mirror of https://github.com/RevCurtisP/C02.git synced 2024-10-19 09:25:26 +00:00
2019-11-15 14:16:58 -05:00

227 lines
7.4 KiB

* C02 Compiler - (C) 2013 Curtis F Kaylor *
* *
* C02 is a simpified C-like language designed for the 6502 *
* *
* This Compiler generates crasm compatible assembly language *
* *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h" //Common Code used by all Modules
#include "files.h" //Open and Close Files
#include "asm.h" //Write out Assembly Language
#include "parse.h" //General Code Parsing
#include "vars.h" //Variable Parsing, Lookup, and Allocation
#include "expr.h" //Expression Parsing
#include "label.h" //Label Parsing, Generation, and Lookup
#include "cond.h" //Conditional Parsing
#include "stmnt.h" //Statement Compiling Code
#include "dclrtn.h" //Statement Compiling Code
#include "include.h" //Include File Parsing
/* Initilize Compiler Variables */
void init(void) {
DEBUG("Initializing Compiler Variables\n",0)
concnt = 0; //Number of Constants Defined
varcnt = 0; //Number of Variables in Table
lblcnt = 0; //Number of Labels in stack
padcnt = 0; //Number of Padding Bytes at End
curcol = 0; //Current Column in Source Code
curlin = 0; //Current Line in Source Code
alcvar = TRUE; //Allocate Variables Flag
inblck = FALSE; //Multiline Block Flag
infunc = FALSE; //Inside Function Definition
xstmnt[0] = 0; //Expected Statement
nxtwrd[0] = 0; //Next Word (from DEFINE lookup)
nxtptr = 0; //Pointer to next character in nxtwrd
vrwrtn = FALSE; //Variables Written Flag
rambas = 0; //RAM Base Address
wrtbas = 0; //Write Base Address
zpaddr = 0; //Current Zero-Page Address
invasc = FALSE; //Invert ASCII Flag
mskasc = FALSE; //Set High Bit Flag
fcase = FALSE; //First Case Statement Flag
wrtofs[0] = 0; //Write Offset
xsnvar[0] = 0; //Assigned X Variable Name
ysnvar[0] = 0; //Assigned Y Variable Name
subcnt = 0; //Include Subdirectories
strcpy(cputyp, CPUARG); //Set CPU Type to Default Value
strcpy(incdir, "../include/");
/* Parse Pointer Dereference Assignment */
void ppntr(void) {
lsrtrn = FALSE; //Clear RETURN flag
if (xstmnt[0]) ERROR("Expected '%s' statement\n", xstmnt, EXIT_FAILURE)
/* Reads and parses the next Word in Source File */
void pword(void) {
lsrtrn = FALSE; //Clear RETURN flag
DEBUG("Parsing Word '%s'\n", word)
if (xstmnt[0]) {
if (wordis(xstmnt)) xstmnt[0] = 0; //Clear xstmnt
else ERROR("Expected '%s' statement\n", xstmnt, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (!pmodfr() && !ptype(MTNONE)) pstmnt(); //Parse Statement
/* Process a directive */
void pdrctv(void) {
skpchr(); //skip '#'
getwrd(); //read directive into word
DEBUG("Processing directive '%s'\n", word)
if (wordis("DEFINE")) pdefin(); //Parse Define
else if (wordis("INCLUDE")) pincfl(); //Parse Include File
else if (wordis("ERROR")) ERROR("Error \n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
else if (wordis("PRAGMA")) pprgma();
else ERROR("Illegal directive %s encountered\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
void prolog(void) {
DEBUG("Writing Assembly Prolog\n", 0)
setcmt("Program ");
void epilog(void) {
if (!vrwrtn) wvrtbl(); //Write Variable Table
if (padcnt) {
sprintf(word, "$%hhX", padcnt);
