sticks - Atari 2600 Joystick Functions for C02 This library contains a function for reading the joysticks: res = getstk(cntrlr); Reads the state of the specified joystick. The joystick to be read is specified by the argument cntrlr: 0 = Left Joystick 1 = Right Joystick Returns a byte comprised of the bits: Bit Hex Dec Control 0 $01 1 Up 1 $02 2 Down 2 $03 4 Left 3 $04 8 Right 7 $05 128 Trigger A 1 in a bit means that the direction or trigger is pressed, so the function will return 0 if they joystick is centered and the trigger is not pressed. This is the reverse of the raw bits from the hardware ports. Note: The raw bits for the left joystick are stored in TEMP0, while the raw bits for the right joystick are stored in TEMP1.