mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 13:30:27 +00:00
Allow expressions in second and third function argument
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,372 +1,395 @@
* C02 Expression Parsing Routines *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "asm.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "expr.h"
/* Push Term and Operator onto Stack */
void pshtrm(void) {
if (trmidx >= MAXTRM) ERROR("Maximum Function Call/Array Index Depth Exceeded", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
oprstk[trmidx] = oper; //Put Current Operator on Stack
strcpy(trmstk[trmidx], term); //Put Current Term on Stack
trmidx++; //Increment Stack Pointer
/* Pop Term and Operator off Stack */
void poptrm(void) {
trmidx--; //Decrement Stack Pointer
strcpy(term, trmstk[trmidx]); //Restore Current Term from Stack
oper = oprstk[trmidx]; //Restore Current Operator from Stack
/* Parse value (literal or identifier) *
* Args: alwreg - allow registers *
8 alwcon - allow constants *
* Sets: value - the value (as a string) *
* valtyp - value type */
void prsval(int alwreg, int alwcon) {
DEBUG("Parsing value\n", 0)
if (islpre()) prslit(); //Parse Literal
else if (isalph()) prsvar(alwreg, alwcon); //Parse Variable
else if (isbtop()) prsbop(); //Parse Byte Operator
else expctd("literal or variable");
DEBUG("Parsed value of type %d\n", valtyp)
/* Process Unary Minus */
void prcmns(void) {
DEBUG("Processing unary minus", 0)
asmlin("LDA", "#$00"); //Handle Unary Minus
/* Parse array index *
* Args: clbrkt - require closing bracket *
* Sets: value - array index or *
* "" if no index defined */
void prsidx(int clbrkt) {
prsval(TRUE, TRUE); //Parse Value, Allow Registers & Constants
DEBUG("Parsed array index '%s'\n", value)
if (clbrkt) expect(']');
/* Process Simple Array Index *
* Uses: term - array variable name *
* valtyp - array index value type *
* value - array index as string *
* word - array index raw string *
* Sets: term - modified variable name */
void prcsix(void) {
if (valtyp == LITERAL) {
strcat(term, "+");
strcat(term, word);
else if (strcmp(value, "Y")==0)
strcat(term, ",Y");
else {
if (strcmp(value, "A")==0) asmlin("TAX", "");
else if (strcmp(value, "X")!=0) asmlin("LDX", value);
strcat(term, ",X");
/* Process Expression Array Index */
void prcxix(void) {
pshtrm(); //Push Array Variable onto Term Stack
if (trmcnt) asmlin("PHA", ""); //Save Accumulator if not first term
prcftm(FALSE); //Process First Term of Expression
prsrxp(']'); //Parse Rest of Expression
asmlin("TAX", ""); //Transfer Result of Expression to Index Register
if (trmcnt) asmlin("PLA", ""); //Restore Accumator if not first term
poptrm(); //Pop Array Variable off Term Stack
strcat(term, ",X");
/* Check for, Parse, and Process Index */
void chkidx(void) {
//DEBUG("Checking for Array Index with valtyp=%d\n", valtyp)
if (valtyp == ARRAY) {
if (look('-')) {
else {
if (valtyp > REGISTER) prcxix();
else if (look(']')) prcsix();
else prcxix();
/* Parse Term in Expression *
* Sets: term - the term (as a string) */
int prstrm(int alwint) {
DEBUG("Parsing term\n", 0)
prsval(FALSE, TRUE); //Parse Value - Disallow Registers, Allow Constants
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) ERROR("Function call only allowed in first term\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
strcpy(term, value);
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && prcvar(alwint)) return TRUE;
DEBUG("Parsed term %s\n", term)
chkidx(); //Check for Array Index
return FALSE;
/* Process Address Reference
* Args: adract = Address Action (adacts) *
* symbol = Symbol to Process */
void prcadr(int adract, char* symbol) {
DEBUG("Processing address '%s'\n", word)
if (adract == ADPUSH) { asmlin("LDA", word); asmlin("PHA", ""); }
else asmlin("LDY", word);
if (adract == ADPUSH) { asmlin("LDA", word); asmlin("PHA", ""); }
else asmlin("LDX", word);
/* Parse and Compile Address of Operator *
* Args: adract = Address Action */