asmlin(STROP, word);
/* Compile Source Code*/
void compile(void) {
DEBUG("Starting Compilation\n", 0)
phdrfl(); //Process Header File specified on Command Line
DEBUG("Parsing Code\n", 0)
while (TRUE) {
if (match(EOF)) break; //Stop Parsing (End of File)
else if (match('}')) endblk(TRUE); //End Multi-Line Program Block
else if (match('#')) pdrctv(); //Parse Directive
else if (match('/')) skpcmt(TRUE); //Skip Comment
else if (match('*')) ppntr(); //Parse Pointer
else if (isalph()) pword(); //Parse Word
else ERROR("Unexpected character '%c'\n", nxtchr, EXIT_FAILURE)
/* Display "Usage" text and exit*/
void usage(void) {
printf("Usage: c02 sourcefile.c02\n");
/* Parse Command Line Option */
int popt(int arg, int argc, char *argv[]) {
char argstr[32]; //Argument String
char opt; //Option
char optarg[32]; //Option Argument
strncpy (argstr, argv[arg], 31);
if (strlen(argstr) != 2) ERROR("malformed option %s\n", argstr, EXIT_FAILURE)
opt = toupper(argstr[1]);
if (strchr("CHS", opt)) {
if (++arg >= argc) ERROR("Option -%c requires an argument\n", opt, EXIT_FAILURE)
strncpy(optarg, argv[arg], 31);
DEBUG("Processing Command Line Option -%c\n", argstr[1])
switch (opt) {
case 'C':
strcpy(cputyp, optarg);
DEBUG("CPU Type set to '%s'\n", cputyp)
case 'H':
strcpy(hdrnam, optarg);
DEBUG("Header Name set to '%s'\n", hdrnam)
case 'S':
strcpy(subdir[subcnt], optarg);
DEBUG("subdir[%d] ", subcnt)
DEBUG("set to '%s'\n", subdir[subcnt])
ERROR("Illegal option -%c\n", opt, EXIT_FAILURE)
return arg;
/* Parse Command Line Arguments *
* Sets: srcnam - Source File Name (from first arg) *
* outnam - Output File Name (from optional second arg) */
void pargs(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int arg;
srcnam[0] = 0;
outnam[0] = 0;
DEBUG("Parsing %d arguments\n", argc)
if (argc == 0) usage(); //at least one argument is required
for (arg = 1; arg<argc; arg++) {
DEBUG("Parsing argument %d\n", arg);
if (argv[arg][0] == '-') arg = popt(arg, argc, argv); //Process Command Line Option
else if (srcnam[0] == 0) strcpy(srcnam, argv[arg]); //set Source File Name to first arg
else if (outnam[0] == 0) strcpy(outnam, argv[arg]); //set Out File Name to second arg
else ERROR("Unexpected argument '%s'\n", argv[arg], EXIT_FAILURE)
if (srcnam[0]) DEBUG("srcnam set to '%s'\n", srcnam)
else ERROR("Error: Source file not specified\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (outnam[0]) DEBUG("outnam set to '%s'\n", outnam)
/* Validate CPU Type *
* Uses: cputype *
* Sets: cmos */
void chkcpu(void) {
if (strcmp(cputyp, "6502") == 0) cmos = FALSE;
else if (strcmp(cputyp, "65C02") == 0) cmos = TRUE;
else ERROR("Invalid CPU Type %s\n", cputyp, EXIT_FAILURE)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
debug = TRUE; //Output Debug Info
gencmt = TRUE; //Generate Assembly Language Comments
printf("C02 Compiler (C) 2012 Curtis F Kaylor\n" );
init(); //Initialize Global Variables
pargs(argc, argv); //Parse Command Line Arguments
chkcpu(); //Validate CPU Type
opnsrc(); //Open Source File
opnout(); //Open Output File
opnlog(); //Open Log File
setsrc(); //Set Input to Source File
clssrc(); //Close Source File
clsout(); //Close Output File
clslog(); //Close Log File