;Atari 2600 Initialization Code - C02 Assembly Language File ;Based on Batari Basic Initialization Code START: SEI ;Disable Interrupts CLD ;Disable Decimal Modes LDY #0 ;Set Y-Index to $00 LDA $D0 ;If Location $D0 CMP #$2C ; Does Not Contain $2C BNE IS2600 ;And LDA $D1 ; Location $D1 CMP #$A9 ; Does Not Contain $D1 BNE IS2600 ;Then DEY ; Set Y-Index to $FF IS2600: LDX #0 ; TXA ; CLRMEM: INX ;Clear TIA Registers and RAM TXS ; by Cycling Through All Stack Locations PHA ; and Pushing 0 BNE CLRMEM ; which leaves Stack Pointer at $FF TYA ;Copy 2600 Flag to Accumulator JMP MAIN