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This module provides functions for reading file directories from
disks, disk like devices, and possihly tapes.
At the beginning of the program use the directives
#include <fileio.h02>
#include <dirent.h02>
The following structures are defined:
struct dirhdr dh; Directory Header. At a minumum this will contain
the member name[128], which is the directory
name or disk label.
struct dirent de; Directory Entry. At a minumum this will contain
the member name[128], which is the filename.
The following functions are defined:
f,e = opndir(d,&n); Open directory named n with options d, returning
channel number f and error code e.
The options byte d consists of the device number
and drive numbet combined ny the | operator.
If the return channel number is 0, the directory
was not opened.
e = clsdir(f); Close directory opened on channel f, returning
error code e.
n,e = rdhdr(f,&dh); Read directory header into dirhdr structure dh,
returning the length of the header in n and error
code in e. If the header length is 0, then the
directory does not have a header, or there was
and error during the read.
This should be called after opndir() and before
the first rddir()
n,e = rddir(f,&de); Read directory entry into dirent structure de,
returning the length of the entry in n and error
code in e. If the entry length is 0, then the
end of the directory was reached or there was
an error during the read.
Note: This library expects the following functions to be defined:
fsaddr(); Set File Address
fsname(); Set Filename