;k2line.a02 - Two Line Kernal Assembly Language File for C02 ;Requires ConSTAnts KNLLNS, P0HGHT and P1HGHT P0DRAW EQU $D0 ;Player 0 Draw Counter P1DRAW EQU $D1 ;Player 1 Draw Counter P0PTRL EQU $D2 ;Player 0 Graphics Pointer P0PTRH EQU $D3 P1PTRL EQU $D4 ;Player 0 Graphics Pointer P1PTRH EQU $D5 ;p0prep() - Prepare Player 0 for Display ;Args: A - Y-Position ; X,Y - Address of Graphics Data ;Uses: KNLLNS, P0HGHT ;Sets: TEMP0 - Y-Position ;Affects; A,C,N,Z P0PREP: LSR ;Divide by 2 for Two-line Position STA TEMP0 ;Save Y Position ROL ;Rotate Carry into Bit 1 EOR #1 ;Reverse It STA VDELP0 ;and Store in Vertical Delay Register LDA #KNLLNS-1 ;Draw = Top Line + Height - Y Position CLC ADC #P0HGHT SEC SBC TEMP0 STA P0DRAW TXA ;Pointer = GfxAddr + Height - 1 - Y Position CLC ADC #P0HGHT-1 TAX TYA ADC #0 TAY TXA SEC SBC TEMP0 STA P0PTRL TYA SBC #0 STA P0PTRH RTS ;p1prep() - Prepare Player 1 for Display ;Args: A - Y-Position ; X,Y - Address of Graphics Data ;Uses: KNLLNS, P1HGHT ;Sets: TEMP1 - Y-Position ;Affects; A,C,N,Z P1PREP: CLC ;Add 1 to Y-Position ADC #1 ;to Compensate for GRP1 Priming LSR ;Divide by 2 for Two-line Position STA TEMP1 ;Save Y Position ROL ;Rotate Carry into Bit 1 EOR #1 ;Reverse It STA VDELP1 ;and Store in Vertical Delay Register LDA #KNLLNS-1 ;Draw = Top Line + Height - Y Position + 1 CLC ADC #P1HGHT+1 SEC SBC TEMP1 STA P1DRAW TXA ;Pointer = GfxAddr + Height - 1 - Y Position CLC ADC #P1HGHT-1 TAX TYA ADC #0 TAY TXA SEC SBC TEMP1 STA P1PTRL TYA SBC #0 STA P1PTRH RTS ;dsplns() - Kernel Display Routine ;Args: None ;Uses: KNLLNS, P0HGHT, P1HGHT, P0PTRL, P1PTRL ;Affects: A,X,Y,C,N,Z DSPLNS: LDY #KNLLNS ; - Number of Kernal Lines (Scanlines / 2) LDA #1 ; - Reflect Playfield STA CTRLPF ; - Set Playfield Control Register LDA #P1HGHT-1 ; - Preset GRP1 if Player 1 on Top Line DCP P1DRAW ; BCS DSPLN0 ; LDA #0 ; BYTE $2C ; DSPLN0: LDA (P1PTRL),Y ; STA WSYNC ; - Beginning of Line STA HMOVE ; 3 3 - Position Objects STA GRP1 ; 3 6 DEY ; 2 8 AND ($FF),Y ; 5 13 - Waste 5 Cycles to Match Line 2 Loop DSPLNL: LDA #P0HGHT-1 ; 2 15 - Player 1 Height minus 1 due to STArting with 0 DCP P0DRAW ; 5 20 - Decrement P0DRAW and compare with height BCS DSPLN1 ; 2 22 - If Player 0 not on Current Scanline LDA #0 ; 2 24 - Load 0 (No Graphics) BYTE $2C ; 4 28 - Else (BIT trick) DSPLN1: LDA (P0PTRL),Y ;(5 28)- Load Player 0 Graphics Line STA WSYNC ; 3 31 - STArt Line 2 STA GRP0 ; 3 3 - Set Player 0 Graphics Data LDX #%11111111 ; 2 5 - Set Playfield Pattern for STX PF0 ; 3 8 - Vertical Alignment Testing LDA #P1HGHT-1 ; 2 10 - Player 1 Height minus 1 due to STArting with 0 DCP P1DRAW ; 5 15 - Load 0 (No Graphics) BCS DPSLN2 ; 2 17 - If Player 1 not on Current Scanline LDA #0 ; 2 19 - Load 0 (No Graphics) BYTE $2C ; 4 23 - Else (BIT trick) DPSLN2: LDA (P1PTRL),Y ;(5 23)- Load Player 1 Graphics Line STA WSYNC ; 3 26 - STArt Line 2 STA GRP1 ; 3 3 - Set Player 1 Graphics Data LDX #0 ; 2 5 - Set Playfield Pattern for STX PF0 ; 3 8 - Vertical Alignment Testing DEY ; 2 10 - Decrement Loop Counter BPL DSPLNL ; 2 12 - and Loop if >= 0 RTS