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#Oric .TAP Converter
#Builds Oric/Atmos .TAP file from DASM -F1 file
#DASM -F1 File two byte load address in LSB, MSB order
#followed by binary object coda
#Oric/Atmos .TAP file has the following structure:
# $16 $16 $16 $16 Tape Synchronization Bytes
# $24 $00 $00 Header Start Bytes
# $00/$80 Program Type (BASIC/Assembly)
# $00/$80/$C7 Autostart (None/BASIC/Assembly)
# $XX $XX End Address (MSB, LSB)
# $XX $XX Start Address (MSB, LSB)
# $00 Padding Byte
# 'XXX...' File Name (up to 16 characters)
# $00 File Name Terminator
# ... Program Data
import os
import sys
def getArgs():
argCount = len(sys.argv)
if argCount != 2:
print("Usage:", sys.argv[0], "objfile")
return sys.argv[1]
def splitFileSpec(filePath):
fileDir, fileSpec = os.path.split(filePath)
fileName, fileExt = os.path.splitext(fileSpec)
if fileExt == '': fileExt = '.obj'
return fileDir, fileName, fileExt
def readPrgFile(fileSpec):
with open(fileSpec, "rb") as prgFile:
prgAddr = prgFile.read(2)
prgData = prgFile.read()
address = prgAddr[0] + prgAddr[1] * 256
return address, prgData
def writeTapFile(dir, name, addr, data):
tapName = os.path.join(dir, name + ".tap")
size = len(data)+1 #Program Size includes trailing 0 byte
type = b'\x00' if addr == 0x0501 else b'\x80' #Program Type BASIC/Assembly
auto = b'\x00' #Autostart (None)
#auto = b'\x80' if type == b'\x00' else b'\xC7' #Autostart Flag
start = addr.to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') #Program Start Address
end = (addr+size).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') #Program End Address
ascName = name.upper().encode('ASCII') #Program Name as ASCII bytes object
with open(tapName, "wb") as tapFile:
tapFile.write(b'\x16\x16\x16\x16') #Tape Synchronization Bytes
tapFile.write(b'\x24\x00\x00') #Header Start Byte
tapFile.write(type) #Program Type
tapFile.write(auto) #Autostart Flag
tapFile.write(end) #Program End Address
tapFile.write(start) #Program Start Address MSB
tapFile.write(b'\x00') #Padding Byte
tapFile.write(ascName) #File Name
tapFile.write(b'\x00') #String Terminator
tapFile.write(data) #Binary Program Code
tapFile.write(b'\x00') #Final Dummy Byte
return tapName
objFile = getArgs()
fileDir, fileName, fileExt = splitFileSpec(objFile)
inName = os.path.join(fileDir, fileName + fileExt)
print("Reading file", inName)
inAddr, inData = readPrgFile(inName)
outName = writeTapFile(fileDir, fileName, inAddr, inData)
print ("Wrote file", outName)