void prsadr(int adract) {
DEBUG("Parsing address\n", 0)
if (isnpre()) prsnum(0xFFFF);
else {
if (fndlab(word)) strcpy(value, word);
else prsvrw(FALSE, TRUE);
if (adract) prcadr(adract, value); //Compile Address Reference
else strcpy(word, value); //Save for Calling Routine
/* Parse and Create Anonymous String *
* Args: adract = Address Action *
* alwstr = Allow String */
void prsstr(int adract, int alwstr) {
if (!alwstr) ERROR("Illegal String Reference", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
DEBUG("Parsing anonymous string\n", 0)
newlbl(vrname); //Generate Variable Name
value[0] = 0; //Use Variable Size 0
setvar(MTNONE, VTCHAR); //Set Variable Name, Type, and Size
prsdts(); //Parse Data String
setdat(); //Set Variable Data
varcnt++; //Increment Variable Counter
if (adract) prcadr(adract, vrname); //Compile Address Reference
else strcpy(word, vrname); //Save for Calling Routine
/* Check for and Process Address or String *
* Args: adract = Address Action *
* alwstr = Allow String */
int chkadr(int adract, int alwstr) {
DEBUG("Checking for Address or String\n", 0)
int result = TRUE;
if (look('&')) prsadr(adract);
else if (match('"')) prsstr(adract, alwstr);
else result = FALSE;
return result;
/* Parse Byte Operator */
void prsbop(void) {
char byteop = getnxt();
DEBUG("Parsing byte operator '%c'\n", byteop)
if (chkadr(FALSE, FALSE)) {
sprintf(value, "%c(%s)", byteop, word);
valtyp = LITERAL;
} else {
if (vartyp != VTINT) ERROR("Integer Value Expected\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (byteop == '>') strcat(value, "+1");
vartyp = VTCHAR;
DEBUG("Set value to \"%s\"\n", value)
/* Parse Function Argument or Return Values */
void prsfpr(char trmntr) {
if (!chkadr(ADLDYX, TRUE) && isxpre() || match('.')) {
if (!look('.')) {if (prsxpf(0)) goto prsfne;}
if (look(',') && !chkadr(ADLDYX, TRUE)) {
if (!look('.')) {
if (prstrm(TRUE)) goto prsfne;
asmlin("LDY", term);
if (look(',')) {
prsval(FALSE, TRUE); //Parse Value - Disallow Registers, Allow Constants
if (valtyp > VARIABLE) ERROR("Illegal Value Function Argument\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && vartyp != VTCHAR) ERROR("Illegal Variable Type\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
asmlin("LDX", value); }
/* Parse function call */
void prsfnc(char trmntr) {
DEBUG("Processing Function Call '%s'\n", term)
//int argexp = FALSE; //Expression(s) in second and third argument
pshtrm(); //Push Function Name onto Term Stack
skpchr(); //skip open paren
prsfpr(')'); //Parse Function Parameters
poptrm(); //Pop Function Name off Term Stack
asmlin("JSR", term);
/* Process Integer Variable */
void prcvri(void) {
DEBUG("Processing Integer Variable '%s'\n", value)
asmlin("LDX", value);
strcat(value, "+1");
asmlin("LDY", value);
/* Process Variable in Term */
int prcvar(int alwint) {
switch (vartyp) {
case VTINT:
if (!alwint) ERROR("Illegal Use of Integer Variable %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
return TRUE;
if (!alwint) ERROR("Illegal Reference to Array %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
prcadr(ADNONE, term);
return TRUE;
if (!alwint) ERROR("Illegal Reference to Struct %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
prcadr(ADNONE, term);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Process first term of expression */
int prcftm(int alwint) {
DEBUG("Processing first term '%s'\n", value)
strcpy(term, value);
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && prcvar(alwint)) return TRUE;
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) prsfnc(0); //Parse Expression Function
else if (wordis("A")) return FALSE;
else if (wordis("X")) asmlin("TXA", "");
else if (wordis("Y")) asmlin("TYA", "");
else { chkidx(); asmlin("LDA", term); }
return FALSE;
/* Parse first term of expession *
* First term can include function calls */
int prsftm(int alwint) {
prsval(TRUE, TRUE); //Parse Value, Allow Registers & Constants
return prcftm(alwint);
