mirror of https://github.com/RevCurtisP/C02.git synced 2024-06-08 06:29:32 +00:00
2019-11-14 23:56:33 -05:00

580 lines
17 KiB

* C02 Statement Compiling Routines *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "asm.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "vars.h"
#include "cond.h"
#include "expr.h"
#include "stmnt.h"
/* Begin Program Block */
void bgnblk(char blkchr) {
DEBUG("Beginning program block\n", 0)
if (blkchr) {
DEBUG("Expecting Block Delimiter '%c'\n", blkchr);
inblck = TRUE;
inblck = look('{');
DEBUG("Set INBLCK to %d\n", inblck)
/* End Program Block *
* Args: blkflg: End of Multiline Block */
void endblk(int blkflg) {
int lbtype;
DEBUG("Ending program block with flag %d\n", blkflg)
expect('}'); //Block End Character
DEBUG("Found inblck set to %d\n", inblck)
if (inblck != blkflg) ERROR("Encountered '}' without matching '{'\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
lbtype = poplbl();
if (lbtype == LTDO) pdowhl(); //Parse While at End of Do Loop
/* Parse Shortcut If */
void prssif(char trmntr) {
newlbl(cndlbl); //Create Label for "if FALSE" expression
prscnd(')', FALSE); //Parse Condition
prsxpr(':'); //Parse "if TRUE" expression
newlbl(skplbl); //Create End of Expression Label
asmlin("JMP", skplbl); //Jump over "if FALSE" expression
setlbl(cndlbl); //Emit "if FALSE" label
prsxpr(trmntr); //Parse "if FALSE" expression
setlbl(skplbl); //Emit End of Expression Label
/* Process Array Index */
void prcidx(int idxtyp, char *name, char *index)
if (strlen(index)) {
if (idxtyp == LITERAL) {
strcat(name, "+");
strcat(name, index);
else {
asmlin("LDX", index);
/* Set word to assignment variable *
* adding write offset (if set) */
void setasn(char *name, char ispntr) {
if (ispntr) strcpy(word,"(");
else word[0] = 0;
strcat(word, name);
if (wrtofs[0]) strcat(word, wrtofs);
if (ispntr) strcat(word,")");
void prcixy(char rgstr, char* idx, int ivt) {
DEBUG("Processing %c register indexed assignment\n", rgstr)
if (strlen(idx)) { //Process X variable Index
if (ivt != LITERAL) {
asmlin("PHA", ""); //Save Accumulator
if (rgstr == 'X') asmlin("TXA", ""); //Transfer Return Value to Accumulator
else asmlin("TYA", "");
prcidx(ivt, word, idx); //Process Index
asmlin("STA", word); //Store Return Value
asmlin("PLA", ""); //Restore Accumulator
} else {
prcidx(ivt, word, idx); //Process Index
if (rgstr == 'X') asmlin("STX", word); //Store Return Value
else asmlin("STY", word);
/* Process Assignment of X and Y variables */
void prcaxy(void) {
DEBUG("Processing X assignment variable '%s'\n", xsnvar)
if (xsnvar[0]) {
setasn(xsnvar, FALSE);
if (strlen(xsnidx)) prcixy('X', xsnidx, xsnivt); //Process Index
else asmlin("STX", word); //Store Return Value
xsnvar[0] = 0;
DEBUG("Processing Y assignment variable '%s'\n", ysnvar)
if (ysnvar[0]) {
setasn(ysnvar, FALSE);
if (strlen(ysnidx)) prcixy('Y', ysnidx, ysnivt); //Process Index
else asmlin("STY", word); //Store Return Value
ysnvar[0] = 0;
/* Process Assignment */
void prcasn(char trmntr, char ispntr) {
if (look('(')) prssif(trmntr); //Parse Shortcut If
else prsxpr(trmntr); //Parse Expression
prcaxy(); //Process X and Y assignments
DEBUG("Checking if '%s' is a register\n", asnvar)
if (strcmp(asnvar, "X")==0) asmlin("TAX", "");
else if (strcmp(asnvar, "Y")==0) asmlin("TAY", "");
else if (strcmp(asnvar, "A")==0) return;
DEBUG("Processing assignment variable '%s'\n", asnvar)
setasn(asnvar, ispntr);
if (asnidx[0]) {
if (ispntr) prcptx(asnidx); //Process Pointer Index
else prcidx(asnivt, word, asnidx); //Process Index
