Test Functions for C02 Programs This module includes functions useful for writing testing and diagnostic programs. At the beginning of the program use the directives #include #include #include #include The following strings are defined: char pass = " Pass"; char fail = " Fail"; along with the following functions: putadr(&d); Prints the string "address=$" followed by the address of d as a four byte hexadecimal number. The alternate calling syntax putadr(*,hi,lo); may be used when an address is held in two separate variables. For use when testing and/or debugging functions that get, set, or change addresses and pointers. Note: Calls puts() with the harcoded string "address=$" and putwrd(). trufls(b); Returns the constant #TRUE unless byte b is 0, in which case #FALSE is returned. For use when using bitwise and operator (&) and/or exclusive-or operator (^) to combine multiple results into a single pass or fail. passed(); Prints the string " Pass" to the screen. Note: Calls puts() with the string variable pass. passln(); Prints the string " Pass" to the screen, followed by a New Line. Note: Calls passed() and newlin(). failed(); Prints the string " Fail" to the screen. Note: Calls puts() with the string variable fail. failln(); Prints the string " Fail" to the screen, followed by a New Line. Note: Calls failed() and newlin(). psorfl(b); Prints the string " Pass" if b is non-zero, or the string " Fail" if b is zero. For use when testing functions that return a non-zero result on success and a zero result on failure. Note: Calls trufls(), then passed() or failed() depending on the result. psflln(b); Prints the string " Pass" and a New Line if b is non-zero, or the string " Fail" and a New Line if b is zero. Note: Calls trufls(), then passln() or failln() depending on the result. florps(b); Prints the string " Fail" if b is non-zero, or the string " Pass" if b is zero. For use when testing functions that return a zero result on success and a non-zero result on failure. Note: Calls trufls(), then passed() or failed() depending on the result. flpsln(b); Prints the string " Fail" and a New Line if b is non-zero, or the string " Pass" and a New Line if b is zero. Note: Calls trufls(), then failln() or passln() depending on the result. Note: This library expects the following functions to be defined: newlin(); Print New Line puts(&s); Put String to Screen savrxy(); Save X and Y Registers along with the zero page variables srclo,srchi: Source Address Pointer the external variables temp1,temp2: Temporary Variables and the constants #TRUE, #FALSE True and False