/* Process Arithmetic or Bitwise Operator *
* and the term that follows it */
void prcopr(void) {
DEBUG("Processing operator '%c'\n", oper)
switch(oper) {
case '+': asmlin("CLC", ""); asmlin("ADC", term); break; //Addition
case '-': asmlin("SEC", ""); asmlin("SBC", term); break; //Subtraction
case '&': asmlin("AND", term); break; //Bitwise AND
case '!': //For systems that don't have pipe in character set
case '|': asmlin("ORA", term); break; //Bitwise OR
case '^': asmlin("EOR", term); break; //Bitwise XOR
default: ERROR("Unrecognized operator '%c'\n", oper, EXIT_FAILURE)
oper = 0;
/* Parse Remainder of Expression */
void prsrxp(char trmntr) {
while (isoper()) {
trmcnt++; //Increment Expression Depth
prsopr(); //Parse Operator
prstrm(FALSE); //Parse Term
prcopr(); //Process Operator
trmcnt--; //Decrement Expression Depth
int prsxpp(char trmntr, int alwint) {
DEBUG("Parsing expression\n", 0)
trmcnt = 0; //Initialize Expression Depth
if (match('-')) prcmns(); //Process Unary Minus
else if (prsftm(alwint)) return TRUE; //Parse First Term
prsrxp(trmntr); //Parse Remainder of Express
return FALSE;
/* Parse and compile expression */
void prsxpr(char trmntr) {
prsxpp(trmntr, FALSE);
/* Parse and compile function parameter expression *
* Returns: TRUE if Integer Expression */
int prsxpf(char trmntr) {
return prsxpp(trmntr, TRUE);
/* Parse and Compile Integer Expression *
* (Address, Integer Literal, Variable, *
* Struct Member, or Function) *
* Args: trmntr - expression terminator *
* asmxpr - assemble expression *
* Sets: value - Parsed Value or Symbol */
void prsxpi(char trmntr, int asmxpr) {
DEBUG("Parsing integer expression\n", 0)
if (!chkadr(TRUE, FALSE)) {
if (isnpre()) {
DEBUG("Parsing Integer Literal\n", 0)
int number = prsnum(0xFFFF); //Parse Number into value
if (asmxpr) {
sprintf(value, "#%d", number & 0xFF); asmlin("LDX", value);
sprintf(value, "#%d", number >> 8); asmlin("LDY", value);
} else if (isalph()) {
prsvar(FALSE, TRUE);
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) {
strcpy(term, value);
prsfnc(0); //Parse Expression Function
} else if (valtyp == STRUCTURE) {
if (vartyp != VTINT) ERROR("Illegal Member %s In Integer Expression", value, EXIT_FAILURE)
} else if (valtyp == VARIABLE && vartyp == VTINT) {
if (asmxpr) prcvri(); //Process Integer Variable
} else {
ERROR("Illegal Variable %s In Integer Expression", value, EXIT_FAILURE)
} else {
ERROR("Expected Integer Value or Function\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
* C02 Expression Parsing Routines *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "asm.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "expr.h"
/* Push Term and Operator onto Stack */
void pshtrm(void) {
if (trmidx >= MAXTRM) ERROR("Maximum Function Call/Array Index Depth Exceeded", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
oprstk[trmidx] = oper; //Put Current Operator on Stack
strcpy(trmstk[trmidx], term); //Put Current Term on Stack
trmidx++; //Increment Stack Pointer
/* Pop Term and Operator off Stack */
void poptrm(void) {
trmidx--; //Decrement Stack Pointer
strcpy(term, trmstk[trmidx]); //Restore Current Term from Stack
oper = oprstk[trmidx]; //Restore Current Operator from Stack
/* Parse value (literal or identifier) *
* Args: alwreg - allow registers *
8 alwcon - allow constants *
* Sets: value - the value (as a string) *
* valtyp - value type */
void prsval(int alwreg, int alwcon) {
DEBUG("Parsing value\n", 0)
if (islpre()) prslit(); //Parse Literal
else if (isalph()) prsvar(alwreg, alwcon); //Parse Variable
else if (isbtop()) prsbop(); //Parse Byte Operator
else expctd("literal or variable");
DEBUG("Parsed value of type %d\n", valtyp)
/* Process Unary Minus */
void prcmns(void) {
DEBUG("Processing unary minus", 0)
asmlin("LDA", "#$00"); //Handle Unary Minus
/* Parse array index *
* Args: clbrkt - require closing bracket *
* Sets: value - array index or *
* "" if no index defined */
void prsidx(int clbrkt) {