else if (ispntr && !cmos) {
strcat(word, ",Y");
asmlin("STA", word); //Store Return Value
/* Process Integer Assignment */
void prcasi(char trmntr) {
DEBUG("Processing Integer Assignment\n", 0);
strcpy(xsnvar, vrname); //Set Assignment LSB
strcpy(ysnvar, vrname); strcat(ysnvar, "+1"); //Set Assignment MSB
ysnidx[0] = 0; //No Y Index
prsxpi(trmntr, TRUE); //Parse Integer Expression, Allowing Functions
/* Parse and Return Array Index and Type */
int getidx(char* idx) {
prsidx(TRUE); //Parse Array Index
if (valtyp == LITERAL) strncpy(idx, word, VARLEN);
else strncpy(idx, value, VARLEN);
DEBUG("stmnt.getidx: Parsed index %s\n", idx)
return valtyp;
/* Process Accumulator Assignment Variable */
int prcava(char *name, char trmntr, char ispntr) {
strcpy(asnvar, name);
asntyp = valtyp; //Set Assigned Variable Type
DEBUG("stmnt.prcava: Set STA variable to %s\n", asnvar)
if (asntyp == VARIABLE && look(';')) {
asmlin("STA", asnvar);
return TRUE;
if (asntyp == ARRAY) asnivt = getidx(asnidx); //Get Array Index and Type
else asnidx[0] = 0;
if (ispntr && strcmp(asnidx, "X") == 0) ERROR("Illegal use of register X\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
DEBUG("stmnt.prcava: Set STA index to '%s'", asnidx) DETAIL(" and type to %d\n", asnivt)
if (ispopr()) {
if (prspst(trmntr, FALSE, asnvar, asnidx, asnivt, ispntr)) expctd("post operator");
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Process Assignment Variable(s) */
void prcavr(char trmntr) {
chksym(TRUE, FALSE, word);
DEBUG("Processing assignment of variable %s\n", word);
strcpy(vrname, word); //save variable to assign to
if (valtyp == STRUCTURE) prsmbr(vrname); //Updates word and vartyp
if (vartyp == VTINT) {
if (ispopr()) {if (prspst(trmntr, TRUE, vrname, "", 0, FALSE)) expctd("post operator");}
else prcasi(trmntr); //Process Integer Assignment
if (prcava(vrname, trmntr, FALSE)) return;
if (look(',')) {
if (asntyp == REGISTER) ERROR("Register %s not allowed in plural assignment\n", asnvar, EXIT_FAILURE)
prsvar(FALSE, FALSE); //get variable name
strcpy(ysnvar, word);
DEBUG("Set STY variable to %s\n", ysnvar)
if (valtyp == ARRAY) ysnivt = getidx(ysnidx); //Get Array Index and Type
else ysnidx[0] = 0;
DEBUG("Set STY index to '%s'", ysnidx) DETAIL(" and type to %d\n", ysnivt)
if (look(',')) {
prsvar(FALSE, FALSE); //get variable name
strcpy(xsnvar, word);
DEBUG("Set STX variable to %s\n", xsnvar)
//if (valtyp == ARRAY) ERROR("Array element not allowed in third assignment\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (valtyp == ARRAY) xsnivt = getidx(xsnidx); //Get Array Index and Type
else xsnidx[0] = 0;
prcasn(trmntr, FALSE);
/* Parse 'asm' String Parameter */
void pasmst(char trmntr) {
skpspc(); //Skip Spaces
if (!match('"')) expctd("string");
/* Parse and Compile 'asm' statement */
void pasm(void) {
char opcode[LINELEN];
if (strlen(word)) setlbl(word);
strcpy(opcode, word);
asmlin(opcode, word);
/* Parse and Compile Assignment of Pointer */
void prcasp(char trmntr) {
prsptr(); //Parse Pointer Dereference
DEBUG("stmnt.prcasp: Processing assignment to dereferenced pointer %s\n", value)
if (prcava(value, trmntr, TRUE)) return; //Process Accumulator Assignment Variable
prcasn(trmntr, TRUE);
/* Parse and Compile an Assignment */
void prsasn(char trmntr) {
if (match('*')) prcasp(trmntr);
else {
getwrd(); //Get Variable to be Assigned
DEBUG("Parsing assignment of word %s\n", word)
/* parse and compile 'break'/'continue' statement */
void pbrcnt(int lbflag)
DEBUG("Parsing BREAK/CONTINUE statement\n", 0)
