; Program initialization code for Oric-1 ;System Specific ASCII Key Mappings DELKEY EQU $7F ;Delete/Backspace Key (Delete) ESCKEY EQU $1B ;Escape/Stop Key (Escape) RTNKEY EQU $0D ;Return/Enter Key ($0D=Carriage Return) ;Zero Page Locations SRCLO EQU $10 ;Source String Pointer (stdio.asm) SRCHI EQU $11 DSTLO EQU $12 ;Destination String Pointer (string.asm) DSTHI EQU $13 BFRLO EQU $14 ;Work Buffer Pointer BFRHI EQU $15 TEMP0 EQU $16 ;Temporary Storage TEMP1 EQU $17 TEMP2 EQU $18 TEMP3 EQU $19 RDSEED EQU $1A ;Pseudo-RANDOM Seed RANDOM EQU $1B ;Pseudo-RANDOM Number Storage ; EQU $1C ;Unused ; EQU $1D ;Unused BLKLEN EQU $1F ;Block Length BLKSLO EQU $20 ;Block Start Address BLKSHI EQU $21 BLKELO EQU $22 ;Block End Address BLKEHI EQU $23 STKSLO EQU $24 ;Stack Start LSB STKSHI EQU $25 ;Stack Start MSB STKELO EQU $26 ;Stack End LSB STKEHI EQU $27 ;Stack End MSB ;Oric-1 Tape images have the file extension ".tap" ;and have the following header prepended to the code ; $16,$16,$16, $16 Tape Syncronization Pattern ; $24 Tape Syncronization Byte ; $00,$00 Filler Bytes ; $00 Basic Program ; $00 No Autostart ($80 for Autostart) ; $xx,$xx MSB, LSB of End Address ; $05,$01 MSB, LSB of Start Address ; $00 Filler Byte ; "filename" Up to 16 ASCII Characters ; $00 Strint Terminator ;The End Address is actually one higher than the last ;byte of the Basic program and the first byte of Basic ;variable space. so the compiled program need to have ;one dummy byte added to the end. ORG $0501 ;Basic Program Start Address BASIC: .DC $0C,$05 ;Address of Next Line .DC $00,$00 ;Basic Line Number (0) .DC $BF ;Token for Basic Call Command .DC $20 ;Space .DC "1294" ;Address of START Label .DC $00 ;End of Line .DC $00,$00 ;End of Program Marker START: LDA #127 ;Set Caps Lock Off STA $020C LDA #$0B ;Turn Cursor On, Keyclick Off STA $026A ;and Protect Columns 0 & 1 JMP MAIN ;Execute Program ;Poll Character from Keyboard POLKEY: INC RDSEED ;Cycle the Random Seed JMP $E905 ;Execute GETORKB ;Read Character from Console GETKEY EQU POLKEY ;Aliased to POLKEY ;Wait for Character from Console GETCHR: JSR GETKEY ;Calls GETKEY BEQ GETCHR ; until a non-zero is returned RTS ;Delete Previous Character DELCHR: LDA #DELKEY ;Load Delete Character BNE PUTCHR ;and Print to Screem ;Advance Cursor to Next line NEWLIN EQU $CB9F ;Basic NEWLINE Routine ($CBF0 for ATMOS) ; LDA #$0D ;Load Carriage Return ; JSR PUTCHR ;and Print It ; LDA #$0A ;Load Line Feed and fall through to PRCHR ;Print Character to Screen PUTCHR: TAX ;Transfer Character to X Register JMP $F409 ;Execute VDU Routine ;Get End of Free Memory RAMTOP: LDX $A6 ;Load HIMEM LSB LDY $A7 ;Load HIMEM MSB RTS ;Exit Program and Return to Operating System or Monitor EXIT: LDA #255 ;Set Caps Lock On STA $020C JMP $C003 ;BASIC Warm Start INCLUDE "../include/prbyte.a02" ;PRBYTE and PRHEX routines