prsval(TRUE, TRUE); //Parse Value, Allow Registers & Constants
DEBUG("Parsed array index '%s'\n", value)
if (clbrkt) expect(']');
/* Process Simple Array Index *
* Uses: term - array variable name *
* valtyp - array index value type *
* value - array index as string *
* word - array index raw string *
* Sets: term - modified variable name */
void prcsix(void) {
if (valtyp == LITERAL) {
strcat(term, "+");
strcat(term, word);
else if (strcmp(value, "Y")==0)
strcat(term, ",Y");
else {
if (strcmp(value, "A")==0) asmlin("TAX", "");
else if (strcmp(value, "X")!=0) asmlin("LDX", value);
strcat(term, ",X");
/* Process Expression Array Index */
void prcxix(void) {
pshtrm(); //Push Array Variable onto Term Stack
if (trmcnt) asmlin("PHA", ""); //Save Accumulator if not first term
prcftm(FALSE); //Process First Term of Expression
prsrxp(']'); //Parse Rest of Expression
asmlin("TAX", ""); //Transfer Result of Expression to Index Register
if (trmcnt) asmlin("PLA", ""); //Restore Accumator if not first term
poptrm(); //Pop Array Variable off Term Stack
strcat(term, ",X");
/* Check for, Parse, and Process Index */
void chkidx(void) {
//DEBUG("Checking for Array Index with valtyp=%d\n", valtyp)
if (valtyp == ARRAY) {
if (look('-')) {
else {
if (valtyp > REGISTER) prcxix();
else if (look(']')) prcsix();
else prcxix();
/* Parse Term in Expression *
* Sets: term - the term (as a string) */
int prstrm(int alwint) {
DEBUG("Parsing term\n", 0)
prsval(FALSE, TRUE); //Parse Value - Disallow Registers, Allow Constants
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) ERROR("Function call only allowed in first term\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
strcpy(term, value);
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && prcivr(alwint)) return TRUE;
DEBUG("Parsed term %s\n", term)
chkidx(); //Check for Array Index
return FALSE;
/* Process Address Reference
* Args: adract = Address Action (adacts) *
* symbol = Symbol to Process */
void prcadr(int adract, char* symbol) {
DEBUG("Processing address '%s'\n", word)
if (adract == ADPUSH) { asmlin("LDA", word); asmlin("PHA", ""); }
else asmlin("LDY", word);
if (adract == ADPUSH) { asmlin("LDA", word); asmlin("PHA", ""); }
else asmlin("LDX", word);
/* Parse and Compile Address of Operator *
* Args: adract = Address Action */
void prsadr(int adract) {
DEBUG("Parsing address\n", 0)
if (isnpre()) prsnum(0xFFFF);
else {
if (fndlab(word)) strcpy(value, word);
else prsvrw(FALSE, TRUE);
if (adract) prcadr(adract, value); //Compile Address Reference
else strcpy(word, value); //Save for Calling Routine
/* Parse and Create Anonymous String *
* Args: adract = Address Action *
* alwstr = Allow String */
void prsstr(int adract, int alwstr) {
if (!alwstr) ERROR("Illegal String Reference", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
DEBUG("Parsing anonymous string\n", 0)
newlbl(vrname); //Generate Variable Name
value[0] = 0; //Use Variable Size 0
setvar(MTNONE, VTCHAR); //Set Variable Name, Type, and Size
prsdts(); //Parse Data String
setdat(); //Set Variable Data
varcnt++; //Increment Variable Counter
if (adract) prcadr(adract, vrname); //Compile Address Reference
else strcpy(word, vrname); //Save for Calling Routine
/* Check for and Process Address or String *
* Args: adract = Address Action *
* alwstr = Allow String */
int chkadr(int adract, int alwstr) {
DEBUG("Checking for Address or String\n", 0)
int result = TRUE;
if (look('&')) prsadr(adract);
else if (match('"')) prsstr(adract, alwstr);
else result = FALSE;
return result;
/* Parse Byte Operator */
void prsbop(void) {
char byteop = getnxt();
DEBUG("Parsing byte operator '%c'\n", byteop)
if (chkadr(FALSE, FALSE)) {
sprintf(value, "%c(%s)", byteop, word);
valtyp = LITERAL;
} else {
if (vartyp != VTINT) ERROR("Integer Value Expected\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (byteop == '>') strcat(value, "+1");
vartyp = VTCHAR;
DEBUG("Set value to \"%s\"\n", value)