if (lstlbl(lbflag) < 0) ERROR("Break/continue statement outside of loop\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
DEBUG("Found Label '%s'\n", tmplbl)
asmlin("JMP", tmplbl);
/* parse and compile 'do' statement */
void pdo(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing DO statement '%c'\n", nxtchr)
newlbl(endlbl); //Create End Label
pshlbl(LTDWHL, endlbl); //and Push onto Stack
reqlbl(loplbl); //Get or Create/Set Loop Label
pshlbl(LTDO, loplbl); //Push onto Stack
bgnblk(FALSE); //Check For and Begin Block
/* parse and compile 'while' after 'do' statement */
void pdowhl(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing WHILE after DO '%c'\n", nxtchr)
getwrd(); //Check for While
if (!wordis("WHILE")) expctd("while statement");
strcpy(cndlbl, loplbl); //Set Conditional Label to Loop Label
prscnd(')', TRUE); //Parse Conditional Expession
poplbl(); //Pop While Conditional Label
setlbl(endlbl); //and Set Label to Emit on Next Line
expect(';'); //Check for End of Statement
/* parse and compile for statement */
void pfor(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing FOR statement '%c'\n", nxtchr);
prsasn(';'); //Process Initial Assignment
newlbl(forlbl); //Create For Loop Conditional Label
setlbl(forlbl); //and Set to Emit on Next Line
newlbl(endlbl); //Create End Label
pshlbl(LTEND, endlbl); //and Push onto Stack
newlbl(loplbl); //Create Loop Label
pshlbl(LTLOOP, loplbl); //and Push onto Stack
newlbl(cndlbl); //Create Conditional Label
prscnd(';', TRUE); //Parse Conditional Expession
asmlin("JMP", endlbl); //Jump over Increment
setlbl(loplbl); //Set to Emit on Next Line
prsasn(')'); //Parse Increment Assignment
asmlin("JMP", forlbl); //Jump to Conditional
setlbl(cndlbl); //Emit Label at Start of Loop
bgnblk(FALSE); //Check For and Begin Block
/* parse and compile if statement */
void pif(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing IF statement\n", 0)
newlbl(cndlbl); //Create New Label
pshlbl(LTIF,cndlbl); //Push Onto Stack
prscnd(')', FALSE); //Parse Conditional Expession
bgnblk(FALSE); //Check For and Begin Block
/* parse and compile else statement */
void pelse(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing ELSE statement\n", 0)
strcpy(lbltmp, lblasm); //Save Line Label
lblasm[0] = 0; //and Clear It
if (toplbl(skplbl) != LTELSE) { //Get Chained ELSE Label or
newlbl(skplbl); //Create Skip Label
pshlbl(LTELSE, skplbl); //Push Onto Stack
asmlin("JMP", skplbl); //Emit Jump over Block Code
strcpy(lblasm, lbltmp); //Restore Line Label
bgnblk(FALSE); //Check For and Begin Block
/* parse and compile if statement */
void pgoto(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing GOTO statement\n", 0)
if (look('(')) {
DEBUG("Processing Indirect GOTO\n", 0);
prsxpi(')', FALSE); //Parse Integer Expression w/o Assembly
sprintf(word, "(%s)", value); //Set Indirect Argument
} else {
if (!chkadr(ADNONE, FALSE)) getwrd();
asmlin("JMP", word);
/* parse and compile inline statement */
void pinlne(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing INLINE statement\n", 0)
do {
DEBUG("Parsing inline parameter\n", 0)
if (look('&')) {
reqvar(FALSE); //Get Variable Name
strcpy(word, "<");
strcat(word, value);
strcat(word, ", >");
strcat(word, value);
asmlin(BYTEOP, word);
else if (look('"')) {
value[0] = 0;
while (!match('"')) {
sprintf(word, "$%hhX,", getnxt());
strcat(value, word);
skpchr(); //Skip Terminating Quote
asmlin(BYTEOP, value);
else {
prslit(0xFF); //Parse Literal
sprintf(word, "$%hhX", litval); //not needed?
