mirror of https://github.com/RevCurtisP/C02.git synced 2024-10-15 13:24:26 +00:00
Curtis F Kaylor 35377b5807 Squashed commit of the following:
commit ed00e1d1b5a9783a72dade3f3676b161a9cfe287
Author: Curtis F Kaylor <revcurtis@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 22:20:49 2018 -0400

    Documented joystk, paddle, and lgtpen modules

commit ec0a5ede8d1b043fcf0094ea653255a808dbf8d3
Author: Curtis F Kaylor <revcurtis@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 20:31:11 2018 -0400

    Added joystick, paddle, and lightpen test programs

commit 7b787f432e2f4f7ae5d7f0053ade1d3586a4fad1
Author: Curtis F Kaylor <revcurtis@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 20:30:03 2018 -0400

    Updated Apple II and VIC-20 Batch Files

commit 50568294349d7e3c6b7d0d364aeaece73c9e4ab6
Author: Curtis F Kaylor <revcurtis@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 20:28:09 2018 -0400

    Separated light pen code into separate files

commit d45e59f73d55eef1d30c591d19a043ad79cfd81a
Author: Curtis F Kaylor <revcurtis@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 19:28:56 2018 -0400

    Moved code for paddles into separate include files

commit fc5c5472d758c960332ea14105d5ec4a7c8cbbfb
Author: Curtis F Kaylor <revcurtis@gmail.com>
Date:   Sun Sep 9 16:15:32 2018 -0400

    Added system specific module 'joystk'
2018-09-12 09:54:54 -04:00

156 lines
5.4 KiB

; Requires external routines SETSRC and SETDST
; Requires the following RAM locations be defined
; external zero page byte pairs SRCLO,SRCHI and DSTLO,DSTHI
; and external bytes TEMP0 and TEMP1
;fsetup(fn, fs, fd) - Set Parameters for fsopen()
;Args: A = Logical file number
; Y = Secondary address (255 for None)
; X = Device 0=Keyboard, 1=Cassette, 2=RS232, 3=Screen
; 4-7=Printers, 8-15=Disks, 31=All Devices
;Affects None
FSETUP EQU SETLFS ;Set up a logical file
;fsname(n, &s) - Set Filename for Load, Open, Save
;Args: A = Length of filename string
; X,Y = Pointer to string containing filename
;Affects: A,X,Y
;Returns: A = 1,2,3,4,6,240 (see FERROR)
;fsload(v, &a) - Load Memory from File
;Prereqs: fsetup(), fsname()
;Args: A = Mode 0=Load, 1=Verify
; Y,X = Address to Load File
;Stack: 9
;Affects: A,X,Y
;Sets: STATUS = 0,4,5,8,9 (see FERROR)
FSLOAD EQU LOAD ;Load RAM from device
;fssave(v, &a) - Save Memory to File
;Prereqs: fsdst fsetup(), fsname()
;Requires: DSTLO, DSTHI - Start Address
;Args: Y,X = End Address
;Stack: 9
;Affects: A,X,Y
;Sets: STATUS = 0,4,5,8,9 (see FERROR)
FSSAVE: LDA #SRCLO ;Load Pointer to Start Address
JMP SAVE ;Save memory to device
;fsopen() - Open
;Prereqs: fsetup(), fsname()
;Affects: A,X,Y
;Sets: STATUS = 1,2,3,4,6,240 (see FERROR)
STRCHR: JSR SETNAM ;Set file name
JMP OPEN ;Open File
;fopen(n, &s) - Open File with Specified Name
;Not Implemented
;fclose(fn) - Close File
;Args: A = Logical file number
;Returns: A = 0,240 (see FERROR)
FCLOSE EQU CLOSE ;Close a logical file
;feof(fn) - Check for End of File
;Args: A = Logical file number
;Affects: A,X
;Returns: A = 0,240 (see FERROR)
FEOF: JSR READST ;Read status word
AND #$C0 ;$40=End of File, $80 End of Tape
BEQ FRTS ;If Not 0
FERR: LDA #$FF ; Set Generic Error Condition
FRTS: RTS ;Return from Subroutine
;ferror(fn) - Check for Error
;Args: A = Logical file number
;Affects: A,X
;Returns: A = Error Bit Mask
; Bit Cassette Read Serial Bus I/O Tape Load/Verify
; $01 Write Timeout
; $02 Read Timeout
; $04 Short Block Short Block
; $08 Long Block Long Block
; $10 Read Error Any Mismatch
; $20 Checksum Err Checksum Err
; $40 End of File EOI Line
; $80 End of Tape Device Not Present End of Tape
FERROR EQU READST ;Read status word
;fflush() - Flush file buffer
; No-Op - Not Needed
;fgetc(fn) - Read character from file
;Args: A = Logical file number
;Stack: 9
;Affects: A,X
;Returns: A = 0,240 (see FERROR)
FGETC: TAX ;Move logical file number to X register
JSR CHKIN ;Open channel for input
JSR CHRIN ;Get character from input channel
PHA ;Save read character
JSR CLRCHN ;Clear I/O channels
PLA ;Retrieve read Character
;fputc(fn) - Write character from file
;Args: A = Logical file number
; Y = Character to Write
;Stack: 9
;Affects: A,X
;Returns: A = 0,240 (see FERROR)
FPUTC: TAX ;Move logical file number to X register
JSR CHKOUT ;Open channel for input
TYA ;Move character to accumulator
FPUTCH: JSR CHROUT ;Output a character
JMP CLRCHN ;Clear I/O channels and return
;fgets(fn, &s) - Read string from file
;Requires: DSTLO, DSTHI - Pointer to destination string
;Args: A = Logical file number
; Y,X = Pointer to String
;Stack: 9
;Affects: X,Y
;Returns: A = Number of bytes read
FGETS: JSR SETDST ;Save string address & initialize pointer
TAX ;Move logical file number to X register
JSR CHKIN ;Open channel for input
FGETSL: JSR CHRIN ;Get character from input channel
PHA ;Save read character
JSR READST ;Read status word
BNE FGETSX ;If Not 0, Exit
PLA ;Retrieve read character
STA SRCLO,Y ;Store character in string
CMP $0D ;If Carriage Return
BEQ FGETSX ; Then Exit
INY ;Increment pointer
BPL FGETSL ;and loop if less than 128
FGETSX: LDA #$00 ;Terminate String
FGETSY: JSR CLRCHN ;Clear I/O channels
TYA ;Return string length
;fputs(fn, &s) - Write String to File
;Requires: DSTLO, DSTHI - Pointer to source string
;Args: A = Logical file number
; Y,X = Pointer to String
;Stack: 9
;Affects: X,Y
;Returns: A = Number of bytes written
FPUTS: JSR SETDST ;Save string address & initialize pointer
TAX ;Move logical file number to X register
JSR CHKIN ;Open channel for input
FPUTSL: LDA SRCLO,Y ;Load next character
PHA ;Save write character
JSR CHROUT ;Write character to output channel
PLA ;Retrieve write character
CMP $0D ;If Carriage Return
BEQ FGETSY ; Then Exit
JSR READST ;Read status word
BNE FGETSY ;If Not 0, Exit
INY ;Increment pointer
BPL FPUTSL ;If less than 128 then loop
BMI FGESTY ;Else exit