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C02/Test/ - C02 Compiler Test & Demonstration Programs
Batch Files - Compile and assemble programs for specific systems
A1.BAT Apple 1 - Creates .ASC file (Woz Monitor Format, 0300R to Run)
A2.BAT Apple 2 - Creates .DSK file (Bootable Disk Image)
O1.BAT Oric-1 - Creates .TAP file (Oriculator Tape Image)
P65.BAT py65mon - Creates .BIN file (Binary file, Load and Run at 0200)
V8K.BAT VIC+8K - Creates .PRG file (Program File with BASIC stub)
Auxillary Files - Used by Batch Files
s2boot.dsk Apple 2 Bootable Disk Image - Used by A2.BAT
xvic.ini VICE Configuration - Used bu V8K.BAT
C02 Test & Demonstration Programs
System Specific Header Test Progroams
echo.c02 Echo typed keys to screen
echohex.c02 Display ASCII code of typed keys in Hexadecimal
System Library Module Test Programs
testsd.c02 Test module "stddef" functions
testsl.c02 Test module "stdlib" functions
conds.c02 Test C02 Conditional Expressions
funcs.c02 Test C02 Function Calls and Parameter Passing
loops.c02 Test C02 Loop Structures
forforpf.c02 Demo of printf function from "stringx" module
strings.c02 Demo of standard library "string" module
testiox.c02 Test module "stdiox" functions
filetest.c02 Test module "fileio" functions
fstest.c02 Test module "filesys" functions
diskdir.c02 Test module "dirent" functions
dirtest.c02 Test module "direct" functions