System Specific Header File Specification The very first directive of the program must be #include where header.h02 is the system specific header file, (e.g. apple1.h02, vic20.h02, etc.). Note: This will probably be replaced with a command line parameter (e.g. '-s apple1', '-s vic20', etc...) to allow program portability. For compatability with the C02 Standard Library, the following functions must be defined c = plkey(); Polls keyboard and returns raw ASCII character corresponding to last/current pressed key. Returns constant NULKEY (usually 0) if no key was pressed. c = rdkey(); Waits for a keypress and returns the raw ASCII character corresponding to the pressed key. Note: Usually a loop that calls plkey(), but may also directly call a system subroutine. c = getkey(); Waits for a keypress and returns the cleaned ASCII value corresponding to the pressed key. Note: Calls rdkey() followed by any necessary character code conversions. This can be due to high-bit being set by keyboard decoder, non-standard key mappings, keys that generate escape sequences, etc... newlin(); Advances the cursor to the beginning of then next line. Note: Depending on the system, this will usually output a Carriage Return, Line Feed, both. prchr(c); Writes character c to the screen. Note: May directly access memory-mapped I/O or may call a system subroutine. r = getstr(&s); Reads a maximum of 128 characters from keyboard until a carriage return is received, storing the entered characters as null-terminated string s. Allows corrections using Backspace/Delete. Pressing the Escape/Abort key terminates entry, leaving the string in an undefined state. Returns number of characters entered, or 255 if entry was aborted. r = outstr(n, &s): Writes up to 128 characters of null-terminated string s to the screen, starting at position n. Returns position of null terminator in string. r = putstr(&s): Writes up to 128 characters of null-terminated string s to the screen and advances the cursor to the beginning of the next line. Returns number of characters printed. Note: Calls putstr(0, &s) followed by newlin(). along with the Zero Page locations (each pair of which must be sequential) strlo, strhi String Pointer for stdio.asm and string.asm srclo, rcshi Secondary String Pointer for string.asm the following locations that may be Zero Page, but don't have to before temp0, temp1 Temporary variables used by stdlib.asm and the following locations that must be preserved between function calls random Storage for the Random Number Generator Contains the last number generated and is used to generate the next number in the sequence rdseed Seed for Pseudo-Random Number Generator Usually a counter or timer. If one is not provided by the system, should be generated by incrementing in the plkey(), rdkey() functions. and the constants DELKEY ASCII code for Delete/Backspace key (usually DEL or BS) ESCKEY ASCII code for Escape/Abort key (usually ESC) NULKEY Returned if no Key was Pressed RTNKEY ASCII code for Return/Enter key (usually CR)