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2020-11-01 00:39:32 +00:00
// Video.cpp
// Clock Signal
// Created by Thomas Harte on 31/10/2020.
// Copyright © 2020 Thomas Harte. All rights reserved.
#include "Video.hpp"
using namespace Apple::IIgs::Video;
namespace {
constexpr int CyclesPerTick = 7; // One 'tick' being the non-stretched length of a cycle on the old Apple II 1Mhz clock.
constexpr int CyclesPerLine = 456; // Each of the Mega II's cycles lasts 7 cycles, making 455/line except for the
// final on on a line which lasts an additional 1 (i.e. is 1/7th longer).
constexpr int Lines = 263;
constexpr int FinalPixelLine = 192;
constexpr auto FinalColumn = CyclesPerLine / CyclesPerTick;
// Converts from Apple's RGB ordering to this emulator's.
#define PaletteConvulve(x) uint16_t(x)
#define PaletteConvulve(x) uint16_t(((x&0xf00) >> 8) | ((x&0x0ff) << 8))
// The 12-bit values used by the Apple IIgs to approximate Apple II colours,
// as implied by tech note #63's use of them as border colours.
// http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/iigs/tn.iigs.063.html
constexpr uint16_t appleii_palette[16] = {
PaletteConvulve(0x0000), // Black.
PaletteConvulve(0x0d03), // Deep Red.
PaletteConvulve(0x0009), // Dark Blue.
PaletteConvulve(0x0d2d), // Purple.
PaletteConvulve(0x0072), // Dark Green.
PaletteConvulve(0x0555), // Dark Gray.
PaletteConvulve(0x022f), // Medium Blue.
PaletteConvulve(0x06af), // Light Blue.
PaletteConvulve(0x0850), // Brown.
PaletteConvulve(0x0f60), // Orange.
PaletteConvulve(0x0aaa), // Light Grey.
PaletteConvulve(0x0f98), // Pink.
PaletteConvulve(0x01d0), // Light Green.
PaletteConvulve(0x0ff0), // Yellow.
PaletteConvulve(0x04f9), // Aquamarine.
PaletteConvulve(0x0fff), // White.
2020-11-01 00:39:32 +00:00
VideoBase::VideoBase() :
VideoSwitches<Cycles>(true, Cycles(2), [this] (Cycles cycles) { advance(cycles); }),
crt_(CyclesPerLine - 1, 1, Outputs::Display::Type::NTSC60, Outputs::Display::InputDataType::Red4Green4Blue4) {
crt_.set_visible_area(Outputs::Display::Rect(0.097f, 0.1f, 0.85f, 0.85f));
// Establish the shift lookup table for NTSC -> RGB output.
for(int c = 0; c < 256; c++) {
const auto top_nibble = c >> 4;
// Otherwise, check for descending disagreements.
ntsc_shift_lookup_[c] = 4;
int mask = 0x10;
while(mask) {
if((top_nibble & mask) != (c & mask)) break;
mask >>= 1;
ntsc_shift_lookup_[c] &= 3;
void VideoBase::set_scan_target(Outputs::Display::ScanTarget *scan_target) {
Outputs::Display::ScanStatus VideoBase::get_scaled_scan_status() const {
return crt_.get_scaled_scan_status();
void VideoBase::set_display_type(Outputs::Display::DisplayType display_type) {
Outputs::Display::DisplayType VideoBase::get_display_type() const {
return crt_.get_display_type();
2020-11-01 00:39:32 +00:00
void VideoBase::set_internal_ram(const uint8_t *ram) {
ram_ = ram;
void VideoBase::advance(Cycles cycles) {
const int column_start = (cycles_into_frame_ % CyclesPerLine) / CyclesPerTick;
const int row_start = cycles_into_frame_ / CyclesPerLine;
cycles_into_frame_ = (cycles_into_frame_ + cycles.as<int>()) % (CyclesPerLine * Lines);
const int column_end = (cycles_into_frame_ % CyclesPerLine) / CyclesPerTick;
const int row_end = cycles_into_frame_ / CyclesPerLine;
if(row_end == row_start) {
2020-11-08 02:28:08 +00:00
if(column_end != column_start) {
output_row(row_start, column_start, column_end);
} else {
2020-11-08 02:28:08 +00:00
if(column_start != FinalColumn) {
output_row(row_start, column_start, FinalColumn);
for(int row = row_start+1; row < row_end; row++) {
output_row(row, 0, FinalColumn);
if(column_end) {
output_row(row_end, 0, column_end);
Cycles VideoBase::get_next_sequence_point() const {
const int cycles_into_row = cycles_into_frame_ % CyclesPerLine;
const int row = cycles_into_frame_ / CyclesPerLine;
constexpr int sequence_point_offset = (5 + 8) * CyclesPerTick;
// Handle every case that doesn't involve wrapping to the next row 0.
