mirror of
synced 2025-02-17 21:30:34 +00:00
Added Atari 2600 C02 test programs vcs/*.c02
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
;Bank Switching Registers
BANK0 EQU $1FF4 ;Select Bank 0 (32K)
BANK1 EQU $1FF5 ;Select Bank 1 (32K)
BANK2 EQU $1FF6 ;Select Bank 2 (32K) Bank 0 (16K) Switch Banks (8K)
BANK3 EQU $1FF7 ;Select Bank 3 (32K) Bank 1 (16K) Switch Banks (8K)
BANK4 EQU $1FF8 ;Select Bank 4 (32K) Bank 2 (16K)
BANK5 EQU $1FF9 ;Select Bank 5 (32K) Bank 3 (16K)
BANK6 EQU $1FFA ;Select Bank 6 (32K)
BANK7 EQU $1FFB ;Select Bank 7 (32K)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
/* Atari VCS 2 Line Kernel Test` */
#pragma origin $F800 //4k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsstub.h02> //VCS Program Stub
#include <vcslib.h02> //VCS Library Routines
#include <colors.h02> //Color Selection Routines
#include <score2.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
#include <timerbar.h02> //Timer Bar Kernel
#include <arena.h02> //Arena Two-Line Kernel
#pragma zeropage $80
//Boolean Equivalents
#define TRUE = $FF
#define FALSE = 0
//TIA Register Bit Masks
#define CLEAR = 0
#define SET = $0B
//Console Switch Bit Masks
#define P1DIFF = $80 //Player 1 Difficulty
#define P0DIFF = $40 //Player 0 Difficulty
#define SELECT = $02 //Game Select
#define RESET = $01 //Game Reset
//Joystick Direction Bit Masks
#define STK1UP = $01 //Joystick Up
#define STK1DN = $02 //Joystick Down
#define STK1LF = $04 //Joystick Left
#define STK1RT = $08 //Joystick Right
#define STK0UP = $10 //Joystick Up
#define STK0DN = $20 //Joystick Down
#define STK0LF = $40 //Joystick Left
#define STK0RT = $80 //Joystick Right
//Constants Required by arena.h02
#define ARLINS = 88 //88 Kernel Lines = 176 Scan Lines
#define ARMULT = 4 //Playfield Multiplier
#define P0LINS = 10 //Player 0 Lines
#define P1LINS = 10 //Player 1 Lines
zeropage char frame; //Frame Counter
zeropage char cntdwn; //Countdown Timer
zeropage char arnclr; //Arena Playfield Color
zeropage char tmrclr; //Timer Playfield Color
zeropage char gstate; //Game State: #TRUE = Running
zeropage char clmask; //Color Cycling Mask
zeropage char p0xpos, p1xpos; //Player X-Positions
zeropage char p0ypos, p1ypos; //Player Y-Positions
zeropage char s0xpos, s1xpos; //Player Saved X-Positions
zeropage char s0ypos, s1ypos; //Player Saved Y-Positions
//Color Table
char colors = {$86, $C6, $46, $00, $0E, $06, $0A, $00};
//Human Shaped Player Graphics
char human = {%00011100, %00011000, %00011000, %00011000, %01011010,
%01011010, %00111100, %00000000, %00011000, %00011000};
//Aren Playfield Data
char arena0 = {$F0, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10,
$10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $10, $F0};
char arena1 = {$FF, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $0F, $08, $08, $08, $08,
$08, $08, $08, $08, $0F, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FF};
char arena2 = {$FF, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00,
$00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $FF};
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
gstate = #FALSE;
/* Initialize Game */
void init() {
clmask = 0;
frame = 0;
cntdwn = 15;
tmprep(); //Initialize Timer Bar
p0xpos = 12; p0ypos = 98;
p1xpos = 136; p1ypos = 98;
/* Process Joystick */
void pstcks() {
s0xpos = p0xpos; s0ypos = p0ypos;
s1xpos = p1xpos; s1ypos = p1ypos;
if (!SWCHA & #STK0UP) p0ypos++;
if (!SWCHA & #STK0DN) p0ypos--;
if (!SWCHA & #STK0RT) {p0xpos++; REFP0 = #CLEAR;}
if (!SWCHA & #STK0LF) {
if (p0xpos) {p0xpos--; REFP0 = #SET;}
if (!SWCHA & #STK1UP) p1ypos++;
if (!SWCHA & #STK1DN) p1ypos--;
if (!SWCHA & #STK1RT) {p1xpos++; REFP1 = #CLEAR;}
if (!SWCHA & #STK1LF) {
if (p1xpos) {p1xpos--; REFP1 = #SET;}
/* Process Collisions */
void pclsns() {
if (CXP0FB:-) {p0xpos = s0xpos; p0ypos = s0ypos;}
if (CXP1FB:-) {p1xpos = s1xpos; p1ypos = s1ypos;}
