/********************************************* * stackx - Extended Stack Functions for C02 * *********************************************/ /* Duplicate Top Stack Entry * * Returns: A=Number of bytes retrieved * * 0 if none or overflow */ char stkdup(); /* Duplicate Entry Under Top of Stack * * Returns: A=Number of bytes retrieved * * 0 if none or overflow */ char stkovr(); /* Push String onto Stack * * Args: &m - String to push * * Returns: A=$FF if bytes were written * * $00 if block was overflowed */ char stkstr(); /* Swap Top and Second Stack Entries * * Returns: A=Number of bytes in new top * * 0 if none or overflow */ char stkswp(); /* Copy Top Stack Entry into Array * * Args: n - Number of bytes to write * * &m - Array to pop contents into * * Returns: A=Number of bytes retrieved * * 0 if none */ char stktop();