/************************************* * C02 Common Definitions & Routines * *************************************/ #define FNAMLEN 255 //Maximum File Name Length #define LINELEN 255 //Maximum Input/Output Line Length #define DEFLEN 9 //Maximum Definition Text Length #define MAXDEF 255 //Maximum Number of Definitions #define VARLEN 6 //Maximum Variable Length #define MAXVAR 255 //Maximum Number of Variables #define MAXFNS 16 //Maximum Functions in Stack #define DATASPC 2048 //Space to Allocate for Variable Data #define LABLEN 6 //Maximum Label Length #define LABFMT "L_%04d" //Label Format #define LABSFX ":" //Label Suffix #define MAXLAB 15 //Maximum Number of Labels (Nesting Depth) #define CPUOP "PROCESSOR" //Target CPU Pseudo-Operator #define CPUARG "6502" //Target CPU Operand #define EQUOP "EQU" //Equate Pseudo-Op #define BYTEOP "DC" //Define Byte Pseudo-Op #define STROP "DS" //Define String Pseudo-Op #define ASMFMT "%-7s %-3s %-12s %s\n" //Assembly Language Line printf Format /* Internal defines */ #define TRUE -1 #define FALSE 0 #define DEBUG(fmt, val) if (debug) {prtpos(); printf(fmt, val);} #define ERROR(fmt, val, err) if (debug) {printf(fmt, val);exterr(err);} #define SCMNT(str) if (gencmt) {setcmt(str);} #define ACMNT(str) if (gencmt) {addcmt(str);} #define CCMNT(chr) if (gencmt) {chrcmt(chr);} int gencmt; //Generate Assembly Language Comments int debug; //Print Debug Info (TRUE or FALSE) int curcol, curlin; //Position in Source Code int savcol, savlin; //Save Position in Source Code int nxtchr; //Next Character of Source File to Process int nxtupc; //Next Character Converted to Uppercase int savchr; //Holds nxtchr when switching input files char inpnam[FNAMLEN]; //Include File Name int alcvar; //Allocate Variables Flag void exterr(int errnum); //Print current file name & position and exit void expctd(char *expected); //Print Expected message and exit void prtpos(); //Print current file name and position