/* Parse Function Argument or Return Values */
void prsfpr(char trmntr) {
int pusha = 0; int pushy = 0; //A and Y Arguments Pushed
if (!chkadr(ADLDYX, TRUE) && isxpre() || match('.')) {
if (look('.')) pusha = 255;
else {if (prsxpf(0)) goto prsfne;}
if (look(',') && !chkadr(ADLDYX, TRUE)) {
if (look('.')) {
pushy = -1;
else {
if (look('(')) {
if (pusha==0) {pusha = 1; asmlin("PHA","");} //Save A on Stack
prsxpr(')'); asmlin("TAY", ""); //Evaluate Expression, and Copy to Y
else {
if (prstrm(TRUE)) goto prsfne;
asmlin("LDY", term);
if (look(',')) {
if (look('(')) {
if (pusha==0) {pusha = 1; asmlin("PHA","");} //Save A on Stack
if (pushy==0) {pushy = 1; asmlin("PHA",""); asmlin("PHY","");} //Save Y on Stack
prsxpr(')'); asmlin("TAX", ""); //Evaluate Expression, and Copy to X
else {
prsval(FALSE, TRUE); //Parse Value - Disallow Registers, Allow Constants
if (valtyp > VARIABLE) ERROR("Illegal Value Function Argument\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && vartyp != VTCHAR) ERROR("Illegal Variable Type\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
asmlin("LDX", value);
if (pushy==1) {asmlin("PLA",""); asmlin("TAY","");} //Pull Y Off Stack
if (pusha==1) asmlin("PLA",""); //Pull A Off Stack
/* Parse function call */
void prsfnc(char trmntr) {
DEBUG("Processing Function Call '%s'\n", term)
//int argexp = FALSE; //Expression(s) in second and third argument
pshtrm(); //Push Function Name onto Term Stack
skpchr(); //skip open paren
prsfpr(')'); //Parse Function Parameters
poptrm(); //Pop Function Name off Term Stack
asmlin("JSR", term);
/* Process Integer Variable */
void prcvri(void) {
DEBUG("Processing Integer Variable '%s'\n", value)
asmlin("LDX", value);
strcat(value, "+1");
asmlin("LDY", value);
/* Process Integer Variable in Term *
* Args: alwint = Allow Integer-Like Variable *
* Returns: Integer-Like Variable Processed - TRUE/FALSE */
int prcivr(int alwint) {
switch (vartyp) {
case VTINT:
if (!alwint) ERROR("Illegal Use of Integer Variable %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
return TRUE;
if (!alwint) ERROR("Illegal Reference to Array %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
prcadr(ADNONE, term);
return TRUE;
if (!alwint) ERROR("Illegal Reference to Struct %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
prcadr(ADNONE, term);
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Process first term of expression */
int prcftm(int alwint) {
DEBUG("Processing first term '%s'\n", value)
strcpy(term, value);
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && prcivr(alwint)) return TRUE;
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) prsfnc(0); //Parse Expression Function
else if (wordis("A")) return FALSE;
else if (wordis("X")) asmlin("TXA", "");
else if (wordis("Y")) asmlin("TYA", "");
else { chkidx(); asmlin("LDA", term); }
return FALSE;
/* Parse first term of expession *
* First term can include function calls */
int prsftm(int alwint) {
prsval(TRUE, TRUE); //Parse Value, Allow Registers & Constants
return prcftm(alwint);
/* Process Arithmetic or Bitwise Operator *
* and the term that follows it */
void prcopr(void) {
DEBUG("Processing operator '%c'\n", oper)
switch(oper) {
case '+': asmlin("CLC", ""); asmlin("ADC", term); break; //Addition
case '-': asmlin("SEC", ""); asmlin("SBC", term); break; //Subtraction
case '&': asmlin("AND", term); break; //Bitwise AND
case '!': //For systems that don't have pipe in character set
case '|': asmlin("ORA", term); break; //Bitwise OR
case '^': asmlin("EOR", term); break; //Bitwise XOR
default: ERROR("Unrecognized operator '%c'\n", oper, EXIT_FAILURE)
oper = 0;
/* Parse Remainder of Expression */
void prsrxp(char trmntr) {
while (isoper()) {
trmcnt++; //Increment Expression Depth
prsopr(); //Parse Operator
prstrm(FALSE); //Parse Term
prcopr(); //Process Operator
trmcnt--; //Decrement Expression Depth
int prsxpp(char trmntr, int alwint) {
DEBUG("Parsing expression\n", 0)