/* Process Console Switches */
void pswchs() {
if (!SWCHB & #SELECT) {
if (!SWCHB & #RESET) {
gstate = #TRUE;
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
pswchs(); //Process Console Switches
setclr(clmask, &colors); //Set Color Table
tmrclr = getclr(clmask, $64, $04);
arnclr = getclr(clmask, $46, $0A);
scprep(); //Prepare Score For Display
posobj(p0xpos,0); //Set P0 X-Position
p0prep(p0ypos, &human); //Set P0 Y-Position & Graphics Pointer
posobj(p1xpos,1); //Set P1 X-Position
p1prep(p1ypos, &human); //Set P1 Y-Position & Graphics Pointer
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
scdisp(); //Display Scores
tmdisp(tmrclr); //Display Timer Bar
ardisp(arnclr); //Display Playfield and Objects
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
if (gstate) {
if (!frame & 63) { //Decrement Timer Every X Frames
if (!tmtick()) tmprep(); //Reset Timer if It Runs Out
pclsns(); //Process Collisions
pstcks(); //Process Joysticks
else {
if (!frame & 63) {
if (cntdwn) cntdwn--; //Countdown
else clmask++; //Cycle Color Mask
#include <digits.h02> //Digit Graphics
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsstub.h02> //Initialize VCS
zeropage char clrbkg; //Background Color
zeropage char clrmov; //Color Movement Flag
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
X=192; //Draw 192 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (!SWCHB & 128) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
if (!SWCHB & 1) //Game Reset
clrmov = $FF; //Turn On Scrolling
if (!SWCHB & 2) //Game Select
clrmov = 0; //Turn Off Scrolling
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
if (clrmov) {
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
//Atari VCS Color Bars Program
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
/* Generate Vertical Sync Signal */
void vtsync() {
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC; //Wait for end of Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
WSYNC; //Wait 2 More Scanlines
A=0; //Clear Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC; //Wait for End of 3rd Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
/* Execute Vertical Blank Code */
void vtblnk() {
X=37; //Delay 37 Scanlines
do {
WSYNC; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while (*);
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
A=0; //Clear All Bits
WSYNC; //Wait for end of Scanline
VBLANK=A; //Turn Off Vertical Blank
X=0; //Draw 192 Scanlines (256-64)
do {
if (X & 3) {
WSYNC; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = X; //Set Background Color
} while (*);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
WSYNC; //Wait for end of Scanline
VBLANK=2; //Turn On Vertical Blank
X=27; //Delay 27 Scanlines
do {
WSYNC; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while(*);
A = 0;
X = A;
Y = A;
do {
push A;
} while (*);
irqbrk: //Code to Execute when BRK Instruction is Encountered
main: //Start of Program Code
vtsync(); //Generate Vertical Sync Signal
vtblnk(); //Generate Vertical Blank Signal
kernel(); //Execute Kernal Code
ovrscn(); //Execute Overscan Code
goto main;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
//Atari VCS Color Bars Program
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsinit.h02> //Initialize VCS
/* Generate Vertical Sync Signal */
void vtsync() {
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
WSYNC=A; //Wait 2 More Scanlines
A=0; //Clear Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for End of 3rd Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
/* Execute Vertical Blank Code */
void vtblnk() {
X=37; //Delay 37 Scanlines
do {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while (A);
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
A=0; //Clear All Bits
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
VBLANK=A; //Turn Off Vertical Blank
X=0; //Draw 192 Scanlines (256-64)
