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* KEYDEFS - Test/Demo for keydefs.h02 module *
//Specify System Header using -H option
#include <keydef.h02>
char key; //Key value
putstr("PRESS KEYS TO SEE DEFINITIONS"); newlin();
while() {
key = getchr();
if (!key) continue;
select (key) {
case #KEYBCK: putstr("BACKSPACE");
case #KEYBRK: putstr("BREAK");
case #KEYCLR: putstr("CLEAR");
case #KEYCPY: putstr("COPY");
case #KEYDEL: putstr("DELETE");
case #KEYDN : putstr("DOWN");
case #KEYESC: putstr("ESCAPE");
case #KEYFN1: putstr("F1");
case #KEYFN2: putstr("F2");
case #KEYFN3: putstr("F3");
case #KEYFN4: putstr("F4");
case #KEYFN5: putstr("F5");
case #KEYFN6: putstr("F6");
case #KEYFN7: putstr("F7");
case #KEYFN8: putstr("F8");
case #KEYFN9: putstr("F9");
case #KEYFNA: putstr("F10");
case #KEYFNB: putstr("F11");
case #KEYFNC: putstr("F12");
case #KEYHLP: putstr("HELP");
case #KEYHOM: putstr("HOME");
case #KEYINS: putstr("INSERT");
case #KEYLFT: putstr("LEFT");
case #KEYRGT: putstr("RIGHT");
case #KEYRTN: putstr("RETURN");
case #KEYRTS: putstr("SHIFT-RETURN");
case #KEYRUN: putstr("RUN");
case #KEYRVF: putstr("RVS-OFF");
case #KEYRVS: putstr("RVS-ON");
case #KEYSPS: putstr("SHIFT-SPACE");
case #KEYTAB: putstr("TAB");
case #KEYTAS: putstr("SHIFT-TAB");
case #KEYUP : putstr("UP");
case ' ': putstr("SPACE");
default: if (key > ' ' and key <> #DELKEY) putchr(key);
putstr(" ["); prbyte(key); putstr("] ");
if (key == #ESCKEY) break;
goto exit;