;Screen Control Assembly Lanuage Routines for C02 ;Skeleton Code for Systems with no Screen Control SUBROUTINE _SCREEN SMTEXT EQU $00 ;Default Text Screen SMWIDE EQU $FF ;Wide Text Screen (Undefined) ;Set Screen Mode SETSCR: CMP SMTEXT ;If Not Default Text BEQ GETPOS ;Return Error ;Else Return 0 ;Get Screen Mode GETSCR: LDA #0 ;Return 0 (Default Text Mode) RTS ;Clear the Screen CLRSCR: RTS ;No Action ;Move Cursor Home CRSRHM EQU CLRSCR ;No Action ;Move Cursor to Specified Coordinates SETPOS EQU CLRSCR ;No Action ;Get Cursor Position GETPOS: LDA #$FF ;Return Error TAY RTS ;Get Screen Size GETSIZ EQU GETPOS ;Return Error