Screen Control Functions for C02 This module contains functions for screen and cursor manipulation. The accompanying assembly code vary by platform, so when invoking the cross-compilers, the command line option -s must be used to ensure that the correct header files are included. At the beginning of the program use the directives #include The following functions should be defined: clrscn(); Clears the screen and returns the cursor to the home position. Returns with no action if the platform does not support the clear screen action. crsrhm(); Moves cursor to home position (upper left corner of the screen). Returns with no action if the platform does not support cursor positioning. setpos(c,r); Moves cursor to column c on row r. The topmost row and leftmost column are numbered 0. Returns with no action if the platform does not support cursor positioning. c,r = getpos(); Returns the current row and column of the cursor. The topmost row and leftmost column are numbered 0. Note: Returns 255 for both the width and height if the platform does not support cursor positioning. w,h = getsiz (); Returns the current screen or window width and height in rows and columns. Note: Returns 255 for width and/or height if either or both are cannot be determined via software. Since all supported platforms have less than 128 screen rows and columns, the :- test can be used on these values.