/************************************* * C02 Include File Parsing Routines * *************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include "files.h" #include "asm.h" #include "parse.h" #include "vars.h" #include "include.h" /* Reads next include file name from Source File * * Sets: incnam - the include file name */ void pincnm() { char dlmtr; int inclen = 0; skpspc(); dlmtr = getnxt(); if (dlmtr == '<') { strcpy(incnam, incdir); inclen = strlen(incnam); dlmtr = '>'; } else if (dlmtr != '"') ERROR("Unexpected character '%c' after include\n", dlmtr, EXIT_FAILURE); while (!match(dlmtr)) { incnam[inclen++] = nxtchr; skpchr(); } skpchr(); //skip end dlmtr incnam[inclen] = 0; } /* Process assembly language include file */ void incasm() { opninc(); setcmt("======== Assembler File "); addcmt(incnam); addcmt(" ======="); cmtlin(); while (fgets(line, sizeof line, incfil) != NULL) { DEBUG("Writing line: %s", line); fputs(line, outfil); } setcmt("=========================================="); cmtlin(); clsinc(); } /* Process define directive */ void pdefin() { getwrd(); //get defined identifier DEBUG("Defining '%s'\n", word); strncpy(defnam[defcnt], word, VARLEN); setlbl(word); //Set label Assembler Line expect('='); defval[defcnt++] = prsbyt(); //Get Value asmlin(EQUOP, value); //Write Definition DEBUG("Defined as '%s'\n", value); } /* Parse ASCII Subdirective */ void pascii() { getwrd(); //Get Pragma Subdirective if (wordis("INVERT")) { invasc = TRUE; } else { printf("Unrecognized option '%s'\n", word); exterr(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Parse Origin Subdirective */ void porign() { prsnum(0xFFFF); //Get Origin Address asmlin(ORGOP, value); //Emit Origin Instruction DEBUG("Set origin to %s\n", value); } /* Parse Origin Subdirective */ void prszpg() { zpaddr = prsnum(0xFF); //Set Zero Page Address to Constant DEBUG("Set zero page address to %d\n", zpaddr); } /* Process Vartable Subdirective */ void pvrtbl() { if (vrwrtn) { ERROR("Variable table already written", 0, EXIT_FAILURE); } vartbl(); //Write Variable Table } /* Parse Pragma Directive */ void pprgma() { getwrd(); //Get Pragma Subdirective DEBUG("Parsing pragma directive '%s'\n", word); if (wordis("ASCII")) pascii(); //Parse Ascii else if (wordis("ORIGIN")) porign(); //Parse Origin else if (wordis("VARTABLE")) pvrtbl(); //Parse Vartable else if (wordis("ZEROPAGE")) prszpg(); //Parse Origin else ERROR("Illegal pragma subdirective '%s'\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Process Include File Directive */ void pincdr() { skpchr(); //skip '#' getwrd(); //read directive into word DEBUG("Processing include file directive '%s'\n", word); if (wordis("DEFINE")) pdefin(); if (wordis("PRAGMA")) pprgma(); else { printf("Unrecognized directive '%s'\n", word); exterr(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Parse Header Word */ void phdwrd() { getwrd(); if (!ptype(MTNONE)) { printf("Unexpected word '%s' in header\n", word); exterr(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Save Source File Information */ void savsrc() { savchr = nxtchr; savcol = curcol; savlin = curlin; } /* Set Include File Information */ void setinc() { curcol = 0; curlin = 0; inpfil = incfil; strcpy(inpnam, incnam); alcvar = FALSE; } /* Restore Source File Pointer*/ void rstsrc() { nxtchr = savchr; nxtupc = toupper(nxtchr); curcol = savcol; curlin = savlin; inpfil = srcfil; strcpy(inpnam, srcnam); alcvar = TRUE; } /* Process header include file */ void inchdr() { savsrc(); //Save Source File Information opninc(); //Open Include File setinc(); //Set Include File Information skpchr(); while (TRUE) { skpspc(); if (match(EOF)) break; DEBUG("Checking next character '%c'\n", nxtchr); if (match('#')) pincdr(); else if (match('/')) skpcmt(); else if (isalph()) phdwrd(); else { printf("Unexpected character '%c'\n", nxtchr); exterr(EXIT_FAILURE); } } clsinc(); rstsrc(); nxtchr = savchr; } /* Process header include file */ void include_hfil() { ERROR("Header files with extension .h not supported", 0, EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Process include file */ void pincfl() { pincnm(); //Parse Include File Name DEBUG("Processing include file '%s'\n", incnam); char *dot = strrchr(incnam, '.'); //find extension if (dot == NULL) { printf("Invalid include file name '%sn", incnam); exterr(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (strcmp(dot, ".a02") == 0) incasm(); if (strcmp(dot, ".asm") == 0) incasm(); else if (strcmp(dot, ".h") == 0) include_hfil(); else if (strcmp(dot, ".h02") == 0) { inchdr(); //Process Header File strcpy(dot, ".a02"); incasm(); //Process Assembly File with Same Name } else { printf("Unrecognized include file extension '%s'\n'", dot); exterr(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Print Definition Table to Log File */ void logdef() { int i; fprintf(logfil, "\n%-31s %5s\n", "Definition", "Value"); for (i=0; i