;c02 Program Initialization Code for Vic-20 - Common Code START: TSX ;Get Stack Pointer STX STKSAV ;and Save for Exit JMP MAIN ;Execute Program EXIT: LDX STKSAV ;Retrieve Saved Stack Pointer TXS ;and Restore It RTS ;Return to BASIC ;Poll Keyboard for Character POLKEY EQU $FFE4 ;Aliased to Kernal GETIN Routine ;Get Character from Keyboard GETKEY EQU POLKEY ;Get Key From Keybord ;Get Character from Keyboard ;GETKEY: JSR POLKEY ;Get Key From Keybord ; ;The below is not working... ; LDY $9005 ;Get Character Memory Offset ; CPY #242 ;If Upper/Lower ; BNE GETKEX ; BIT $FF ; Bit 7 -> C, Bit 6 -> V ; BVC GETKEX ; If Bit 6 Set (Alpha) ; BCC GETKEL ; If Bit 7 Set (PETSCII Upper) ; AND #$7F ; Clear Bit 7 (ASCII Upper) ; BNE GETKEX ; Else ;GETKEL: ORA #$20 ; Set Bit 5 (ASCII Lower) ;GETKEX: ORA #$00 ;Set Flags ; RTS ;A = $41 %0100 0001 ;a = $C1 %1100 0001 PETSCII ;a = $61 %0110 0001 PETSCII ;$9005 = 240 UPR/GFX ; 242 UPR/LWR ;Wait for Character from Keyboard GETCHR: JSR GETKEY ;Poll Keyboard BEQ GETCHR ;If No Key, Loop RTS ;Print Character to Console ;uses direct call to SCRNOUT instead of CHROUT PUTCHR EQU $E742 ;Aliased to SRCOUT Routine ;Delete Previous Character DELCHR: LDA #DELKEY ;Load Delete Character JMP PUTCHR ;Print and Return ;Advance Character to Next line NEWLIN: LDX #0 ;Store 0 STX $D3 ;in Cursor Column and JMP $E8C3 ;Execute NXTLINE Routine ;Print Zero-Terminated String PUTSTR: TXA ;Copy LSB to Accumulator JMP $CB1E ;Execute STROUT Routine