do {
if (X & 3) {
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = X; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
VBLANK=A; //Turn On Vertical Blank
A=27; //Delay 27 Scanlines
do {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while(A);
irqbrk: //Code to Execute when BRK Instruction is Encountered
main: //Start of Program Code
vtsync(); //Generate Vertical Sync Signal
vtblnk(); //Generate Vertical Blank Signal
kernel(); //Execute Kernal Code
ovrscn(); //Execute Overscan Code
goto main;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsinit.h02> //Initialize VCS
zeropage char clrbkg; //Color Background
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
/* Generate Vertical Sync Signal */
void vtsync() {
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
WSYNC=A; //Wait 2 More Scanlines
A=0; //Clear Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for End of 3rd Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
/* Execute Vertical Blank Code */
void vtblnk() {
X=37; //Delay 37 Scanlines
do {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while (A);
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
A=0; //Clear All Bits
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
VBLANK=A; //Turn Off Vertical Blank
X=192; //Draw 192 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (!SWCHB & 128) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
VBLANK=A; //Turn On Vertical Blank
A=27; //Delay 27 Scanlines
do {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while(A);
irqbrk: //Code to Execute when BRK Instruction is Encountered
main: //Start of Program Code
vtsync(); //Generate Vertical Sync Signal
vtblnk(); //Generate Vertical Blank Signal
kernel(); //Execute Kernal Code
ovrscn(); //Execute Overscan Code
goto main;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsinit.h02> //Initialize VCS
zeropage char clrbkg; //Color Background
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
/* Generate Vertical Sync Signal */
void vtsync() {
X=49; //49*64 Cycles (37 Scanlines)
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
TIM64T=X; //Set Timer
WSYNC=A; //Wait 2 More Scanlines
A=0; //Clear Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for End of 3rd Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn Off Vertical Sync
/* Execute Vertical Blank Code */
void vtblnk() {
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
A=0; //Clear All Bits
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
do WSYNC=A; while(INTIM);
VBLANK=0; //Turn Off Vertical Blank
X=192; //Draw 192 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (!SWCHB & 128) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
VBLANK=A; //Turn On Vertical Blank
TIM64T = 32; //Delay 32*64 Cycles (27 Scanlines)
do {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while(INTIM);
irqbrk: //Code to Execute when BRK Instruction is Encountered
main: //Start of Program Code
vtsync(); //Generate Vertical Sync Signal
vtblnk(); //Generate Vertical Blank Signal
kernel(); //Execute Kernal Code
ovrscn(); //Execute Overscan Code
goto main;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsinit.h02> //Initialize VCS
zeropage char clrbkg; //Color Background
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
zeropage char score; //Two Digit BCD Score
zeropage char timer; //Two Digit BDC Timer
zeropage char scrone; //Offset into Ones Digit
zeropage char tmrone;
zeropage char scrten; //Offset into Tens Digit
zeropage char tmrten;
zeropage char scrgfx; //Score Graphics Data
zeropage char tmrgfx; //Score Timer Graphics
zeropage char temp; //Scratch Variable
/* Generate Ones Digit Offset */
char ofsone() {
temp = A & $0F;
A<<; A<<;
return A + temp;
/* Generate Tens Digit Offset */
char ofsten() {
A = A & $F0;
A>>; A>>;
temp = A;
A>>; A>>;
return A + temp;
/* Prepare Score and Timer for Display */
