; C02 library memory.h02 assembly language subroutines ; Requires external routines SETSRC and SETDST ; Requires the following RAM locations be defined ; external zero page byte pairs SRCLO,SRCHI and DSTLO,DSTHI ; and external bytes TEMP0 and TEMP1 ;memchr(c, n) - Find Character in Destination Array ;Args: A = Character to look for ; Y = Number of Elements to Search ;Uses: DSTLO,DSTHI = Pointer to Destination Array ;Sets: TEMP1 = Character being searched for ; TEMP0 = Number of bytes ;Affects: N,Z ;Returns: A = Position in Array, C=1 if found ; A = $FF, C=0 if not found ; Y = Position of last character scanned MEMCHR: STA TEMP1 ;Save Search Character STY TEMP0 ;Save Count BEQ MEMCLC ;If 0, Return Not Found LDY #$00 ;Initialize Index MEMCHL: LDA (DSTLO),Y ;Get Next Character CMP TEMP1 ;Compare Character BEQ MEMCLX ;If Found, Return Index INY ;Increment Counter CPY TEMP0 ;If < Count, Loop BCC MEMCHL ;Else MEMCLC: CLC ;Clear Carry LDA #$FF ;Load -1 into Accumulater RTS ;and Return MEMCLX: TYA ;Return Index into String RTS ;memdst(&r) - Set Destination Array ; Called before strcat(), memcmp(), memcpy(), strstr() ;Args: X,Y = Pointer to destination Array ;Sets: DSTLO,DSTHI = Pointer to destination Array ;Affects: N,Z MEMDST EQU SETDST ;Aliased to System Header function ;Set Source Address and Number of Characters ;Args: X,Y = Pointer to Source Array ;Sets: DSTLO,DSTHI = Pointer to destination Array ; TEMP0 - Number of Characters ;Affects: A,N,Z MEMSRC: JSR SETSRC ;Initialize Source Array and Index MEMSRA: STA TEMP0 ;Store Number Of Character ORA #0 ;If Number of Characters BNE MEMSRX ; Equals 0 PLA ; Pull Return Address off Stack PLA ; Aborting Calling Routine MEMSRX: RTS ;Return ;memcmp(n, &r) - Compare Array (to Destination Array) ;Requires: DSTLO, DSTHI - Pointer to destination Array ;Args: A = Number of Bytes to Compare ; X,Y = Pointer to source Array ;Sets: TEMP0 = Number of Bytes to Compare ;Affects N ;Returns A=$01 and C=1 if Destination > Source ; A=$00 and Z=1 if Destination = Source ; A=$FF and C=0 if Destination < Source ; Y=Position of first character that differs MEMCMP: JSR MEMSRC ;Initialize Source, Index, and Count MEMCML: LDA (DSTLO),Y ;Load Destination Character CMP (SRCLO),Y ;Compare Against Source Character BNE MEMCMX ;If Equal INY ; Increment Offset CPY TEMP0 ; If < Count BCC MEMCML ; Loop MEMCMZ: LDA #$00 ; Else RTS ; Return 0 MEMCMX: BCC MEMCLC ;If Source < Destination Return -1 LDA #$01 ;Else Return 1 MEMCMR: RTS ; ;memcpy(n, &r) - Copy Array (to Destination Array) ;Requires: DSTLO, DSTHI - Pointer to destination Array ;Args: A = Number of bytes to copy ; X,Y = Pointer to source Array ;Sets: TEMP0 = Number of bytes to copy ;Affects: A,Y,C,N,Z MEMCPY: JSR MEMSRC ;Initialize Source, Index, and Count MEMCPL: LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Get Character from Source Array STA (DSTLO),Y ;Copy to Destination Array INY ; Increment Index CPY TEMP0 ;If < Count BCC MEMCPL ; Loop RTS ;Else Return ;memset(c, n) - Fill Destination Array ;Args: A = Character to fill with ; Y = Number of bytes to fill ;Uses: DSTLO,DSTHI = Pointer to Destination Array ;Sets: TEMP0 = Number of bytes ;Affects: N,Z MEMSET: STY TEMP0 ;Save Count CPY #0 ;If 0 BEQ MEMSEX ; Return LDY #$00 ;Initialize Index MEMSEL: STA (DSTLO),Y ;Store Character at Index INY ;Increment Counter CPY TEMP0 ;If < Count, Loop BCC MEMSEL ;Else MEMSEX: RTS ;memswp(n, &r) - Swap Array (with Destination Array) ;Requires: DSTLO, DSTHI - Pointer to destination Array ;Args: A = Number of bytes to swap ; X,Y = Pointer to source array ;Sets: TEMP0 = Number of bytes to swap ;Affects: A,X,Y,C,N,Z MEMSWP: JSR MEMSRC ;Initialize Source, Index, and Count MEMSWL: lDA (DSTLO),Y ;Get Character from Destination Array TAX ;Save in X Register LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Get Character from Source Array STA (DSTLO),Y ;Copy to Destination Array TXA ;Restore Saved Character STA (SRCLO),Y ;Copy to Source Array INY ; Increment Index CPY TEMP0 ;If < Count BCC MEMSWL ; Loop RTS ;Else Return