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; C02 dirent.h02 Assembly Language Subroutines
; Requires external functions ...
; external zero page locations ...
; and external locations ...
;opndir() - Open Directory for Reading
;Args: A = Drive Identifier
; Y,X = Pointer to Directory Name
;Returns: A = File Pointer (0 = Not Opened)
; Y = Error Code (0 = None)
OPNDIR: ;Return Error - Not Implemented (fall through)
;rdhdr() - Read Directory Header
;Note: Call once before first readdir
;Args: A = Directory File Pointer
; Y,X = Pointer to HDRENT buffer
;Returns: A = Length of Header (0=None)
; Y = Error Code (0=None)
RDHDR: ;Return Error - Not Implemented (fall through)
;rddir() - Read Directory Entry
;Args: A = Directory File Pointer
; Y,X = Pointer to dirent structure
;Returns: A = Length of Entry (0=None)
; Y = Error Cooe (0=None)
RDDIR: LDA #$00 ;Return Result - None
LDY #$FF ;and Error - Not Implemented
;clsdir() - Close Directory File
;Args: A = Directory File Pointer
;Returns: A = Error Code (0 = Success)
CLSDIR: LDA #$FF ;Return Error - Not Implemented