void prepst() {
scrone = ofsone(score);
scrten = ofsten(score);
tmrone = ofsone(timer);
tmrten = ofsten(timer);
/* Display Score and Timer */
void dispst() {
X = 5; //5 lines in digit
ScoreLoop: ; 43 - cycle after bpl ScoreLoop
ldy DigitTens ; 3 46 - get the tens digit offset for the Score
lda DigitGfx,y ; 5 51 - use it to load the digit graphics
and #$F0 ; 2 53 - remove the graphics for the ones digit
sta ScoreGfx ; 3 56 - and save it
ldy DigitOnes ; 3 59 - get the ones digit offset for the Score
lda DigitGfx,y ; 5 64 - use it to load the digit graphics
and #$0F ; 2 66 - remove the graphics for the tens digit
ora ScoreGfx ; 3 69 - merge with the tens digit graphics
sta ScoreGfx ; 3 72 - and save it
sta WSYNC ; 3 75 - wait for end of scanline
sta PF1 ; 3 3 - @66-28, update playfield for Score dislay
ldy DigitTens+1 ; 3 6 - get the left digit offset for the Timer
lda DigitGfx,y ; 5 11 - use it to load the digit graphics
and #$F0 ; 2 13 - remove the graphics for the ones digit
sta TimerGfx ; 3 16 - and save it
ldy DigitOnes+1 ; 3 19 - get the ones digit offset for the Timer
lda DigitGfx,y ; 5 24 - use it to load the digit graphics
and #$0F ; 2 26 - remove the graphics for the tens digit
ora TimerGfx ; 3 29 - merge with the tens digit graphics
sta TimerGfx ; 3 32 - and save it
jsr Sleep12 ;12 44 - waste some cycles
sta PF1 ; 3 47 - @39-54, update playfield for Timer display
ldy ScoreGfx ; 3 50 - preload for next scanline
sta WSYNC ; 3 53 - wait for end of scanline
sty PF1 ; 3 3 - @66-28, update playfield for the Score display
inc DigitTens ; 5 8 - advance for the next line of graphic data
inc DigitTens+1 ; 5 13 - advance for the next line of graphic data
inc DigitOnes ; 5 18 - advance for the next line of graphic data
inc DigitOnes+1 ; 5 23 - advance for the next line of graphic data
jsr Sleep12 ;12 35 - waste some cycles
dex ; 2 37 - decrease the loop counter
sta PF1 ; 3 40 - @39-54, update playfield for the Timer display
bne ScoreLoop ; 2 42 - (3 43) if dex != 0 then branch to ScoreLoop
sta WSYNC ; 3 45 - wait for end of scanline
stx PF1 ; 3 3 - x = 0, so this blanks out playfield
sta WSYNC ; 3 6 - wait for end of scanline
/* Generate Vertical Sync Signal */
void vtsync() {
X=49; //49*64 Cycles (37 Scanlines)
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn On Vertical Sync
TIM64T=X; //Set Timer
WSYNC=A; //Wait 2 More Scanlines
A=0; //Clear Bit 2 (D1)
WSYNC=A; //Wait for End of 3rd Scanline
VSYNC=A; //Turn Off Vertical Sync
/* Execute Vertical Blank Code */
void vtblnk() {
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
A=0; //Clear All Bits
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
do WSYNC=A; while(INTIM);
VBLANK=0; //Turn Off Vertical Blank
X=192; //Draw 192 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (!SWCHB & 128) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
A=2; //Set Bit 2 (D1)
VBLANK=A; //Turn On Vertical Blank
TIM64T = 32; //Delay 32*64 Cycles (27 Scanlines)
do {
WSYNC=A; //Wait for end of Scanline
} while(INTIM);
irqbrk: //Code to Execute when BRK Instruction is Encountered
main: //Start of Program Code
vtsync(); //Generate Vertical Sync Signal
vtblnk(); //Generate Vertical Blank Signal
kernel(); //Execute Kernal Code
ovrscn(); //Execute Overscan Code
goto main;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //2k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsstub.h02> //Initialize VCS
zeropage char clrbkg; //Background Color
zeropage char clrmov; //Color Movement Flag
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
X=192; //Draw 192 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (!SWCHB & 128) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
if (!SWCHB & 1) //Game Reset
clrmov = $FF; //Turn On Scrolling
if (!SWCHB & 2) //Game Select
clrmov = 0; //Turn Off Scrolling
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
