#!/bin/bash #Compile and Assemble C02 Program #Split Script Name Into Directory and File Name SDIR=${0%/*}; #Script Path SNAM=${0##*/}; #Script Name #Check for Command Line Argument if [[ "$1" = "" ]]; then echo "Usage: $SNAM file[.c02]" exit fi #Get Working Directory Name WPTH=`pwd`; #Get Path WDIR=${WPTH##*/}; #Extract Directory #Split File Name Parts FSPC=$1; #File Spec FNAM=${FSPC%.*}; #File Name without Extension FEXT=${FSPC##*.}; #File Extension #Generate Output File Names ASPC=$1.asm #Assembly Language generated by Compiler BSPC=$1.bin #Binary File created by DASM OSPC=$1.out #Output File #Set Default DASM Parameters OFMT=3 #Raw Binary File if [[ "$WDIR" == "vic20" ]]; then BSPC=$1.prg OFMT=1 #Binary with Load Address fi #Compile C02 FILE $SDIR/c02 $FSPC ESTS=$?; #Exit Status if [[ $ESTS -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error compiling file $FSPC" exit $ESTS fi #Assemble ASM File echo "Assembling file $FNAM.asm" dasm $FNAM.asm -f3 -o$FNAM.bin -l$FNAM.lst -s$FNAM.sym ESTS=$?; #Exit Status if [[ $ESTS -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Error Assembling file $FNAM.asm" exit $ESTS fi if [[ "$WDIR" == "vcs" ]]; then echo "Converting file $FNAM.bin to WAV" makewav -ts -k2 -d3 $FNAM.bin >$OSPC fi #Report Successful Completion echo "Successfully compiled and assembled file $FSPC"