if(row <= 200) {
if(cycles_into_row < sequence_point_offset) return Cycles(sequence_point_offset - cycles_into_row);
if(row < 200) return Cycles(CyclesPerLine + sequence_point_offset - cycles_into_row);
// Calculate distance to the relevant point in row 0.
return Cycles(CyclesPerLine + sequence_point_offset - cycles_into_row + (Lines - row - 1)*CyclesPerLine);
void VideoBase::output_row(int row, int start, int end) {
// Reasoned guesswork ahoy!
// The IIgs VGC can fetch four bytes per column — I'm unclear physically how, but that's definitely true
// since the IIgs modes packs 160 bytes work of graphics into the Apple II's usual 40-cycle fetch area;
// it's possible that if I understood the meaning of the linear video bit in the new video flag I'd know more.
// Super Hi-Res also fetches 16*2 = 32 bytes of palette and a control byte sometime before each row.
// So it needs five windows for that.
// Guessing four cycles of sync, I've chosen to arrange one output row for this emulator as:
// 5 cycles of back porch; [TODO: include a colour burst]
// 8 windows left border, the final five of which fetch palette and control if in IIgs mode;
// 40 windows of pixel output;
// 8 cycles of right border;
// 4 cycles of sync (including the extra 1/7th window, as it has to go _somewhere_).
// Otherwise, the first 200 rows may be pixels and the 192 in the middle of those are the II set.
constexpr int first_sync_line = 220; // A complete guess. Information needed.
constexpr int blank_ticks = 5;
constexpr int left_border_ticks = 8;
constexpr int pixel_ticks = 40;
constexpr int right_border_ticks = 8;
constexpr int start_of_left_border = blank_ticks;
constexpr int start_of_pixels = start_of_left_border + left_border_ticks;
constexpr int start_of_right_border = start_of_pixels + pixel_ticks;
constexpr int start_of_sync = start_of_right_border + right_border_ticks;
constexpr int sync_period = CyclesPerLine - start_of_sync*CyclesPerTick;
// Deal with vertical sync.
if(row >= first_sync_line && row < first_sync_line + 3) {
// Simplification: just output the whole line at line's end.
if(end == FinalColumn) {
crt_.output_sync(CyclesPerLine - sync_period);
// Pixel or pure border => blank as usual.
// Output blank only at the end of its window.
if(start < blank_ticks && end >= blank_ticks) {
crt_.output_blank(blank_ticks * CyclesPerTick);
start = blank_ticks;
if(start == end) return;
// Possibly output border, pixels, border, if this is a pixel line.
if(row < 192 + ((new_video_&0x80) >> 4)) { // i.e. 192 lines for classic Apple II video, 200 for IIgs video.
