;Apple 1 program initialization code for c02 programs ;System Specific ASCII Key Mappings DELKEY EQU $08 ;Delete/Backspace Key (Left Arrow) ESCKEY EQU $1B ;Escape/Stop Key (Escape) RTNKEY EQU $0D ;Return/Enter Key (Return) ;Zero Page Variables (*=System Variable) DSTPTR EQU $06 ;Destination String/Array Pointer BLKPTR EQU $08 ;Block Segment Pointer (block.a02) PTRLO EQU $1D ;System Pointer (pointer.a02) PTRHI EQU $1E RANDOM EQU $1F ;Random Number INVFLG EQU $32 ;*Inverse Flag: $3F=Blinking, $7F=Inverse, $FF=Normal RDSEED EQU $4E ;O/S Random Number Low Byte ; EQU $4F ;O/S Random Number High Byte SRCPTR EQU $71 ;Source String/Array Pointer ; $E3 ;Unused BLKBGN EQU $EB ;Block Start Address BLKEND EQU $ED ;Block End Address BLKLEN EQU $EF ;Block Segment Length BFRPTR EQU $FA ;Work Buffer Pointer BFRLO EQU $FA ;Work Buffer Pointer BFRHI EQU $FB TEMP0 EQU $FC ;Temporary Storage TEMP1 EQU $FD TEMP2 EQU $FE TEMP3 EQU $FF ;Page 3 Vectors WARMST EQU $3D0 ;Jump vector to DOS warm start COLDST EQU $3D3 ;Jump vector to DOS cold start ;I/O Locations KBD EQU $C000 ;Keyboard Data AKD EQU $C010 ;Keyboard Strobe Register ;BASIC Routines SHWCUR EQU $CC4C ;Display Cursor UPDATE EQU $CC70 ;Flash Cursor STORY EQU $C3B3 ;Store Accumulator at Current Screen Position ;Monitor Routines PRBLNK EQU $F94C ;Print 3 blanks PRBLNX EQU $F94C ;Print X blanks PRBLAX EQU $F94C ;Print character in A followed by X-1 blanks GETCHR EQU $FD0C ;Waits for keypress and return in A KEYIN EQU $FD1B ;Waits for keypress and cycle random-number generator RDCHAR EQU $FD35 ;Read keyboard (processing escapes) GETLIN EQU $FD6A ;Get Line from Keyboard into Input Buffer CROUT EQU $FD8E ;Performs a carriage return PRBYTE EQU $FDDA ;Print Accumulator as Hexadecimal Number PRHEX EQU $FDE3 ;Print Low Nybble of Accumulator as Hex Digit COUT EQU $FDED ;Print Character to Current Output Device COUT1 EQU $FDF0 ;Print Character to Screen BELL EQU $FF3A ;Ring Bell through COUT MONZ EQU $FF69 ;Enter monitor (, leaves the monitor) ECHO EQU COUT1 ;Print Character EXIT EQU WARMST ;Return to Monitor ORG $0C00 ;Safe Area for Machine Language START: JMP MAIN ;Execute Program ;Subroutine Poll Keyboard PLKEY: LDA #0 ;Clear Accumulator BIT KBD ;Check Keyboard Strobe Bit BPL PLKEYR ;If Key Pressed LDA KBD ; Load Key Value STA AKD ; Clear Strobe PLKEYR: RTS ;Read Keyboard GETKEY JSR POLKEY ;Poll Keyboard BEQ GETKEY ;Loop if No Key AND #$7F ;Strip High Bit RTS ;Print Character to Screen PUTCHR ORA #$80 ;Set High Bit CMP #$E0 ; BCC PRCHRX ;If Lower Case AND #$1F ; Convert to Inverse PRCHRX: JMP ECHO ;Alias to Monitor Routine ;Delete Previous Character DELCHR: LDX #2 ;Two Characters Total LDA #$88 ;Load Backspace Character JSR PRBLAX ;Print Accumulator and X-1 Blanks LDA #$88 ;Load Backspace Character JMP PUTCHR ;and Print it ;Advance Character to Next line NEWLIN EQU CROUT ;Alias to Monitor Routine ;Initialize Destination String Pointer and Index SETDST: STX DSTLO ;Save Destination String Pointer STY DSTHI RTS ;Initialize Source String Pointer and Index SETSRC: STX SRCLO ;Save Source String Pointer STY SRCHI LDY #$00 ;Initialize Index Into String RTS ;Retrieve Source String Pointer GETSRC: LDX SRCLO LDY SRCHI RTS