if (clrmov) {
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //4k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsstub.h02> //Initialize VCS
#include <vcslib.h02> //VCS Library Routines
#include <score2.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
#include <sticks.h02> //Joystick Functions
zeropage char clrbkg; //Background Color
zeropage char clrmov; //Color Movement Flag
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
zeropage char clrskp; //Color Skip Flag
zeropage char cntdwn; //Timer Countdown
zeropage char temp; //Scratch Variable
char colors = {$86, $C6, $46, $00, $0E, $06, $0A, $00}; //Color Table
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
NUSIZ1 = $07;
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
setclr(&colors); //Set Color Table
scrprp(); //Prepare Score for Display
GRP0 = 0; GRP1 = A; //Clear Player Graphics
posobj(score1,0); //Set Player 0 Position
posobj(score2,1); //Set Player 0 Position
WSYNC;HMOVE; //Move Players
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
CTRLPF = 2; //Set Score Mode
scrdsp(); //Display Scores (12 Scanlines)
GRP0 = $FF; GRP1 = A; //Set Player Graphics
X=179; //Draw 180 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (clrskp) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
if (!SWCHB & 1) //Game Reset
clrmov = $FF; //Turn On Scrolling
if (!SWCHB & 2) //Game Select
clrmov = 0; //Turn Off Scrolling
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
clrskp = (!SWCHB & 128) ? $FF : $0F;
if (clrmov) {
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
temp = getstk(0);
if (temp & 4) score1--;
if (temp & 8) score1++;
if (INPT4:-) {
if (cntdwn == 10) {
cntdwn = 0;
//addbcd(1,&score2); //Increment Player 2 Score
//if (!score2) score1++; //Increment Player 1 Score
//if (!score2) addbcd(1, &score1); //Increment Player 1 Score
#include <digits.h02> //Digit Graphics
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //4k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsstub.h02> //Initialize VCS
#include <vcslib.h02> //VCS Library Routines
#include <score2.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
zeropage char clrbkg; //Background Color
zeropage char clrmov; //Color Movement Flag
zeropage char clrofs; //Color Offset
zeropage char clrmsk; //Color/B&W Mask
zeropage char cntdwn; //Timer Countdown
char colors = {$86, $C6, $46, $00, $0E, $06, $0A, $00}; //Color Table
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
setclr(&colors); //Set Color Table
scrprp(); //Prepare Score for Display
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
CTRLPF = 2; //Set Score Mode
scrdsp(); //Display Scores (12 Scanlines)
X=180; //Draw 180 Scanlines
do {
clrbkg = X;
if (!SWCHB & 128) clrbkg<<;
A = clrbkg + clrofs & clrmsk; //Set Background Color
WSYNC = A; //Wait for end of Scanline
COLUBK = A; //Set Background Color
} while (X);
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
if (!SWCHB & 1) //Game Reset
clrmov = $FF; //Turn On Scrolling
if (!SWCHB & 2) //Game Select
clrmov = 0; //Turn Off Scrolling
clrmsk = (SWCHB & 8) ? $FF : $0F;
if (clrmov) {
if (SWCHB & 64) clrofs--; else clrofs++;
if (cntdwn == 10) {
cntdwn = 0;
addbcd(1,&score2); //Increment Player 2 Score
if (!score2) addbcd(1, &score1); //Increment Player 1 Score
#include <digits.h02> //Digit Graphics
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include <vcsstub.h02> //VCS Program Stub
#include <vcsstub.h02> //VCS Program Stub
#include <vcslib.h02> //VCS Library Routines
#include <vcslib.h02> //VCS Library Routines
#include <score2.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
#include <score2.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
#include <timerbar.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
#include <k2line.h02> //Two Line Game Kernel
#include <k2line.h02> //Two Line Game Kernel
//TIA Register Bit Masks
