/* Test SoundFX Module */ /* To compile: ..\c02 -h vic3k -s vic fxtest.c02 * * assemble: ..\a02.exe -p fxtest.asm fxtest.prg */ #include #include "include/soundfx.h02" char key, effect; void putlin() {putstr(); newlin();} main: clrscr(); putlin("PRESS KEY FOR EFFECT"); newlin(); putlin(" 1 - INSERT COIN"); putlin(" 2 - KLAXON"); putlin(" 3 - FALLING"); putlin(" 4 - POWER UP"); putlin(" 5 - LASER CANNON"); putlin(" 6 - SHIP CROSSING"); putlin(" 7 - DROPPED"); putlin(" 8 - EXPLOSION"); newlin(); putlin("PRESS STOP TO EXIT"); fxinit(); //Initilize SoundFX Engine while() { key = getchr(); if (key == #ESCKEY) break; effect = key - '1'; if (effect < 8) fxplay(effect); } fxstop(); goto exit;