;c02 Program Initialization Code for VIC-20 with 3K Expansion ;Video RAM and ROM VICSCN EQU $1E00 ;Video Screen Memory Area (Unexpanded) CHRROM EQU $8000 ;Character Generator ROM VICCLR EQU $9600 ;Color RAM (Unexpanded) ;Machine Language Basic Stub ORG $0401 ;Start of Basic Program BASIC: DC $0C, $04 ;Pointer to Next Line DC $00, $00 ;Line Number (0) DC $9E ;SYS DC $20 ;' ' DC $31,$30,$33,$38 ;"1038" DC $00 ;End of Line Marker DC $00, $00 ;End of Basic Program INCLUDE "../include/vic.a02" ;Include VIC 20 Common Code INCLUDE "../include/prbyte.a02" ;PRBYTE and PRHEX routines