// Output left border as far as currently known.
if(start >= start_of_left_border && start < start_of_pixels) {
const int end_of_period = std::min(start_of_pixels, end);
2020-11-17 02:55:41 +00:00
if(border_colour_) {
uint16_t *const pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(crt_.begin_data(2, 2));
if(pixel) *pixel = border_colour_;
crt_.output_data((end_of_period - start) * CyclesPerTick, 1);
} else {
crt_.output_blank((end_of_period - start) * CyclesPerTick);
start = end_of_period;
if(start == end) return;
// Fetch and output such pixels as it is time for.
if(start >= start_of_pixels && start < start_of_right_border) {
const int end_of_period = std::min(start_of_right_border, end);
if(start == start_of_pixels) {
// 640 is the absolute most number of pixels that might be generated
next_pixel_ = pixels_ = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(crt_.begin_data(640, 2));
// YUCKY HACK. I do not know when the IIgs fetches its super high-res palette
// and control byte. Since I do not know, any guess is equally likely negatively
// to affect software. Therefore this hack is as good as any other guess:
// assume RAM has magical burst bandwidth, and fetch the whole set instantly.
// I could spread this stuff out to allow for real bandwidth, but it'd likely be
// no more accurate, while having less of an obvious I-HACKED-THIS red flag attached.
line_control_ = ram_[0x19d00 + row];
const int palette_base = (line_control_ & 15) * 16 + 0x19e00;
for(int c = 0; c < 16; c++) {
const int entry = ram_[palette_base + (c << 1)] | (ram_[palette_base + (c << 1) + 1] << 8);
palette_[c] = PaletteConvulve(entry);
// Post an interrupt if requested.
if(line_control_ & 0x40) {
if(next_pixel_) {
const int window_start = start - start_of_pixels;
const int window_end = end_of_period - start_of_pixels;
if(new_video_ & 0x80) {
next_pixel_ = output_super_high_res(next_pixel_, window_start, window_end, row);
} else {
switch(graphics_mode(row)) {
case Apple::II::GraphicsMode::Text:
next_pixel_ = output_text(next_pixel_, window_start, window_end, row);
case Apple::II::GraphicsMode::DoubleText:
next_pixel_ = output_double_text(next_pixel_, window_start, window_end, row);
case Apple::II::GraphicsMode::LowRes:
next_pixel_ = output_low_resolution(next_pixel_, window_start, window_end, row);
case Apple::II::GraphicsMode::HighRes:
next_pixel_ = output_high_resolution(next_pixel_, window_start, window_end, row);
// TODO: support modes other than 40-column text.
// if(graphics_mode(row) != Apple::II::GraphicsMode::Text) printf("Outputting incorrect graphics mode!\n");
if(end_of_period == start_of_right_border) {
crt_.output_data((start_of_right_border - start_of_pixels) * CyclesPerTick, next_pixel_ ? size_t(next_pixel_ - pixels_) : 1);
next_pixel_ = pixels_ = nullptr;
start = end_of_period;
if(start == end) return;
// Output right border as far as currently known.
if(start >= start_of_right_border && start < start_of_sync) {
const int end_of_period = std::min(start_of_sync, end);
2020-11-17 02:55:41 +00:00
if(border_colour_) {
uint16_t *const pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(crt_.begin_data(2, 2));
if(pixel) *pixel = border_colour_;
crt_.output_data((end_of_period - start) * CyclesPerTick, 1);
} else {
crt_.output_blank((end_of_period - start) * CyclesPerTick);
2020-11-08 02:28:08 +00:00
// There's no point updating start here; just fall
// through to the end == FinalColumn test.
