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; C02 library memio.h02 assembly language subroutines
; Requires external routines SETDST, SETSRC
; zero page locations DSTLO, DSTHI, SRCLO and SRCHI
; location TEMP0
; and constant RTNKEY
;char maddr(mp) - Return Contents of Memory Pointer
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
;Affects: N,Z reflect Y register
;Returns: A = Memory Pointer LSB
; Y = Memory Pointer MSB
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointet Address
MADDR: TAX ;Copy Pointer Address to X Register
LDA 0,X ;Load Pointer LSB into Accumulator
LDY 1,X ;Load Pointer MSB into Y Register
;char mopen(mp, &a) - Open Memory File: Set Memory Pointer to specified Address
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
; X,Y = Address
;Sets: TEMP0 = Memory Pointer Address
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer, otherwise
; 0 if Error Illegal Address (within Zero Page)
MOPEN: STX TEMP0 ;Save Address LSB
TAX ;Copy Memory Pointer to X register
LDA TEMP0 ;Retrieve Address LSB
STA 0,X ;Store in Memory Pointer LSB
STY 1,X ;Store Address MSB in Memory Pointer MSB
LDA 1,X ;Load Address MSB into Accumulator (Setting Flags)
BEQ MERROX ;If 0, Return as Result (Failure)
TXA ;Else
RTS ; Return Memory Pointer as Result
;char meof(mp) - Check for End of Memory File
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if at End of File or invalid Memory Pointer
; 0 otherwise
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MEOF: JSR MERROR ;Check Memory Pointer
BNE MCLOSX ;If Error, Return Else Y will contain 0
LDA (0,X) ;If NUL Character at Memory Pointer
BEQ MERROY ; Return 255
BNE MERROX ;Else Return 0
;char merror(mp) - Check for Memory File Error
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if Memory Pointer contains Zero Page Address
; 0 if no error
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MERRON: STY TEMP1 ;Alternate Entry Point - Save Byte Argument
MERROM: STA TEMP0 ;Alternate Entry Point - Save Memory Pointer
MERROR: TAX ;Copy Memory Pointer to X register
MERROA: LDY #0 ;Set Error Indicator to 0
LDA 1,X ;Load Memory Address High Byte
CMP #255 ; or
MERROY: DEY ; Change Error Indicator to 255
MERROX: TYA ;Copy Error Indicator to Accumulator
;char mclose(mp) - Close Memory File: Write EOF and Clear Memory Pointer
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if Memory Pointer contains Zero Page Address
; 0 if no error
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MCLOSE: JSR MFLUSH ;Check Memory Pointer
STA 0,X ; Write to Addess LSB
STA 1,X ; Write to Addess LSB
;char mflush(mp) - Flush Memory File: Write NUL at Memory Pointer
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if Memory Pointer contains Zero Page Address
; 0 if no error
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MFLUSH: JSR MERROR ;Check Memory Pointer
STA (0,X) ; to Current Memory Location
;char mgetc(mp) - Read Character from Memory File
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A = Character read from memory
; Y = 255 if Error or EOF
; 0 if no error
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MGETC: JSR MERROR ;Check Memory Pointer
LDA (0,X) ; Load Character at Memory Location
MGETCI: PHP ; Save Flags
INC 0,X ; Increment Memory Pointer Low Byte
INC 1,X ; Increment Memory Pointer High Byte
MGETCP: PLP ; Restore Flags
;char mputc(mp, c) - Write Character to Memory File
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
; Y = Character to Write to Memory
;Sets: TEMP0 = Character to Write
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if invalid Memory Pointer
; 0 if no error
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MPUTC: JSR MERRON ;Save Argumebts & Check Memory Pointer
BNE MGETCX ;If Error, then Return
LDA TEMP1 ;Retrieve Character to Write
STA (0,X) ;Store in Memory
LDA #0 ;Clear Accumulator, Z and N flags
BEQ MGETCI ;and Increment Memory Pointer
;char mgets(mp, &s) - Read from Memory File into String
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
