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378 lines
12 KiB

* C02 Variable Management Routines *
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "files.h"
#include "asm.h"
#include "parse.h"
#include "label.h"
#include "vars.h"
/* Lookup variable name in variable table *
* Sets: varidx = index into varnam array *
* varcnt if not found *
* Returns: TRUE if found, otherwise FALSE */
int fndvar(char *name) {
DEBUG("Looking up variable '%s'\n", name)
for (varidx=0; varidx<varcnt; varidx++)
if (strcmp(varnam[varidx], name) == 0) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Lookup structure name in struct table *
* Sets: sctidx = index into sctnam array *
* sctcnt if not found *
* Returns: TRUE if found, otherwise FALSE */
int fndstc(char *name) {
DEBUG("Looking up struct '%s'\n", name)
for (stcidx=0; stcidx<stccnt; stcidx++)
if (strcmp(strcts[stcidx].name, name) == 0) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Lookup structure member name in table *
* Sets: stmidx = index into stmnam array *
* stmcnt if not found *
* Returns: TRUE if found, otherwise FALSE */
int fndmbr(int idx, char *name) {
DEBUG("Looking up member '%s'\n", word)
for (mbridx=0; mbridx<mbrcnt; mbridx++) {
if (membrs[mbridx].strcti != idx) continue;
if (strcmp(membrs[mbridx].name, name) == 0) return TRUE;
return FALSE;
/* Check for variable *
* Generates error if variable is undefined *
* Args: alwreg - allow register name *
* alwcon - allow const variable *
* name - variable name */
void chksym(int alwreg, int alwcon, char *name) {
if (strlen(name) == 1 && strchr("AXY", name[0])) {
if (alwreg && valtyp != ARRAY) {
valtyp = REGISTER;
ERROR("Illegal reference to register %s\n", name, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (!fndvar(name))
ERROR("Undeclared variable '%s' encountered\n", name, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (!alwcon && (varmod[varidx] & MTCONST))
ERROR("Illegal use of const variable '%s'\n", name, EXIT_FAILURE)
/* Parse next word as struct member *
* Args: name - Struct Variable *
* Sets: name - Variable + Offset *
* valtyp - Member Type */
void prsmbr(char* name) {
expect('.'); //Check for and Skip Period
stcidx = varstc[varidx]; //Get Struct Index
if (stcidx < 0) ERROR("Variable %s is Not a Structure\n", value, EXIT_FAILURE)
getwrd(); //Get Member Name
valtyp = gettyp(); //Determine Variable Type
if (valtyp == FUNCTION) ERROR("Illegal Function Reference\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
DEBUG("Checking for member %s", word) DETAIL(" with struct index %d\n", stcidx)
if (!fndmbr(stcidx, word)) ERROR("Struct does Not Contain Member %s\n", word, EXIT_FAILURE)
sprintf(word, "+$%hhX", membrs[mbridx].offset); //Get Member Offet in Struct
strcat(name, word); //Add Offset to Struct
/* Parse next word as variable or function name *
* Args: alwreg - Allow Register Names *
* Sets: value - Identifier Name *
* valtyp - Identifier Type */
void prsvar(int alwreg, int alwcon) {
getwrd(); //Get Variable Name
valtyp = gettyp(); //Determine Variable Type
if (valtyp != FUNCTION) chksym(alwreg, alwcon, word);
strcpy(value, word);
DEBUG("Parsed variable '%s'\n", value)
if (valtyp == VARIABLE && match('.')) prsmbr(value);
/* Require and Parse Variable Name *
* Parameters: alwary - Allow Array Reference *
* Sets: vrname - operand for LDA/STA/LDY/STY */
void reqvar(int alwary) {
prsvar(FALSE, TRUE);
if (!alwary && valtyp != VARIABLE) expctd("Variable");
/* Parse IndexOf Operator *
* Sets: value - variable size (as string) *
* Returns: variable size (as integer */
int pidxof(void) {
expect('?'); //Check for and Skip SizeOf Operator