} else {
// This line is all border, all the time.
if(start >= start_of_left_border && start < start_of_sync) {
const int end_of_period = std::min(start_of_sync, end);
2020-11-17 02:55:41 +00:00
if(border_colour_) {
uint16_t *const pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t *>(crt_.begin_data(2, 2));
if(pixel) *pixel = border_colour_;
crt_.output_data((end_of_period - start) * CyclesPerTick, 1);
} else {
crt_.output_blank((end_of_period - start) * CyclesPerTick);
start = end_of_period;
if(start == end) return;
// Output sync if the moment has arrived.
if(end == FinalColumn) {
2020-11-17 02:55:41 +00:00
bool VideoBase::get_is_vertical_blank(Cycles offset) {
// Cf. http://www.1000bit.it/support/manuali/apple/technotes/iigs/tn.iigs.040.html ;
2020-11-17 02:55:41 +00:00
// this bit covers the entire vertical border area, not just the NTSC-sense vertical blank,
// and considers the border to begin at 192 even though Super High-res mode is 200 lines.
return (cycles_into_frame_ + offset.as<int>())%(Lines * CyclesPerLine) >= FinalPixelLine * CyclesPerLine;
void VideoBase::set_new_video(uint8_t new_video) {
new_video_ = new_video;
uint8_t VideoBase::get_new_video() {
return new_video_;
void VideoBase::clear_interrupts(uint8_t mask) {
set_interrupts(interrupts_ & ~(mask & 0x60));
void VideoBase::set_interrupt_register(uint8_t mask) {
set_interrupts(interrupts_ | (mask & 0x6));
uint8_t VideoBase::get_interrupt_register() {
return interrupts_;
void VideoBase::notify_clock_tick() {
set_interrupts(interrupts_ | 0x40);
void VideoBase::set_interrupts(uint8_t new_value) {
interrupts_ = new_value & 0x7f;
2020-11-06 01:51:00 +00:00
if((interrupts_ >> 4) & interrupts_ & 0x6)
interrupts_ |= 0x80;
void VideoBase::set_border_colour(uint8_t colour) {
border_colour_ = appleii_palette[colour & 0xf];
void VideoBase::set_text_colour(uint8_t colour) {
text_colour_ = appleii_palette[colour >> 4];
background_colour_ = appleii_palette[colour & 0xf];
void VideoBase::set_composite_is_colour(bool) {
bool VideoBase::get_composite_is_colour() {
return true;
// MARK: - Outputters.
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_char(uint16_t *target, uint8_t source, int row) const {
const int character = source & character_zones_[source >> 6].address_mask;
const uint8_t xor_mask = character_zones_[source >> 6].xor_mask;
const std::size_t character_address = size_t(character << 3) + (row & 7);
const uint8_t character_pattern = character_rom_[character_address] ^ xor_mask;
const uint16_t colours[2] = {background_colour_, text_colour_};
target[0] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x40) >> 6];
target[1] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x20) >> 5];
target[2] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x10) >> 4];
target[3] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x08) >> 3];
target[4] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x04) >> 2];
target[5] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x02) >> 1];
target[6] = colours[(character_pattern & 0x01) >> 0];
return target + 7;
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_text(uint16_t *target, int start, int end, int row) const {
const uint16_t row_address = get_row_address(row);
for(int c = start; c < end; c++) {
target = output_char(target, ram_[row_address + c], row);
return target;
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_double_text(uint16_t *target, int start, int end, int row) const {
const uint16_t row_address = get_row_address(row);
for(int c = start; c < end; c++) {
target = output_char(target, ram_[0x10000 + row_address + c], row);
target = output_char(target, ram_[row_address + c], row);
return target;
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_super_high_res(uint16_t *target, int start, int end, int row) const {
const int row_address = row * 160 + 0x12000;
// TODO: line_control_ & 0x20 should enable or disable colour fill mode.
if(line_control_ & 0x80) {
for(int c = start * 4; c < end * 4; c++) {
const uint8_t source = ram_[row_address + c];
target[0] = palette_[0x8 + ((source >> 6) & 0x3)];
target[1] = palette_[0xc + ((source >> 4) & 0x3)];
target[2] = palette_[0x0 + ((source >> 2) & 0x3)];
target[3] = palette_[0x4 + ((source >> 0) & 0x3)];
target += 4;
} else {
for(int c = start * 4; c < end * 4; c++) {
const uint8_t source = ram_[row_address + c];
target[0] = palette_[(source >> 4) & 0xf];
target[1] = palette_[source & 0xf];
target += 2;
return target;
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_low_resolution(uint16_t *target, int start, int end, int row) {
const int row_shift = row&4;
const uint16_t row_address = get_row_address(row);
for(int c = start; c < end; c++) {
ntsc_shift_ <<= 14;
const uint8_t source = ram_[row_address + c] >> row_shift;
// Convulve input as a function of odd/even row.