; Y,X = Address of String to Read into
;Sets: TEMP0 = Memory Pointer
; TEMP1 = Number of characters read
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A = 255 if invalid Memory Pointer
; otherwise length of string read
; Y = Last character in string
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MGETS: JSR SETDST ;Set String Address as Destination
JSR MERROM ;Save Memory Pointer & Check Memory Pointer
BNE MGETCX ;If Error then Return, Else Y will be 0
LDA 0,X ;Copy Memory Pointer LSB
STA SRCLO ;to Source Pointer LSB
LDA 1,X ;Copy Memory Pointer MSB
STA SRCHI ;to Source Pointer MSB
MGETSL: LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Get Character from Memory
BEQ MGETSX ;If Not NUL (End of File)
CMP #32 ; Check for Control Character
MGETSS: STA (DSTLO),Y ; Store Character in String
INY ; increment offset and
BCC MGETSX ; If Not Control character
BPL MGETSL ; loop if less than 128
MGETSX: TAX ;Copy Final Character to X
LDA #$00 ;Terminate String
BEQ MPUTSX ;Update Memory Pointer and Return String Length
;char mputs(mp, &s) - Write String to Memory File
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
; Y,X = Address of String to Read into
;Sets: TEMP0 = Memory Pointer
; TEMP1 = Number of characters written
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A = 255 if invalid Memory Pointer
; otherwise length of string written
; Y = Last character in string
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MPUTS: JSR SETSRC ;Set Source Pointer
JSR MERROM ;Save Memory Pointer & Check Memory Pointer
BNE MGETCX ;If Error then Return, Else Y will be 0
LDA 0,X ;Copy Memory Pointer LSB
STA DSTLO ;to Source Pointer LSB
LDA 1,X ;Copy Memory Pointer MSB
STA DSTHI ;to Source Pointer MSB
MPUTSL: LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Get Character from Memory
BEQ MPUTSX ;If Not End of String
STA (DSTLO),Y ; Store Character in Memory
TAX ; and copy into X Register
INY ; Increment offset and
BPL MPUTSL ; loop if less than 128
MPUTSX: TXA ;Copy Final Character into Accumulator
LDX TEMP0 ;Retrieve Memory Pointer
STY TEMP1 ;Save String Length in TEMP1
TAY ;Copy Final Character into Y-Register
MPUTSY: LDA 0,X ;Get Memory Pointer LSB
ADC TEMP1 ;Add String Length
INC 1,X ; Increment Memory Pointer MSB
MGETSZ: LDA TEMP1 ;Load String Length and Set Flags
;char mputln(&s) - Write Line to Memory File
MPUTLN: JSR MPUTS ;Write String to Memory File
LDA TEMP0 ;Retrieve Memory Pointer
LDY #RTNKEY ;Load Carriage Return
JMP MPUTC ;Write to Memory File
;mdst(&a) - Set Destination Array for mread()
;char mread(mp, n) - Read from Memory File into Array
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
; Y = Number of Bytes to Read
;Sets: TEMP0 = Memory Pointer
; TEMP1 = Number of characters read
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if invalid Memory Pointer
; otherwise number of bytes read
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MREAD: JSR MERRON ;Save Argumebts & Check Memory Pointer
BNE MGETCX ;If Error then Return, Else Y will be 0
LDA 0,X ;Copy Memory Pointer LSB
STA SRCLO ;to Source Pointer LSB
LDA 1,X ;Copy Memory Pointer MSB
STA SRCHI ;to Source Pointer MSB
BNE MWRITL ;Execute Copy
;msrc(&a) - Set Source Array for mwrite()
;char mwrite(mp, n) - Read from Memory File into Array
;Args: A = Zero Page Memory Pointer
; Y = Number of Bytes to Read
;Sets: TEMP0 = Memory Pointer
; TEMP1 = Number of characters read
;Affects: N,Z reflect Accumulator
;Returns: A,Y = 255 if invalid Memory Pointer
; otherwise number of bytes written
; X = Zero Page Memory Pointer
MWRITE: JSR MERRON ;Save Argumebts & Check Memory Pointer
BNE MGETCX ;If Error then Return, Else Y will be 0
LDA 0,X ;Copy Memory Pointer LSB
STA DSTLO ;to Destination Pointer LSB
LDA 1,X ;Copy Memory Pointer MSB
STA DSTHI ;to Destination Pointer MSB
MWRITL: LDA (SRCLO),Y ;Read Byte from Memory
STA (DSTLO),Y ;Write Byte to Array
INY ;Increment Index
CPY TEMP1 ;If Not Equal to Number of Bytes to Read
BEQ MPUTSY ;Else Update Memory Pointer