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2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
Function Library Name Description
abs stdlib Absolute Value Return absolute value of byte.
adddst stddef Add Destination Add value to Destination Pointer.
addsrc stddef Add Source Add value to Source Pointer.
addzpw stddef Add Zero Page Word Add value to word in zero page
anykey stdiox Any Key Display "ANY KEY" prompt and wait for keypress.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
atoc stdlib ASCII to Character Convert numeric string to byte.
atoi intlib ASCII to Integer Convert string to integer.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
blkbgn block Block Begin Set beginning of block address.
blkend block Block End Set end of block address.
blkseg block Block Segment Set block segment size.
blkset block Block Set Fill entire block with character.
blkrst block Block Reset Set block pointer to beginning of block.
blknxt block Block Next Move block pointer forward one segment.
blkput block Block Append Copy bytes from array to current segment.
blkget block Block Get Copy bytes from current segment to array.
blkmem block Block Memory Search block for segment matching array.
blkstr block Block String Search block for segment beginning with string.
blkswp block Block Swap Swap bytes of array with the current segment.
blksrt block Block Sort Sort segments in block by initial string.
button paddle Button Read paddle button controller status.
chdir direct Change Directory Change to specified directory
chdrv direct Change Drive Change to specified drive
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
ctoa stdlib Character to ASCII Convert byte to numeric string.
div stdlib Divide Divide two bytes.
drvnam direct Drive Name Return name of specified drive
failed test Failed Write " Fail" to screen.
failln test Failed Line Write " Fail" plus newline to screen.
fclose fileio File Close Close file.
feof fileio File End of File Check for end of file condition.
ferror fileio File Error Get file error information.
fflush fileio File Flush Flush output buffer to file.
fgetc fileio File Get Character Read character from file.
fgets fileio File Get String Read string from file.
fopen fileio File Open Open file.
florps test Fail or Pass Write " Fail" or " Pass" to screen.
flpsln test Fail or Pass Line Write " Fail" or " Pass" plus newline to screen.
fputc fileio File Put Character Write character to file.
fputln fileio File Put Line Write line to file.
fputs fileio File Put String Write string to file.
fread fileio File Read Read bytes from file.
fsaddr fileio File Set Address Set address for fread, fwrite, fsave, or fload.
fsinit fileio File System Init Initialize file system.
fsname fileio File Set Name Set filename for fopen, fsave, or fload.
fwrite fileio File Write Write bytes to file.
getc stdio Get Character Read character from keyboard.
getcwd direct Get CWD Return current working directory
getdrv direct Get Drive Return current drive identifier
getdst stddef Get Destination Get address in Destination Pointer.
getprc stdiox Get Prompt Character Display prompt and wait for key press.
gets stdio Get String Read string from keyboard.
getsrc stddef Get Source Get address in Source Pointer.
iabs intlib Integer Absolute Return absolute value of integer.
imax intlib Integer Maximum Return greater of two integers.
imin intlib Integer Minimum Return lesser of two integers.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
isalnm ctype Is Alphanumeric Return TRUE if character is A-Z, a-z, or 0-9.
isalph ctype Is Alphabetic Return TRUE if character is A-Z or a-z.
isbdgt ctype Is Binary Digit Return TRUE if character is 0 or 1.
isctrl ctype is Control Return TRUE if ASCII code is 0-31 or 127.
isdigt ctype Is Digit Return TRUE if character is 0-9.
isgrph ctype Is Graphical Return TRUE if ASCII code is 33-126.
ishdgt ctype Is Hex Digit Return TRUE if character is 0-9, A-F, or a-f.
ishftl intlib Integer Shift Left Shift integer left specified number of bits.
ishftr intlib Integer Shift Right Shift integer right specified number of bits.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
islowr ctype Is Lowercase Return TRUE if character is a-z.
ispnct ctype Is Punctuation Return TRUE if Graphical and not Alphanumeric.
isprnt ctype Is Printable Return TRUE if ASCII code is 32-126.
isspce ctype Is white Space Return TRUE if ASCII code is 9-13 or 32.
isuppr ctype Is Uppercase Return TRUE if character is A-Z.
itoa intlib Integer to ASCII Convert Integer to String.
joystk joystk Joystick Read Atari style joystick controller status.
lgtpen lgtpen Light Pen Read light pen status.
maddr memio Memory Address Return address contained in memory file pointer.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
max stdlib Maximum Return greater of two byte.
mclose memio Memory Close Close memory file.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
memdst memory Memory Destination Set destination array for subsequent functions.
memset memory Memory Set File bytes in array with byte.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
memchr memory Memory Character Search for byte in array.
memclr memory Memory Cllear File bytes in array with $00.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
memcmp memory Memory Compare Compare bytes in array against destination array.
memcpy memory Memory Copy Copy bytes from array to destination array.
memswp memory Memory Swap Swap bytes in array with destination array.
mflush memio Memory Flush Flush memory file.
mgetc memio Memory Get Character Read single character from memory file.
mgets memio Memory Get String Read string from memory file.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
min stdlib Minimum Return lesser of two byte.
mkdir direct Make Directory Create specified directory
mopen memio Memory Open Open memory file.
mputc memio Memory Put Character Write single character to memory file.