if((start + c)&1) {
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 4) >> 2) * 0x2222;
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 8) >> 3) * 0x1111;
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 1) >> 0) * 0x0888;
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 2) >> 1) * 0x0444;
} else {
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 1) >> 0) * 0x2222;
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 2) >> 1) * 0x1111;
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 4) >> 2) * 0x0888;
ntsc_shift_ |= ((source & 8) >> 3) * 0x0444;
// TODO: initial state?
target = output_shift(target, (c * 14) & 3);
return target;
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_high_resolution(uint16_t *target, int start, int end, int row) {
const uint16_t row_address = get_row_address(row);
for(int c = start; c < end; c++) {
ntsc_shift_ <<= 14;
uint8_t source = ram_[row_address + c];
// HACK: bit reverse, for now.
// Because I'd forgotten which order the Apple II serialises bits in, and have predicated too much upon it.
2020-11-22 03:53:26 +00:00
// TODO: undo hack.
source = ((source >> 6) & 0x01) | ((source >> 4) & 0x02) | ((source >> 2) & 0x04) | ((source >> 0) & 0x08) | ((source << 2) & 0x10) | ((source << 4) & 0x20) | ((source << 6) & 0x40);
// TODO: can do this in two multiplies, I think.
const uint16_t doubled_source =
((source&0x01) * (0x0003 >> 0)) +
((source&0x02) * (0x000c >> 1)) +
((source&0x04) * (0x0030 >> 2)) +
((source&0x08) * (0x00c0 >> 3)) +
((source&0x10) * (0x0300 >> 4)) +
((source&0x20) * (0x0c00 >> 5)) +
((source&0x40) * (0x3000 >> 6));
// Just append new bits, doubled up (and possibly delayed).
// TODO: I can kill the conditional here.
if(source & high_resolution_mask_ & 0x80) {
ntsc_shift_ |= ((ntsc_shift_ >> 1) & 0x2000) | (doubled_source >> 1);
} else {
ntsc_shift_ |= doubled_source;
// TODO: initial state?
2020-11-22 03:53:26 +00:00
target = output_shift(target, (2 + (c * 14)) & 3);
return target;
uint16_t *VideoBase::output_shift(uint16_t *target, int phase) const {
constexpr uint8_t rolls[4][16] = {
0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5, 0x6, 0x7, 0x8, 0x9, 0xa, 0xb, 0xc, 0xd, 0xe, 0xf
0x0, 0x8, 0x1, 0x9, 0x2, 0xa, 0x3, 0xb,
0x4, 0xc, 0x5, 0xd, 0x6, 0xe, 0x7, 0xf
0x0, 0x4, 0x8, 0xc, 0x1, 0x5, 0x9, 0xd,
0x2, 0x6, 0xa, 0xe, 0x3, 0x7, 0xb, 0xf
0x0, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6, 0x8, 0xa, 0xc, 0xe,
0x1, 0x3, 0x5, 0x7, 0x9, 0xb, 0xd, 0xf
#define OutputPixel(offset) {\
const auto phase_offset = ntsc_shift_lookup_[(ntsc_shift_ >> offset) & 0xff]; \
const auto raw_bits = (ntsc_shift_ >> (offset + phase_offset)) & 0x0f; \
target[13 - offset] = appleii_palette[rolls[(phase + 13 - offset - phase_offset)&3][raw_bits]]; \
#undef OutputPixel
return target + 14;