Character Checking and Conversion Functions for C02 This library provides functions for classifying ASCII characters, as well as converting upper-case characters to lower-case characters and vice-versa. The character classification functions return a value of -1 ($FF) for TRUE, and 0 for FALSE. All these functions return FALSE when testing high ASCII characters (127 - 255) #include The following functions are defined: b = isalnm(c); Returns TRUE if c is alphanumeric, otherwise FALSE. An alphanumeric character is a letter (A-Z or a-z), or a digit (0-9). Note: Calls internal routine isaln, which in turn calls internal routines isdgt and isalp. b = isalph(c); Returns TRUE if c is alphabetic, otherwise FALSE. An alphabetic character is a letter (A-Z or a-z). Note: Call internal routine isalp, which in turn calls internal routines isupr and islwr. b = isctrl(c); Returns TRUE if c is a control characte, otherwise FALSE. A control character is a character with ASCII code 0 through 31 or 127. Note: Calls internal routine isctl. b = isdigt(c); Returns TRUE if c is a digit, otherwise FALSE. A digit is a character in the range 0 through 9. Note: Calls internal routine isdgt. b = isgrph(c); Returns TRUE if c is graphical, otherwise FALSE. A graphical character is any character in the range ! through |. Note: Calls internal routine isgrp, which in turn calls internal routine isprt. b = ishdgt(c); Returns TRUE if c is a hex digit, otherwise FALSE. A hex digit is a character in the range 0 through 9. A through F, or a through f. Note: Calls internal routine ishex, which in turn calls internal routine isdgt. b = islowr(c); Returns TRUE if c is lowercase, otherwise FALSE. An alphabetic character is a letter in the range a through z. Note: Call internal routine islwr. b = ispnct(c); Returns TRUE if c is punctuation, otherwise FALSE. A punctuation character is any graphical character that is not aplhapnumeric. Note: Calls internal routine ispnc, which in turn calls internal routines isalp and isgrp. b = isprnt(c); Returns TRUE if c is printable, otherwise FALSE. A printable character is any character in the range Space through |. Note: Calls internal routine isprt. b = isspce(c); Returns TRUE if c is white space, otherwise FALSE. The white space characters are Tab (9), Line Feed (10), Vertical Tab (11), Form Feed (12), Carriage Return (13), and Space (32). Note: Calls internal routine isspc. b = isuppr(c); Returns TRUE if c is upper case, otherwise FALSE. An uppercase character is a letter in the range A through Z. Note: Call internal routine isupr. t = tolowr(c); Returns lower case version of c if it is an upper case character, otherwise c. Note: Calls internal routine isupr. t = touppr(c); Returns upper case version of c if it is a lower case character, otherwise c. Note: Calls internal routine islwr. Note: This library has no external dependencies. Implementation: The standard method of implementing the ctype library is to use a bit mask table of 128 bytes (one for each standard ASCII character). This library instead uses a series of comparisons in the internal routines, which leave the accumulator unmodified, and occupies approximately 128 bytes of memory.