asmlin(BYTEOP, value);
} while (look(','));
/* parse and compile pop statement */
void ppop(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing POP statement\n", 0)
do {
if (look('.')) term[0]=0;
else {
strcpy(term, value);
asmlin("PLA", ""); //Pop Value off Stack
if (term[0]) asmlin("STA", term);
} while (look(','));
/* parse and compile push statement */
void ppush(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing PUSH statement\n", 0)
do {
if (!chkadr(ADPUSH, TRUE)) {
prsxpr(0); //Parse Expression
asmlin("PHA",""); //Push Result on Stack
} while (look(','));
/* parse and compile return statement */
void pretrn(int INTRPT) {
DEBUG("Parsing RETURN statement\n", 0)
if (INTRPT) {
asmlin("RTI", "");
} else {
prsfpr(';'); //Parse Function Return Valuea
asmlin("RTS", "");
lsrtrn = TRUE; //Set RETURN flag
/* parse and compile select statement */
void pslct(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing SELECT statement\n", 0)
prsxpr(')'); //Parse Expression
newlbl(endlbl); //Create New Label
pshlbl(LTSLCT,endlbl); //Push Onto Stack
bgnblk('{'); //Require Beginning of Block
fcase = TRUE;
strcpy(xstmnt, "CASE"); //Require Next Statement to be CASE
/* process end of case block */
void ecase(void) {
DEBUG("Processing end of CASE block\n", 0)
if (poplbl(cndlbl) != LTCASE) ERROR("%s not at end of CASE block\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (toplbl(endlbl) != LTSLCT) ERROR("Illegal nesting in SELECT statement\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
asmlin("JMP", endlbl); //Emit jump over default case
setlbl(cndlbl); //Set entry point label to emit
/* parse and compile select statement */
void pcase(void) {
if (!fcase) ecase(); //Process end of case block
skplbl[0] = 0; //Clear Skip Label
newlbl(cndlbl); //Create Conditional Label
pshlbl(LTCASE, cndlbl); //and Push onto Stack
while(TRUE) {
prstrm(FALSE); //Parse CASE argument
if (!fcase || valtyp != LITERAL || litval)
asmlin("CMP", term); //Emit Comparison
if (look(',')) {
chklbl(skplbl); //Emit skip to beginning of CASE block
asmlin("BEQ", skplbl);
fcase = 0;
continue; //Parse next argument
bgnblk(':'); //Emit branch to end of CASE block
asmlin("BNE", cndlbl);
if (skplbl[0]) setlbl(skplbl); //Set CASE block label if defined
fcase = FALSE;
/* parse and compile default statement */
void pdflt(void) {
ecase(); //Process end of case block
/* parse and compile while statement */
void pwhile(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing WHILE statement '%c'\n", nxtchr)
newlbl(endlbl); //Create End Label
pshlbl(LTEND, endlbl); //and Push onto Stack
reqlbl(loplbl); //Get or Create/Set Loop Label
pshlbl(LTLOOP, loplbl); //Push onto Stack
if (!look(')')) {
newlbl(cndlbl); //Create Conditional Skip Label
prscnd(')', TRUE); //Parse Conditional Expession
asmlin("JMP", endlbl); //Emit Jump to End of Loop
setlbl(cndlbl); //and Set Label to Emit on Next Line
bgnblk(FALSE); //Check For and Begin Block
/* generate unimplemented statement error */
void punimp(void) {
ERROR("Unimplemented statement '%s' encountered\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
/* Parse Function Call as Statement */
void prsfns(void) {
strcpy(term, word); //Copy Function Name
prsfnc(';'); //Parse Function Call
/* parse and compile identifier (variable or function call) */
void prssym(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing Identifier %s\n", word)
valtyp = gettyp();
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) prsfns(); //Parse Statement Function Call
else prcavr(';'); //Parse Assignment
/* parse and compile program statement */
void pstmnt(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing statement '%s'\n", word)
if (wordis("DO")) {
if (wordis("ELSE")) {
if (wordis("FOR")) {
if (wordis("IF")) {
if (wordis("SWITCH")) {
ERROR("SWITCH not implemented. Use SELECT.\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (wordis("SELECT")) {
if (wordis("CASE")) {
if (wordis("DEFAULT")) {
if (wordis("WHILE")) {
if(match(':')) {
prslab(); //Parse Program Label
setlbl(word); //Set Label to Emit
if (wordis("ASM")) pasm();
else if (wordis("BREAK"))
else if (wordis("CONTINUE"))
else if (wordis("GOTO"))
else if (wordis("INLINE"))
else if (wordis("POP"))
else if (wordis("PUSH"))
else if (wordis("RESUME"))
else if (wordis("RETURN"))
if (lblcnt && !inblck) {
DEBUG("Ending implied block\n", 0)
if (poplbl() == LTDO)
pdowhl(); //Parse While at End of Do Loop