Screen Control Functions for C02 This is a prototype definition for a library providing functions to manipulate the screen and move the cursor. Since this code is highly system dependent, a separate library will need to be created for each system type. The following functions should be defined: clrscn(); Clears the screen and returns the cursor to the home position. Note: May call a system routine, or may print "clear screen" character sequence. crsrhm(); Moves cursor to home position (upper left corner of the screen). Note: May call mvcrsr(0,0); or may print "cursor home" character sequence. crsrlf(); Moves cursor one column to the left. May or may not screen wrap, depending on system. Note: May call mvcrsr; or may print "cursor left" character sequence. crsrrt(); Moves cursor one column to the right. May or may not screen wrap, depending on system. Note: May call mvcrsr; or may print "cursor right" character sequence. crsrup(); Moves cursor one row up. Note: May call mvcrsr; or may print "cursor up" character sequence. crsrdn(); Moves cursor one row down. Note: May call mvcrsr; or may print "cursor down" character sequence. mvcrsr(r, c); Moves cursor to row r, column c. Note: May call system routine, or set system variables. h = scnhgt(); Returns screen height in rows. Note: May call system routine, or read system variable. w = scnwid(); Returns screen width in columns. Note: May call system routine, or read system variable. c = scncol(); Returns current screen column. Note: May call system routine, or read system variable. r = scnrow(); Returns current screen row. Note: May call system routine, or read system variable. txtclr(c); Sets text color to system color c. Note: May call system routine or may print color change sequence. bkgclr(c); Sets background color to system color c. Note: May call system routine or may print color change sequence. Assembly Constants (Defined in System Header file) BLACK Code for color Black BLUE Code for color Blue GREEN Code for color Green CYAN Code for color Cyan RED Code for color Red MAGNTA Code for color Magenta YELLOW Code for color Yellow WHITE Code for color White BREAK ASCII code for Break/Stop Key BCKSPC ASCII code for Backspace key CLEAR ASCII code for Clear Key DELETE ASCII code for Delete key DOWN ASCII code for Cursor Down Key ENTER ASCII code for Return/Enter key (usually CR) ESCAPE ASCII code for Escape/Abort key (usually ESC) FNx ASCII code for Function Key x HOME ASCII code for Home Key INSERT ASCII code for Insert Key LEFT ASCII code for Cursor Left Key RIGHT ASCII code for Cursor Left Key TAB ASCII code for Tab Key UP ASCII code for Cursor Up Key BTMLFT ASCII code for Box Drawing Bottom Left Corner BTMRGT ASCII code for Box Drawing Bottom Right Corner BTMTEE ASCII code for Box Drawing Bottom to Cetter Tee CTRCRS ASCII code for Box Drawing Center Cross HRZLIN ASCII code for Box Drawing Horizontal Line LFTTEE ASCII code for Box Drawing Left To Center T RGHTEE ASCII code for Box Drawing Right To Center T TOPLFT ASCII code for Box Drawing Top Left Corner TOPRGT ASCII code for Box Drawing Top Right Corner TOPTEE ASCII code for Box Drawing Top to Center T VRTLIN ASCII code for Box Drawing Verical Line