DEBUG("Parsing IndexOf operator", 0);
mbridx = -1; //Set Member Index to None
reqvar(FALSE); //Parse Variable Name to get Size Of
if (mbridx > -1) {
sprintf(value, "$%hhX", membrs[mbridx].offset);
return membrs[mbridx].offset;
ERROR("IndexOf operator requires a struct member\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
return 0; //Suppress Warning
/* Parse SizeOf Operator *
* Sets: value - variable size (as string) *
* Returns: variable size (as integer */
int psizof(void) {
expect('@'); //Check for and Skip SizeOf Operator
DEBUG("Parsing SizeOf operator", 0);
mbridx = -1; //Set Member Index to None
reqvar(FALSE); //Parse Variable Name to get Size Of
if (mbridx > -1) {
sprintf(value, "$%hhX", membrs[mbridx].size);
return membrs[mbridx].size;
if (datlen[varidx]) {
sprintf(value, "$%hhX", datlen[varidx]);
return datlen[varidx];
if (strlen(varsiz[varidx]) == 0) {
return 1;
strcpy(value, varsiz[varidx]);
if (strcmp(value, "*") == 0) ERROR("Unable to Determine Size of Variable %s\n", vrname, EXIT_FAILURE);
return atoi(value);
/* Parse Data Array */
void prsdta(void) {
dtype = DTARRY;
dlen = 0;
do {
prslit(); //Parse Literal
dattmp[dlen++] = litval;
} while (look(','));
/* Parse Data String */
void prsdts(void) {
dtype = DTSTR;
strcpy(value, word);
DEBUG("Parsed Data String '%s'\n", value)
/* Store variable data *
* Uses: value - Data to store *
* Sets: datvar[] - Variable Data *
* datlen[] - Data Length */
void setdat(void) {
int i;
if (dtype == DTBYTE) {
DEBUG("Setting variable data to '%d'\n", litval)
dlen = 1;
datvar[dsize++] = litval;
else if (dtype == DTARRY) {
DEBUG("Setting variable data to array of length %d\n", dlen)
for (i=0; i<dlen; i++) datvar[dsize++] = dattmp[i];
else {
DEBUG("Setting variable data to '%s'\n", value)
dlen = strlen(value);
for (i=0; i<dlen; i++) datvar[dsize++] = value[i];
datlen[varcnt] = dlen;
dattyp[varcnt] = dtype;
DEBUG("Total data alllocated: %d bytes\n", dsize)
/* Parse and store variable data */
void prsdat(int m) {
if ((m & MTCONST) == 0) ERROR("Initialization allowed only on variables declared CONST\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE);
DEBUG("Parsing variable data\n", 0)
if (islpre()) {dtype = DTBYTE; prslit(); } //Parse Data Literal
else if (match('"')) prsdts(); //Parse Data String
else if (match('{')) prsdta(); //Parse Data Array
else expctd("numeric or string literal");
if (alcvar || dtype == DTBYTE) setdat(); //Store Data Value
/* Add Variable to Variable table *
* Uses: vrname - variable name *
* value - variable size */
void setvar(int m, int t) {
DEBUG("Added variable '%s' ", vrname);
strncpy(varnam[varcnt], vrname, VARLEN);
varmod[varcnt] = m;
vartyp[varcnt] = t;
strncpy(varsiz[varcnt], value, 3);
varstc[varcnt] = (t == VTSTRUCT) ? stcidx : -1;
DETAIL("at index %d\n", varcnt);
/* Parse and Compile Variable Declaration *
* Uses: word - variable name */
void addvar(int m, int t) {
strcpy(vrname, word); //Save Variable Name
if (fndvar(vrname)) ERROR("Duplicate declaration of variable '%s\n", vrname, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (t == VTVOID) ERROR("Illegal Variable Type\n", 0, EXIT_FAILURE)
if (m & MTZP) {
sprintf(word, "$%hhX", zpaddr++);
asmlin(EQUOP, word);
strcpy(value, "*"); //Set Variable to Non Allocated
else if (m & MTALS) {
if (isnpre()) prsnum(0xFFFF); else prsvar(FALSE, FALSE);
asmlin(EQUOP, word);
strcpy(value, "*"); //Set Variable to Non Allocated
else {
if (t == VTSTRUCT) {
DEBUG("Setting variable size to %d\n", strct.size)
sprintf(value, "%d", strct.size);
} else if (match('[')) {
if (alcvar) {
DEBUG("Parsing array size\n", 0)
sprintf(value, "%d", prsnum(0xFF) + 1);
