vcslib - Atari 2600 Library Functions for C02 This library contains commonly used functions for the Atari VCS. res = adcbcd(num, &var); Adds value num plus carry to variable var using BCD arithmetic. Used to update multi-byte BCD numbers, such as scores with more than two digits. Returns the updated contents of var. Can be called as a void function if the result is not needed. res = addbcd(num, &var); Adds value num to variable var using BCD arithmetic. Used to update BCD numbers, such as two digit scores. Returns the updated contents of var. Can be called as a void function if the result is not needed. posobj(hrz, obj); Sets horizontal position of object obj to hrz. Argument obj may be any of the following: 0 = Player 0 1 = Player 1 2 = Missile 0 3 = Missile 1 4 = Ball