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CLK/OSBindings/Mac/Clock SignalTests/CommodoreStaticAnalyserTests.mm

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// AtariStaticAnalyserTests.m
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 11/03/2017.
// Copyright 2017 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#include "../../../Analyser/Static/StaticAnalyser.hpp"
#include "../../../Analyser/Static/Commodore/Target.hpp"
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#include <atomic>
// This test runs through a whole bunch of files somewhere on disk. These files are not included in the repository
// because they are not suitably licensed. So this path is specific to my local system, at the time I happen to be
// writing these tests. Update in the future, as necessary.
static constexpr const char *const plus4Path =
"/Users/thomasharte/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Soft/C16+4";
static constexpr const char *const vic20Path =
"/Users/thomasharte/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/Soft/Vic-20";
@interface CommodoreStaticAnalyserTests : XCTestCase
struct HitRate {
int files = 0;
int matches = 0;
HitRate &operator += (const HitRate &rhs) {
files += rhs.files;
matches += rhs.matches;
return *this;
@implementation CommodoreStaticAnalyserTests
- (HitRate)hitRateBeneathPath:(NSString *)path forMachine:(Analyser::Machine)machine {
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__block std::atomic<int> files_source = 0;
__block std::atomic<int> matches_source = 0;
auto &files = files_source;
auto &matches = matches_source;
NSDirectoryEnumerator<NSString *> *enumerator = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] enumeratorAtPath:path];
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NSMutableArray<NSString *> *items = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
while(NSString *diskItem = [enumerator nextObject]) {
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[items addObject:[path stringByAppendingPathComponent:diskItem]];
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static constexpr int BatchSize = 10;
([items count] + BatchSize - 1) / BatchSize,
dispatch_get_global_queue(QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT, 0),
^(size_t iteration) {
const auto base = iteration * BatchSize;
for(size_t index = base; index < base + BatchSize && index < [items count]; index++) {
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NSString *const fullPath = [items objectAtIndex:index];
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NSLog(@"Starting %@", fullPath);
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const auto list = Analyser::Static::GetTargets(fullPath.UTF8String);
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NSLog(@"Ending %@", fullPath);
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if(list.empty()) {
if(list.size() != 1) {
const auto &first = *list.begin();
matches += first->machine == machine;
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NSLog(@"Currently %d in %d, i.e. %0.2f",
matches.load(), files.load(), float(matches.load()) / float(files.load()));
2024-12-06 15:59:47 -05:00
return HitRate {
.files = files,
.matches = matches,
- (void)testPlus4 {
const auto hitRate =
[self hitRateBeneathPath:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:plus4Path] forMachine:Analyser::Machine::Plus4];
NSLog(@"Got hit rate of %d in %d, i.e. %0.2f",
hitRate.matches, hitRate.files, float(hitRate.matches) / float(hitRate.files));
- (void)testVic20 {
const auto hitRate =
[self hitRateBeneathPath:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:vic20Path] forMachine:Analyser::Machine::Vic20];
NSLog(@"Got hit rate of %d in %d, i.e. %0.2f",
hitRate.matches, hitRate.files, float(hitRate.matches) / float(hitRate.files));