/* Apple ][ Header File */ /* Monitor Variables */ /* Standard Library Variables */ zeropage int srcptr, dstptr, bfrptr, blkptr; char bfrlo,bfrhi; //Buffer Pointer for Library Functions char ptrlo,ptrhi; //System Pointer int blkbgn, blkend; //Block Start and End Address char blklen; //Block Segment Length char temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3; //Temporary Variables //System Variables char invflg; //Video Invert Mask //Keyboard I/O char kbd; //Keyboard Data Register char abd; //Keyboard Strobe Register //Monitor Subroutines void echo(); //Print Character in Accumulator void prbyte(); //Print Accumulator as Hexadadecimal number void prhex(); //Print Low Nybble of Accumulator as Hex Digit //System Subroutines char polkey(); //Poll Console for character char getchr(); //Wait for character from Console char getkey(); //Read ASCII character from Console void newlin(); //Advance cursor to beginning of next line char putchr(); //Print ASCII character to Console void setdst(); //Set Destination Pointer void setsrc(); //Set Source Pointer //System Labels start: //Start of Code exit: //Return to Operating System