trmcnt = 0; //Initialize Expression Depth
if (match('-')) prcmns(); //Process Unary Minus
else if (prsftm(alwint)) return TRUE; //Parse First Term
prsrxp(trmntr); //Parse Remainder of Express
return FALSE;
/* Parse and compile expression */
void prsxpr(char trmntr) {
prsxpp(trmntr, FALSE);
/* Parse and compile function parameter expression *
* Returns: TRUE if Integer Expression */
int prsxpf(char trmntr) {
return prsxpp(trmntr, TRUE);
/* Parse and Compile Integer Expression *
* (Address, Integer Literal, Variable, *
* Struct Member, or Function) *
* Args: trmntr - expression terminator *
* asmxpr - assemble expression *
* Sets: value - Parsed Value or Symbol */
void prsxpi(char trmntr, int asmxpr) {
DEBUG("Parsing integer expression\n", 0)
if (!chkadr(TRUE, FALSE)) {
if (isnpre()) {
DEBUG("Parsing Integer Literal\n", 0)
int number = prsnum(0xFFFF); //Parse Number into value
if (asmxpr) {
sprintf(value, "#%d", number & 0xFF); asmlin("LDX", value);
sprintf(value, "#%d", number >> 8); asmlin("LDY", value);
} else if (isalph()) {
prsvar(FALSE, TRUE);
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) {
strcpy(term, value);
prsfnc(0); //Parse Expression Function
} else if (valtyp == STRUCTURE) {
if (vartyp != VTINT) ERROR("Illegal Member %s In Integer Expression", value, EXIT_FAILURE)
} else if (valtyp == VARIABLE && vartyp == VTINT) {
if (asmxpr) prcvri(); //Process Integer Variable
} else {
ERROR("Illegal Variable %s In Integer Expression", value, EXIT_FAILURE)
} else {
ERROR("Expected Integer Value or Function\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
* C02 Expession Parsing Routines *
enum adacts {ADNONE, ADLDYX, ADPUSH};
char term[255]; //Term parsed from equation
char oprstk[MAXTRM]; //Operator Stack
char trmstk[MAXTRM][VARLEN+1]; //Function/Index Terms Stack
int trmidx; //Next Index in Stack
int trmcnt; //Number of total terms in current expression
int chkadr(int adract, int alwstr); //Check for and Process Address or String
void chkidx(); //Check for, Parse, and Process Index
int prcftm(int alwint); //Process First Term
void prcvri(void); //Process Integer Variable
int prcvar(int alwint); //Process Variable in Term
void prsadr(int adract); //Parse and Compile Address of Operator
void prsbop(void); //Parse Byte Operator
void prsval(int alwreg, int alwcon); //Parse Value
void prsfnc(char trmntr); //Parse function call
void prsfpr(char trmntr); //Parse Function Paraeters or Return
void prsidx(); //Parse Array Index
int prstrm(int alwint); //Parse Term in Expression
void prsrxp(char trmntr); //Parse Rest of Expression
int prsxpf(char trmntr); //Parse Expression in Function Call
void prsxpr(char trmntr); //Parse Expression
void prsxpi(char trmntr, int asmxpr); //Parse Integer Expression
* C02 Expession Parsing Routines *
enum adacts {ADNONE, ADLDYX, ADPUSH};
char term[255]; //Term parsed from equation
char oprstk[MAXTRM]; //Operator Stack
char trmstk[MAXTRM][VARLEN+1]; //Function/Index Terms Stack
int trmidx; //Next Index in Stack
int trmcnt; //Number of total terms in current expression
int chkadr(int adract, int alwstr); //Check for and Process Address or String
void chkidx(); //Check for, Parse, and Process Index
int prcftm(int alwint); //Process First Term
void prcvri(void); //Process Integer Variable
int prcivr(int alwint); //Process Integer Variable in Term
void prsadr(int adract); //Parse and Compile Address of Operator
void prsbop(void); //Parse Byte Operator
void prsval(int alwreg, int alwcon); //Parse Value
void prsfnc(char trmntr); //Parse function call
void prsfpr(char trmntr); //Parse Function Paraeters or Return
void prsidx(); //Parse Array Index
int prstrm(int alwint); //Parse Term in Expression
void prsrxp(char trmntr); //Parse Rest of Expression
int prsxpf(char trmntr); //Parse Expression in Function Call
void prsxpr(char trmntr); //Parse Expression
void prsxpi(char trmntr, int asmxpr); //Parse Integer Expression
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