Updated Z80 CPU Adapter (markdown)

David Banks 2019-10-23 15:44:27 +01:00
parent 09b6b894e2
commit f0c09e732c

@ -45,15 +45,20 @@ Note: 10uF 16V 0805 Electrolitic can be used for C13/14, but be careful about or
## 40-pin DIP SMT Header
There are two options here:
Option 1:
- A Precidip 40-pin SMT DIP Header (150-10-640-00-106161) ([Digikey](https://www.digikey.co.uk/product-detail/en/preci-dip/150-10-640-00-106161/1212-1074-ND/3757324))
- this is the header used on the GODILs
Option 2:
- A Precidip 40-pin SMT DIP Socket (110-87-640-41-105101) ([RS](https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/dil-sockets/7020622))
- 2x20 Precidip male-male turned pin header pins ([Spiratronics](http://spiratronics.com/turned-pin-single-row-header-plug-20-way.html))
- 2x Precidip 20-pin male-male turned pin header (860-80-020-10-001101) ([Spiratronics](http://spiratronics.com/turned-pin-single-row-header-plug-20-way.html))
In both cases, stacking an additional 40-pin DIP socket to raise the board height is usually needed.
I have used the second option myself, but when removing the device sometimes the pins are left in the host.
## Misc
| Part Description | Supplier | Quantity | Part Ref | Notes |