;Atari 2600 Two Player Score Kernel ;Score Routine Variables SCORE0 EQU $E8 ;Player One Score SCORE1 EQU $E9 ;Player Two Score SC0ONE EQU $EA ;One Score Ones Digit Offset SC1ONE EQU $EB ;Player Ten Score Ones Digit Offset SC0TEN EQU $EC ;Player One Score Ones Digit Offset SC1TEN EQU $ED ;Player Ten Score Ones Digit Offset SC0GFX EQU $EE ;Player One Score Graphics Data SC1GFX EQU $EF ;Player Two Score Graphics Data ;Prep Scores For Diplay SCRPRP: LDX #1 ;Offset into SCORE0/SCORE1 SCRPRL: LDA SCORE0,X ;Get SCORE1 (First Pass) or SCORE0 (Second Pass) AND #$0F ;Remove Tens Digit STA TEMP0 ;And Save It ASL ;Multiply By 4 ASL ;(Carry will be Clear because of AND/ASL) ADC TEMP0 ;Add To Original Value for Multiply by 5 STA SC0ONE,X ;Store in SC0ONE (First Pass) or SC1ONE (Second Pass) LDA SCORE0,X ;Get SCORE1 (First Pass) or SCORE0 (Second Pass) AND #$F0 ;Remove Ones Digit LSR ;Divide by 4 LSR ; STA TEMP0 ;And Save It LSR ;Divide by 4 Again LSR ;(Leaving Carry Clear) ADC TEMP0 ;Add Saved Value, Resulting in Digit / 16 * 5 STA SC0TEN,X ;Store in SC0TEN (First Pass) or SC1TEN (Second Pass) DEX ;Point to SCORE 1 BPL SCRPRL ;AND Loop if >0 RTS ;Return ;Display Score Kernel - Uses 12 Lines Total SCRDSP: LDA #2 ; - Use Player Colors STA CTRLPF ; - Set Playfield Control Register LDX #5 ; 43 - cycle after looping SCRDSL: LDY SC0TEN ; 3 46 - get the tens digit offset for the Score LDA DGTGFX,Y ; 5 51 - use it to load the digit graphics AND #$F0 ; 2 53 - remove the graphics for the ones digit STA SC0GFX ; 3 56 - AND save it LDY SC0ONE ; 3 59 - get the ones digit offset for the Score LDA DGTGFX,Y ; 5 64 - use it to load the digit graphics AND #$0F ; 2 66 - remove the graphics for the tens digit ORA SC0GFX ; 3 69 - merge with the tens digit graphics STA SC0GFX ; 3 72 - AND save it STA WSYNC ; 3 75 - wait for end of scanline STA PF1 ; 3 3 - @66-28, update playfield for Score dislay LDY SC1TEN ; 3 6 - get the left digit offset for the Timer LDA DGTGFX,Y ; 5 11 - use it to load the digit graphics AND #$F0 ; 2 13 - remove the graphics for the ones digit STA SC1GFX ; 3 16 - AND save it LDY SC1ONE ; 3 19 - get the ones digit offset for the Timer LDA DGTGFX,Y ; 5 24 - use it to load the digit graphics AND #$0F ; 2 26 - remove the graphics for the tens digit ORA SC1GFX ; 3 29 - merge with the tens digit graphics STA SC1GFX ; 3 32 - AND save it JSR SCRDSR ;12 44 - waste 12 cycles STA PF1 ; 3 47 - @39-54, update playfield for Timer display LDY SC0GFX ; 3 50 - preload for next scanline STA WSYNC ; 3 53 - wait for end of scanline STY PF1 ; 3 3 - @66-28, update playfield for the Score display INC SC0TEN ; 5 8 - advance for the next line of graphic data INC SC1TEN ; 5 13 - advance for the next line of graphic data INC SC0ONE ; 5 18 - advance for the next line of graphic data INC SC1ONE ; 5 23 - advance for the next line of graphic data JSR SCRDSR ;12 35 - waste 12 cycles DEX ; 2 37 - decrease the loop counter STA PF1 ; 3 40 - @39-54, update playfield for the Timer display BNE SCRDSL ; 2 42 - (3 43) if dex != 0 then branch to ScoreLoop STA WSYNC ; 3 45 - wait for end of scanline STX PF1 ; 3 3 - x = 0, so this blanks out playfield STA WSYNC ; 3 6 - wait for end of scanline SCRDSR: RTS ; 6 12 - Return