else value[0] = 0;
if (!alcvar) strcpy(value, "*");
setvar(m, t); //Add to Variable Table
if (look('=')) prsdat(m); //Parse Variable Data
varcnt++; //Increment Variable Counter
/* Write Variable Definitions *
* Args: m = write CONST vars flag */
void vardef(int m) {
int i, j;
DEBUG("Writing Variable Table\n", 0)
fprintf(logfil, "\n%-31s %s %s %s %s\n", "Variable", "Mod", "Type", "Size", "Struct", "Data");
dlen = 0;
for (i=0; i<varcnt; i++) {
if ((varmod[i] & MTCONST) != m) continue;
fprintf(logfil, "%-8s %3d %4d %4s %6d %1d-%d\n", varnam[i], varmod[i], vartyp[i], varsiz[i], varstc[i], dattyp[i], datlen[i]);
strcpy(lblasm, varnam[i]);
DEBUG("Set Label to '%s'\n", lblasm)
if (strcmp(varsiz[i], "*") == 0) continue;
if (varmod[i] & MTALGN) {
DEBUG("Aligning variable '%s'\n", varnam[i])
asmlin(ALNOP, "256");
if (datlen[i]) {
DEBUG("Building Data for Variable '%s'\n", varnam[i])
value[0] = 0;
for (j=0; j<datlen[i]; j++) {
if (j) strcat(value,",");
sprintf(word, "$%hhX", datvar[dlen++]);
strcat(value, word);
if (dattyp[i] == DTSTR) strcat(value, ",$00");
DEBUG("Allocating Data for Variable '%s'\n", varnam[i])
asmlin(BYTEOP, value);
else if (strlen(varsiz[i]) > 0) {
DEBUG("Allocating array '%s'\n", varnam[i])
asmlin(STROP, varsiz[i]);
else {
DEBUG("Allocating variable '%s'\n", varnam[i])
asmlin(BYTEOP, "0");
vrwrtn = TRUE;
/* Write Variable Table */
void vartbl(void) {
LCMNT("Variables declared CONST")
vardef(MTCONST); //Write CONST Definitions
//Emit Segment Mnemonic for RAM Variables here
LCMNT("Writable Variables")
vardef(0); //Write All Other Variables
/* Parse and Compile Struct Declaration */
void addstc(void) {
if (!fndstc(word)) ERROR("Undefined Struct '%s\n", word,EXIT_FAILURE)
strct = strcts[stcidx]; //Retrieve Structure
getwrd(); //Get Variable Name
/* Parse Struct Definition *
* Uses: word - Struct Name */
void defstc(void) {
DEBUG("Parsing struct definition\n", 0)
if (fndstc(word)) ERROR("Duplicate Declaration of Struct '%s\n", word,EXIT_FAILURE)
strncpy(strct.name, word, STCLEN);
DEBUG("Set struct name to '%s'\n", word);
strct.size = 0; //Initialize Struct Length
do {
getwrd(); //Get Member Name
if (wordis("CHAR")) getwrd(); //Skip Optional Type Declaration
if (fndmbr(stccnt, word)) ERROR("Duplicate Declaration of Struct Member '%s\n", word,EXIT_FAILURE)
DEBUG("Parsing member %s", word)
strncpy(membr.name, word, STMLEN); //Set Member Name
membr.strcti = stcidx; //Set Parent Struct Index
membr.offset = strct.size; //Set Offset into Struct
DEBUG("Checking for array definition\n", 0)
if (match('[')) {
membr.stype = ARRAY;
DEBUG("Parsing array size\n", 0)
membr.size = prsnum(0xFF) + 1;
else {
membr.stype = VARIABLE;
membr.size = 1;
DEBUG("Set member type to %d", membr.stype) DETAIL(" and size to %d\n", membr.size);
DEBUG("Adding member at index %d\n", mbrcnt);
membrs[mbrcnt++] = membr;
strct.size += membr.size;
} while (!look('}'));
if (strct.size > 256) ERROR("Structure Size %d Exceeds Limit of 256 bytes.\n", strct.size, EXIT_FAILURE);
DEBUG("Adding struct with size %d", strct.size) DETAIL("at index %d\n", stccnt);
strcts[stccnt++] = strct;
/* Print Struc Tables to Log File */
void logstc(void) {
fprintf(logfil, "\n%-8s %5s\n", "Struct", "Size");
for (stcidx=0; stcidx<stccnt; stcidx++) {
fprintf(logfil, "%-8s %5d\n", strcts[stcidx].name, strcts[stcidx].size);
fprintf(logfil, "\n%-8s %-8s", "Struct", "Member");
fprintf(logfil, " %5s %6s %5s\n", "Type", "Offset", "Size");
for (mbridx=0; mbridx<mbrcnt; mbridx++) {
membr = membrs[mbridx];
fprintf(logfil, "%-8s %-8s", strcts[membr.strcti].name, membr.name);
fprintf(logfil, " %5d %6d %5d\n", membr.stype, membr.offset, membr.size);