mputln memio Memory Put String Write string followed by newline to memory file.
mputs memio Memory Put String Write string to memory file.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
mult stdlib Multiply Multiply two bytes.
opndir dirent Open Directory Open directory for reading
pack bitlib Pack nybbles Pack two nybbles into a single byte.
paddle paddle Paddle Read paddle controller position.
passed test Passed Write " Pass" to screen.
passln test Passed Line Print " Pass" plus newline to screen.
psflln test Pass or Fail Line Write " Pass" or " Fail" plus newline to screen.
psorfl test Pass or Fail Write " Pass" or " Fail" to screen.
ptrset pointer Pointer Set Write pointer to address.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
ptrput pointer Pointer Put Write byte and increment pointer.
ptrget pointer Pointer Get Read byte and increment pointer.
ptrinc pointer Pointer Increment Increment pointer.
ptrdec pointer Pointer Decrement Decrement pointer.
ptradd pointer Pointer Add Add value to pointer.
ptrsub pointer Pointer Subtract Subtract value from pointer.
ptrcmp pointer Pointer Compare Compare pointer against address.
ptrsav pointer Pointer Save Save pointer into two-byte array.
ptrrst pointer Pointer Restore Restore pointer from two-byte array.
printf stdiox Print Formatted Write formatted byte and/or string/address to screen.
putadr test Put Address Write "address=" and hexadecimal address to screen.
putc stdio Put Character Write character to screen.
putdec stdiox Put Decimal Write byte to screen as decimal number.
putdel stdiox Put Decimal Left Write byte to screen as left-justified decimal.
putder stdiox Put Decimal Right Write byte to screen as right-justified decimal.
putdst stdios Put Destination Write destination string to screen.
puthex stdiox Put Hexadecimal Write byte to screen as hexadecimal number.
putln stdio Put Line Write string plus newline to screen.
puts stdio Put String Write string to screen.
putspc stdiox Put Space Write space character to screen.
putsub stdio Put Substring Write substring to screen.
putwrd stdiox Put Word Write address to screen as hexadecimal number.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
rand stdlib Random Generate pseudorandom number.
rands stdlib Random Seed Seed random number generator.
rddir dirent Read Directory Read Directory Entry
rdhdr dirent Read Header Read Directory Header
rmdir direct Remove Directory Remove specified directory
resdst stddef Restore Destination Restore Destination Pointer from TEMP variables.
resreg stddef Restore Registers Restore A, X, and Y registers from TEMP variables.
resrxy stddef Restore Reg. X and Y Restore X, and Y registers from TEMP variables.
ressrc stddef Restore Source Restore Source Pointer from TEMP variables.
rotl bitlib Rotate Left Rotate byte left specified number of bits.
rotr bitlib Rotate Right Rotate byte right specified number of bits.
savdst stddef Save Destination Save Destination Pointer in TEMP variables.
savreg stddef Save Registers Save A, X, and Y registers in TEMP variables.
savrxy stddef Save Reg. X and Y Save X, and Y registers in TEMP variables.
savsrc stddef Save Source Save Source Pointer in TEMP variables.
setdss stddef Set Dest. Source Set Destination Pointer to Source Pointer.
setdst stddef Set Destination Set Destination Pointer to address.
setsrc stddef Set Source Set Source Pointer to address.
setsrd stddef Set Source Dest. Set Source Pointer to Destination Pointer.
shiftl bitlib Shift Left Shift byte left specified number of bits.
shiftr bitlib Shift Right Shift byte right specified number of bits.
stkbgn stack Stack Begin Set start of stack address.
stkdup stack Stack Duplicate Duplicate top entry of stack.
stkend stack Stack End Set end of stack address.
stkovr stack Stack Over Copy second from top entry of stack to top.
stkpop stack Stack Pop Remove entry from top of stack.
stkpsh stack Stack Push Push array contents onto top of stack.
stkptr stack Stack Pointer Get stack pointer address.
stkrst stack Stack Reset Initialize or clear stack.
stkset stack Stack Set Set stack pointer to address.
stkstr stack Stack String Push string onto top of stack.
stktop stack Stack Top Get entry from top of stack without popping it.
stkswp stack Stack Swap Swap top entry of stack with entry below it.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
strapd string String Append Append character to string.
strcat string String Concatenate Concatenate string to destination string.
strchr string String Character Search for character in string.
strcmp string String Compare Compare string contents against destination string.
strcpy string String Copy Copy string contents to destination string.
strcsp stringx String Char Span Return length of span in destination not in string.
strcut string String Cut Copy substring to destination string.
strdst string String Destination Set destination string for subsequent functions.
strlen string String Length Calculate length of string.
strpbk stringx String Pointer Break Find first character in destination found in string.
strrch string String Reverse Char Search for character from end of string.
strspn stringx String Span Return length of span in destination found in string.
strstr string String String Search for string in destination string.
swap bitlib Swap nybbles Swaps left and right nybbles in byte.
2018-01-28 14:00:23 -05:00
tolowr ctype To Lowercase Convert character to lowercase.
touppr ctype To Uppercase Convert character to uppercase.
trufls test True or False Convert value to #TRUE or #FALSE.
unpack bitlib Unpack nybbles Unpack byte into two nybbles.