FlWrSStart;
-- Delay counter
if(TAPCtrlTLR='1') then -- Reset counter
FlWrCnt <= (others => '0');
elsif((FlWrMStart='0' and FlWrMStartDel='1')or
(FlWrSStart='0' and FlWrSStartDel='1')) then
FlWrCnt <= "01";
elsif(FlWrCnt/="00") then
FlWrCnt <= FlWrCnt + 1;
end if;
-- Control
if(TAPCtrlTLR='1') then -- Reset control signals
pm_h_we_Int <= '0';
pm_l_we_Int <= '0';
case pm_h_we_Int is
when '0' =>
if((ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') or FlWrCnt="11") then
pm_h_we_Int <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if(ChipErase_St='0' or (ChipErase_St='1' and FlashPrgAdrRg=C_MaxEraseAdr)) then
pm_h_we_Int <= '0';
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
case pm_l_we_Int is
when '0' =>
if((ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') or FlWrCnt="11") then
pm_l_we_Int <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if(ChipErase_St='0' or (ChipErase_St='1' and FlashPrgAdrRg=C_MaxEraseAdr)) then
pm_l_we_Int <= '0';
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
-- Address (for Erase,Write and Read!!!)
if(ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') then -- Start of chip erase -> Clear address counter
FlashPrgAdrRg <= (others => '0');
elsif(ChipErase_St='1') then -- Chip erase -> increment aaddress
FlashPrgAdrRg <= FlashPrgAdrRg + 1;
elsif(FlWrCnt="11" or FlRdCnt="11") then -- Normal mode
FlashPrgAdrRg <= FlEEPrgAdr;
end if;
-- Data
if(ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') then -- Start of chip erase
FlashPrgDataRg <= (others => '1');
elsif(FlWrCnt="11") then -- Write to flash
FlashPrgDataRg <= FlEEPrgWrData;
end if;
-- EEPROM Address (for Erase,Write and Read!!!)
if(ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') then -- Start of chip erase -> Clear address counter
EEPrgAdrRg <= (others => '0');
elsif(ChipErase_St='1') then -- Chip erase -> increment aaddress
EEPrgAdrRg <= EEPrgAdrRg + 1;
elsif(EEWrCnt="11" or EERdCnt="11") then -- Normal mode
EEPrgAdrRg <= FlEEPrgAdr(EEPrgAdrRg'range);
end if;
-- EEPROM Data
if(ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') then -- Start of chip erase
EEPrgDataRg <= (others => '1');
elsif(EEWrCnt="11") then -- Write to EEPROM
EEPrgDataRg <= FlEEPrgWrData(EEPrgDataRg'range);
end if;
-- EEPROM Write
case EEWr_Int is
when '0' =>
if((ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') or EEWrCnt="11") then
EEWr_Int <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if(ChipErase_St='0' or (ChipErase_St='1' and FlashPrgAdrRg=C_MaxEraseAdr)) then
EEWr_Int <= '0';
end if;
when others => EEWr_Int <= '0';
end case;
-- EEPROM Read state
if(EERdCnt="11") then
EERd_St <= '1';
EERd_St <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- "Flash" write enables
pm_l_we <= pm_l_we_Int;
pm_h_we <= pm_h_we_Int;
-- "Flash" data inputs
pm_din <= FlashPrgDataRg;
EEAdr <= EEPrgAdrRg;
EEWrData <= EEPrgDataRg;
EEWr <= EEWr_Int;
EEPrgSel <= ProgEnable; -- !!!TBD!!! (Add EESAVE)
-- Flash read
if(cp2='1' and cp2'event) then -- Clock cp2(Rising edge)
-- Edge detectors
FlRdMStartDel <= FlRdMStart;
FlRdSStartDel <= FlRdSStart;
-- EEPROM edge detectors
EEWrStartDel <= EEWrStart;
EERdStartDel <= EERdStart;
-- Delay counter (for read)
if(TAPCtrlTLR='1') then -- Reset counter
FlRdCnt <= (others => '0');
elsif((FlRdMStart='0' and FlRdMStartDel='1')or
(FlRdSStart='0' and FlRdSStartDel='1')) then
FlRdCnt <= "01";
elsif(FlRdCnt/="00") then
FlRdCnt <= FlRdCnt + 1;
end if;
if(FlRdCnt="11") then
FlRd_St <= '1';
FlRd_St <= '0';
end if;
if(FlRd_St='1') then -- Latch read data
FlPrgRdData <= pm_dout;
end if;
-- EEPROM Read delay counter
if(TAPCtrlTLR='1') then -- Reset counter
EERdCnt <= (others => '0');
elsif(EERdStart='0' and EERdStartDel='1') then -- Falling edge
EERdCnt <= "01";
elsif(EERdCnt/="00") then
EERdCnt <= EERdCnt + 1;
end if;
-- EEPROM Write delay counter
if(TAPCtrlTLR='1') then -- Reset counter
EEWrCnt <= (others => '0');
elsif(EEWrStart='0' and EEWrStartDel='1') then -- Falling edge
EEWrCnt <= "01";
elsif(EEWrCnt/="00") then
EEWrCnt <= EEWrCnt + 1;
end if;
-- EEPROM Read latch
if(EERd_St='1') then
EEPrgRdData <= EERdData;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Chip Erase
if(cp2='1' and cp2'event) then -- Clock cp2(Rising edge)
ChipEraseStartDel <= ChipEraseStart; -- Edge detector
if (TAPCtrlTLR='1') then -- Reset
ChipErase_St <= '0';
case ChipErase_St is
when '0' =>
if(ChipEraseStart='1' and ChipEraseStartDel='0') then -- Start of chip erase
ChipErase_St <= '1';
end if;
when '1' =>
if (FlashPrgAdrRg=C_MaxEraseAdr) then
ChipErase_St <= '0';
end if;
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- !!!TBD!!!
ChipEraseDone <= not ChipErase_St;
-- *************************** End of programmer part *******************************
pm_adr <= FlashPrgAdrRg when (ProgEnable='1') else -- Programming Mode
PC; -- Normal Operations
end RTL;