2019-12-29 22:03:10 -05:00
;Joystick Constants and Functions for Commander X16 Computer
2019-11-20 01:41:35 -05:00
JYSTKS EQU 2 ;Number of Joysticks
2019-12-29 22:03:10 -05:00
.GETJOY EQU $FF06 ;Kernal GETJOY Routine
2019-11-20 10:52:41 -05:00
.JYDATA EQU $02BC ;Joystick 0 Data
2019-12-29 22:03:10 -05:00
;$02BC $02BF | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
; NES | A | B |SEL|STA|UP |DN |LT |RT |
; SNES | B | Y |SEL|STA|UP |DN |LT |RT |
;$02BD $20C0 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
; NES | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |KBD|
; SNES | A | X | L | R | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
;$02BE $02C1 $00 = joystick present
; $FF = joystick not present
2019-11-20 01:41:35 -05:00
2019-12-29 22:03:10 -05:00
;The Joystick Button is mapped to
;A,B on the NES Controller and
;A,B,X,Y on the SNES Controller
;Select and Start are Ignored as Bits 4 and 5 of the return value
;are always 0 because returning $FF means no controller found
2019-11-20 01:41:35 -05:00
;Joystick Bit Masks
JOYDN EQU $04 ;Down
JOYLF EQU $02 ;Left
JOYRT EQU $01 ;Right
2019-12-29 22:03:10 -05:00
JOYB0 EQU $C0 ;Button
;Extended Bit Masks
JOYBA EQU $80 ;A Button
JOYBB EQU $40 ;B Button
JOYSL EQU $20 ;Select
JOYST EQU $10 ;Start
JOYBL EQU $08 ;Left Button
JOYBR EQU $04 ;Right Button
JOYBX EQU $02 ;X Button
JOYBY EQU $01 ;Y Button
;Controller Types
JOYKBD EQU $00 ;Keyboard (NES Emulation)
JOYNES EQU $01 ;NES Controller
JOYSNS EQU $02 ;SNS Controller
;joytsk(j) - Read Joystick
;Args: A = Joystick Number (0 or 1)
;Sets: TEMP0 = Inverted Controller Status
; TEMP1 = Inverted Extended Status
; TEMP2 - Extended Result (Buttons)
;Destroys: TEMP3
;Returns: A = Joystick Status (Joystick Bit Masks
; Y = Extended Status (Extended Bit Masks)
; X = Controller Type (0=Keyboard, 1=NES, 2=SNES)
JOYSTK: CMP #JYSTKS ;If Invalid Joystick Number
STA TEMP0 ;Save Joystick Number
JOYSTL: WAI ;Wait for Interrupt
LDA $9F27 ; Check Vera Interrupt Register
AND #$01 ; If Not Vera Interrupt
JSR .GETJOY ;Call Kernal GETJOY Routine
LDA TEMP0 ;Retrieve Joystick Number
ASL ;Multiply it by 3
ADC TEMP0 ;(Assumes Number<128)
TAX ;and Copy to X-Register
LDA .JYDATA+2,X ;If Controller Not Present
LDA .JYDATA,X ;Get Base Status
EOR #$FF ;Invert Bits
JSR .JOYEXT ;Build Extended Results
AND #$CF ;Mask off Select and Start
;Return Error
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2019-12-29 22:03:10 -05:00
;Build Extended Result
.JOYEXT STA TEMP0 ;Save Controller Status
STZ TEMP3 ;Clear Button Mask
LDA .JYDATA+1,X ;Get Extended Status
BIT #$0E ;Check Bits 1 - 3
BNE .JOYEXS ;If NES/Keyboard
STA TEMP1 ; Save for Debugging
EOR #$01 ; Invert Extended Bits
TAX ; and Copy to X
LDA TEMP0 ; Get Controller Status
AND #$F0 ; Isolate Bits 4-7
TAY ; and Copy Back to Y
.JOYEXS JSR .JOYSNS ; Process SNES Buttons
.JOYEXX LDA TEMP0 ;Restore Controller Status
ORA TEMP3 ;Combine Buttons
;Process SNES Buttons
.JOYSNS LDX #2 ;Set Controller Type to 2
EOR #$FF ;Invert Extended Bits
STA TEMP1 ; and Save Result
AND #$C0 ;Isolate SNES A,X Buttons
STA TEMP3 ;and Save in Button Mask
LDA TEMP1 ;Retrieve Extended Buttons
AND #$30 ;Isolate L and R
ASL ;and Shift to Bits 2 and 3
BIT TEMP1 ;Get Ext Status High Bits
BCC +2 ;If Extended Bit 7 was Set
ORA #$80 ; Set Buttons Bit 7 (A)
BVC +2 ;If Extended Bit 6 was Set
ORA #$20 ; Set Buttons Bit 1 (X)
STA TEMP2 ;Save Buttons A,X,L,R
LDA TEMP0 ;Retrieve Controller Status
AND #$30 ;Isolate Select and Start
ORA TEMP2 ;Combine with A,X,L,R
BIT TEMP2 ;Get Status High Bits
BCC +2 ;If Status Bit 7 was Set
ORA #$40 ; Set Buttons Bit 6 (B)
BVC +2 ;If Status Bit 6 was Set
ORA #$01 ; Set Buttons Nit 0 (Y)
STA TEMP2 ;Save Buttons in TEMP2
TAY ; and Copy to Y
2019-11-20 01:41:35 -05:00