//TIA Register Bit Masks
@ -15,8 +16,10 @@
#define P1DIFF = $80 //Player 1 Difficulty
#define P1DIFF = $80 //Player 1 Difficulty
#define P0DIFF = $40 //Player 0 Difficulty
#define P0DIFF = $40 //Player 0 Difficulty
//Constants Required by timerbar.h02
#define TMRCLR = $64
//Constants Required by k2line.h02
//Constants Required by k2line.h02
#define KNLLNS = 90 //Kernal Lines (Scanlines/2)
#define P0HGHT = 10 //Player 0 Height
#define P0HGHT = 10 //Player 0 Height
#define P1HGHT = 10 //Player 1 Height
#define P1HGHT = 10 //Player 1 Height
@ -27,30 +30,37 @@ char colors = {$86, $C6, $46, $00, $0E, $06, $0A, $00};
char human = {%00011100, %00011000, %00011000, %00011000, %01011010,
char human = {%00011100, %00011000, %00011000, %00011000, %01011010,
%01011010, %00111100, %00000000, %00011000, %00011000};
%01011010, %00111100, %00000000, %00011000, %00011000};
zeropage char frame; //Frame Counter
/* Setup Code */
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
void setup() {
setclr(&colors); //Set Color Table
setclr(&colors); //Set Color Table
initmr(); //Initialize Timer Bar
/* Vertical Blank Code */
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
void vrtblk() {
scrprp(); //Prepare Score For Display
scrprp(); //Prepare Score For Display
posobj(0,0); //Set P0 X-Position
posobj(0,0); //Set P0 X-Position
p0prep(179, &human); //Set P0 Y-Position & Graphics Pointer
p0prep(175, &human); //Set P0 Y-Position & Graphics Pointer
posobj(8,1); //Set P1 X-Position
posobj(8,1); //Set P1 X-Position
p1prep(179, &human); //Set P1 Y-Position & Graphics Pointer
p1prep(175, &human); //Set P1 Y-Position & Graphics Pointer
/* Execute Kernel Code */
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
void kernel() {
scrdsp(); //Display Scores
scrdsp(); //Display Scores
dsptmr(); //Display Timer Bar
dsplns(); //Display Playfield and Objects
dsplns(); //Display Playfield and Objects
/* Execute Overscan Code */
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
void ovrscn() {
if (!frame & 7) { //Decrement Timer Every X Frames
if (!dectmr()) initmr(); //Reset Timer if It Runs Out
#include <digits.h02> //Digit Graphics
#include <digits.h02> //Digit Graphics
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* Atari VCS Color Bars Program */
#pragma origin $F800 //4k Cartridge
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
#include <vcsstub.h02> //Initialize VCS
#include <vcslib.h02> //VCS Library Routines
#include <score2.h02> //Two Player Score Kernel
#include <k2line.h02> //Two Line Game Kernel
//Color Table
char colors = {$86, $C6, $46, $00, $0E, $06, $0A, $00};
//Human Shaped Player Graphics
char human = {%00011100, %00011000, %00011000, %00011000, %01011010,
%01011010, %00111100, %00000000, %00011000, %00011000};
/* Setup Code */
void setup() {
setclr(&colors); //Set Color Table
scrprp(); //Prepare Score for Display
scnlns = 96; //Set Number of Scanlines
setpl0(10, &human);
setpl1(10, &human);
//VDELP0 = 1;
/* Vertical Blank Code */
void vrtblk() {
posobj(0,0); //Set Player 0 X Position
prppl0(190); //Set Player 0 Y Position
posobj(8,1); //Set Player 0 X Position
prppl1(190); //Set Player 1 Y Position
prpdsp(); //Prepare Display
/* Execute Kernel Code */
void kernel() {
//CTRLPF = 2; //Set Score Mode
//scrdsp(); //Display Scores (12 Scanlines)
//CTRLPF = 0; //Clear Score Mode
dsplns(); //Display Playfield and Objects
/* Execute Overscan Code */
void ovrscn() {
#include <digits.h02> //Digit Graphics
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/* Atari VCS C02 Program Template */
#include <vcshead.h02> //TIA and RIOT Registers
//ROM Start Address - $F800 for 2K, $F000 for 4K Cartridge
#pragma origin $F000
irqbrk: //Code to Execute when BRK Instruction is Encountered
start: //Start of Program Code
goto start;
#include <vcsfoot.h02> //Finalization Code
Reference in New Issue
Block a user